Source code for zero.display

"""Rich display system"""

import abc
from importlib import import_module
import logging
import collections
import tempfile
import colorsys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors, cycler
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
from tabulate import tabulate

from .config import ZeroConfig
from .components import Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor, OpAmp, Input, Component, Node
from .format import Quantity
from .data import Series, Response, NoiseDensity, MultiNoiseDensity

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF = ZeroConfig()

[docs]def lighten_colours(colour_cycle, factor): """Lightens the given color by multiplying (1 - luminosity) by the given factor. """ cycle = [] for this_colour in colour_cycle: try: # get RGB values from hex string or name c = colors.cnames[this_colour] except KeyError: c = this_colour c = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*colors.to_rgb(c)) new = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(c[0], 1 - factor * (1 - c[1]), c[2]) newints = tuple([int(value * 255) for value in new]) hexcode = "#%02x%02x%02x" % newints cycle.append(hexcode) return cycle
[docs]class NodeGraph: # input shapes per input type input_shapes = {"noise": "ellipse", "voltage": "box", "current": "pentagon"} def __init__(self, circuit): try: self.graphviz = import_module("graphviz") except ImportError: raise NotImplementedError("Node graph representation requires the graphviz package") self.circuit = circuit
[docs] def node_graph(self): """Create Graphviz node graph""" graph = self.graphviz.Digraph(engine=CONF["graphviz"]["engine"]) graph.attr("node", style=CONF["graphviz"]["node_style"], fontname=CONF["graphviz"]["node_font_name"], # For some reason, font size must be suppied as string. fontsize=str(CONF["graphviz"]["node_font_size"])) graph.attr("edge", arrowhead=CONF["graphviz"]["edge_arrowhead"]) graph.attr("graph", splines=CONF["graphviz"]["graph_splines"], label="Made with graphviz and Zero", fontname=CONF["graphviz"]["graph_font_name"], # For some reason, font size must be suppied as string. fontsize=str(CONF["graphviz"]["graph_font_size"])) node_map = {} def add_connection(component, conn, node): if node == 'gnd': graph.node("%s_%s" % (component, node), shape='point', style='invis') graph.edge('%s_%s' % (component, node), component+conn, dir='both', arrowtail='tee', len='0.0', weight='10') else: if not node in node_map: graph.node(node, shape='point', xlabel=node, width='0.1', fillcolor='Red') node_map[node] = node graph.edge(node_map[node], component+conn) for component in self.circuit.components: connections = ['', ''] if isinstance(component, OpAmp): attr = {'shape': 'plain', 'margin': '0', 'orientation': '270'} attr['label'] = f"""<<TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="LightSkyBlue"> <TR> <TD PORT="plus">+</TD> <TD ROWSPAN="3">{}<BR/>{component.model}</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD PORT="minus">-</TD> </TR> </TABLE>>""" connections = [':plus', ':minus', ':e'] elif isinstance(component, Inductor): attr = {'fillcolor': 'MediumSlateBlue', 'shape': 'diamond'} elif isinstance(component, Capacitor): attr = {'fillcolor': 'YellowGreen', 'shape': 'diamond'} elif isinstance(component, Resistor): attr = {'fillcolor': 'Orchid', 'shape': 'diamond'} elif isinstance(component, Input): attr = {'fillcolor': 'Orange', 'shape': self.input_shapes[component.input_type]} else: raise ValueError("Unrecognised element %s: %s" % (, component.__class__)) graph.node(, **attr) for node, connection in zip(component.nodes, connections): add_connection(, connection, return graph
[docs] def view_pdf(self): """View the graph as a PDF""" return self.node_graph().view(directory=tempfile.gettempdir(), cleanup=True)
def _repr_svg_(self): """Graphviz rendering for Jupyter notebooks.""" return self.node_graph()._repr_svg_()
[docs]class TableFormatter(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Table formatter mixin Children inheriting this class must implement the `row_cell_groups` method. """
[docs] def sanitise_cell(self, cell): if isinstance(cell, (str, np.str)): # leave strings alone return str(cell) if isinstance(cell, np.ndarray): if len(cell) == 1: # this is a single-valued array cell = cell[0] else: raise ValueError("got a multi-valued array when expecting a single number") if hasattr(cell, 'real'): if np.abs(cell) == 1: # get rid of imaginary part, retaining sign cell = np.sign(cell.real) * np.abs(cell).real else: # get rid of imaginary part cell = np.abs(cell).real # convert to float return float(cell)
@abc.abstractproperty def row_cell_groups(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def row_cells(self): """Returns an iterable of cells for each row in the table""" return [self.combine_cells(*cell_groups) for cell_groups in self.row_cell_groups]
[docs] def combine_cells(self, *cells): """Combines the specified collections of cells into a single iterable""" for collection in cells: if not isinstance(collection, collections.Iterable): # convert to list collection = [collection] yield from collection
@property def table(self): """Get unformatted table""" return self.row_cells @property def formatted_table(self): """Get formatted table""" return [self.format_row(row_cells) for row_cells in self.row_cells]
[docs] def format_row(self, cells): yield from [self.format_cell(self.sanitise_cell(cell)) for cell in cells]
[docs] def format_cell(self, cell): """Default cell formatter""" return cell
[docs] def get_base_power(self, number): """Number's base and power""" if number == 0: raise ValueError("cannot calculate power of 0") # number's nearest power of ten power = round(np.log10(number)) # divide down by power base = number / 10 ** power return base, power
[docs]class MatrixDisplay(TableFormatter): def __init__(self, lhs, middle, rhs, headers): """Instantiate matrix display with extra left and right sides""" lhs = np.array(lhs) middle = np.array(middle) rhs = np.array(rhs) headers = list(headers) if lhs.shape[1] + middle.shape[1] + rhs.shape[1] != len(headers): raise ValueError("lhs + middle + rhs second dimensions must match number of headers") self.lhs = lhs self.middle = middle self.rhs = rhs self.headers = headers super().__init__() @property def row_cell_groups(self): return zip(self.lhs, self.middle, self.rhs)
[docs] def format_cell(self, cell): """Override parent""" if cell == 0: return "---" return cell
[docs] def format_cell_text(self, cell): if not isinstance(cell, str): if np.abs(cell) == 1: # don't format zero or one cell = str(int(cell)) else: base, power = self.get_base_power(cell) exponent = "e%i" % power if power < -12: # just show power for tiny stuff cell = exponent else: cell = "%.2f" % base if power != 0: # print non-zero power cell += exponent return cell
[docs] def format_cell_html(self, cell): if not isinstance(cell, str): if np.abs(cell) == 1: # don't format zero or one cell = str(int(cell)) else: base, power = self.get_base_power(cell) if power < -12: # just show power for tiny stuff cell = "10<sup>%i</sup>" % round(np.log10(power)) else: cell = "%.2f" % base if power != 0: # print non-zero power cell += "×10<sup>%i</sup>" % power return "<td>%s</td>" % cell
def __repr__(self): """Text representation of the table""" # format table table = [[self.format_cell_text(cell) for cell in row] for row in self.formatted_table] # tabulate data return tabulate(table, self.headers, tablefmt=CONF["format"]["table"]) def _repr_html_(self): """HTML table representation""" table = "<table>" table += "<thead>" table += "<tr>" table += "".join(["<th>%s</th>" % header_cell for header_cell in self.headers]) table += "</tr>" table += "</thead>" table += "<tbody>" table += "".join(["<tr>%s</tr>" % "".join([self.format_cell_html(cell) for cell in row]) for row in self.formatted_table]) table += "</tbody>" table += "</table>" return table
[docs]class EquationDisplay(TableFormatter): def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, elements): lhs = np.array(lhs) rhs = np.array(rhs) elements = list(elements) if lhs.shape[1] != len(elements): raise ValueError("lhs second dimensions must match number of elements") self.lhs = lhs self.rhs = rhs self.elements = elements super().__init__() @property def row_cell_groups(self): return zip(self.lhs, self.rhs)
[docs] def format_coefficient_text(self, coefficient): """Format equation coefficient""" if coefficient == 0 or abs(coefficient) == 1: # don't write zeros or ones return "" return str(self.format_exponent_text(coefficient))
[docs] def format_coefficient_latex(self, coefficient): """Format equation coefficient""" if coefficient == 0 or abs(coefficient) == 1: # don't write zeros or ones return "" return str(self.format_exponent_latex(coefficient))
[docs] def format_rhs(self, rhs): """Format right hand side number""" rhs = self.format_cell(self.sanitise_cell(rhs)) if rhs == 0: # we want to show the right hand side for equations return "0" elif abs(rhs) == 1: # maybe write with sign return "%i" % rhs return rhs
[docs] def format_exponent_text(self, number): """Format number in text""" if isinstance(number, str): return number base, power = self.get_base_power(number) if power == 0: power_str = "" else: power_str = "10 ^ %d" % power if power < -12: # don't print base base_str = "" else: base_str = "%.2f" % base if power_str: # add multiplication symbol base_str += " × " return base_str + power_str
[docs] def format_exponent_latex(self, number): """Format number in LaTeX""" if isinstance(number, str): return number base, power = self.get_base_power(number) if power == 0: power_str = "" else: power_str = r"10^{%d}" % power if power < -12: # don't print base base_str = "" else: base_str = r"%.2f" % base if power_str: # add multiplication symbol base_str += r"\times" return base_str + power_str
[docs] def align_to(self, search, sequence): """Line up elements in `sequence` to `search` character or string""" # find longest line up to equals max_pos = max([item.find(search) for item in sequence]) # prepend whitespace to each item for item in sequence: # number of spaces to add n_spaces = max_pos - item.find(search) yield " " * n_spaces + item
def __repr__(self): """Text representation of equations""" lines = [] for lhs_coefficients, rhs_value in zip(self.formatted_table, self.rhs): # flag to suppress leading sign first = True clauses = [] # loop over equation coefficients for coefficient, element in zip(lhs_coefficients, self.elements): clause = "" if coefficient == 0: # don't print continue if np.sign(coefficient) == -1: # add negative sign clause += "- " elif not first: # add positive sign clause += "+ " # flag that we're beyond the first column first = False # format element if isinstance(element, Component): # current through component element_format = "I[%s]" elif isinstance(element, Node): element_format = "V[%s]" else: raise ValueError("unexpected element type") # format coefficient formatted_coefficient = self.format_coefficient_text(coefficient) if formatted_coefficient: formatted_coefficient += " × " # write coefficient and element clause += "%s%s" % (formatted_coefficient, element_format % element.label) clauses.append(clause) # add right hand side, with alignment character clauses.append("= %s" % self.format_exponent_text(self.format_rhs(rhs_value))) # make line from clauses lines.append(" ".join(clauses)) lines = self.align_to("=", lines) return "\n".join(lines) def _repr_latex_(self): """LaTeX representation of equations""" expression = r"\begin{align}" for lhs_coefficients, rhs_value in zip(self.formatted_table, self.rhs): # flag to suppress leading sign first = True # loop over equation coefficients for coefficient, element in zip(lhs_coefficients, self.elements): if coefficient == 0: # don't print continue if np.sign(coefficient) == -1: # add negative sign expression += r"-" elif not first: # add positive sign expression += r"+" # flag that we're beyond the first column first = False # format element if isinstance(element, Component): # current through component element_format = r"I_{%s}" elif isinstance(element, Node): element_format = r"V_{%s}" else: raise ValueError("unexpected element type") # write coefficient and element expression += self.format_coefficient_latex(coefficient) + element_format % element.label # add right hand side, with alignment character expression += r"&=" expression += self.format_exponent_latex(self.format_rhs(rhs_value)) # add newline expression += r"\\" expression += r"\end{align}" return expression
[docs]class BasePlotter(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def plot(self, functions, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def show(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class BaseGroupPlotter(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__(self, legend_groups=True, hidden_group_names=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.legend_groups = legend_groups if hidden_group_names is None: hidden_group_names = [] self.hidden_group_names = list(hidden_group_names)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def plot_groups(self, groups): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class MatplotlibPlotter(BasePlotter, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__(self, figure=None, title=None, legend=True, legend_loc="best", **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # Defaults. self._figure = None # Parameters. if figure is not None: self.figure = figure self.title = title self.legend = legend self.legend_loc = legend_loc def _expand_linear_axis_limits(self, dmin, dmax, step, margin): """Intelligently expand specified limits for a linearly scaled axis. This is similar in behaviour to Matplotlib when axes.autolimit_mode = round_numbers, except it applies the autoscale margin rcparam to the current y-axis limits before deciding whether to add another major tick step to the limits. The reason why this method might be used instead of the default Matplotlib behaviour is to ensure that when axis data is close to the upper or lower limit of its axis, the axis limits are expanded by a full `step` on top of the closest higher/lower step (for upper/lower limits, respectively). By default, Matplotlib will simply expand by the margin settings, which is by default 5%. Expanding by a full step is in some contexts neater. """ # closeto, le and ge adapted from :class:`matplotlib.ticker._Edge_integer` (3.2.0). def closeto(ms, edge): tol = 1e-10 return abs(ms - edge) < tol def le(x): d, m = divmod(x, step) if closeto(m / step, 1): return (d + 1) return d def ge(x): d, m = divmod(x, step) if closeto(m / step, 0): return d return (d + 1) factor = 1 + margin vmin = le(dmin * factor) * step vmax = ge(dmax * factor) * step if vmin == vmax: vmin -= 1 vmax += 1 return vmin, vmax def _expand_log_axis_limits(self, dmin, dmax, base, margin): """Intelligently expand specified limits for a log scaled axis. This is similar in behaviour to Matplotlib when axes.autolimit_mode = round_numbers, except it applies the autoscale margin rcparam to the current y-axis limits before deciding whether to add another major tick step to the limits. The reason why this method might be used instead of the default Matplotlib behaviour is to ensure that when axis data is close to the upper or lower limit of its axis, the axis limits are expanded by a full `base` on top of the closest higher/lower multiple of `base` (for upper/lower limits, respectively). By default, Matplotlib will simply expand by the margin settings, which is by default 5%. Expanding by a full step is in some contexts neater. """ def _decade_less_equal(x, base): return (x if x == 0 else -_decade_greater_equal(-x, base) if x < 0 else base ** np.floor(np.log(x) / np.log(base))) def _decade_greater_equal(x, base): return (x if x == 0 else -_decade_less_equal(-x, base) if x < 0 else base ** np.ceil(np.log(x) / np.log(base))) factor = 1 + margin vmin = _decade_less_equal(dmin * factor, base) vmax = _decade_greater_equal(dmax * factor, base) return vmin, vmax @property def figure(self): if self._figure is None: self._figure = self._create_figure() return self._figure @figure.setter def figure(self, figure): self._figure = figure def _create_figure(self): figure = plt.figure(figsize=(float(CONF["plot"]["size_x"]), float(CONF["plot"]["size_y"])))"figure created on %s", figure.canvas.get_window_title()) return figure
[docs] def show(self, tight_layout=True): if tight_layout: plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def save(self, path, **kwargs): """Save specified figure to specified path (path can be file object or string path).""" # Set figure as current figure. plt.figure(self.figure.number) # Squeeze things together. self.figure.tight_layout() plt.savefig(path, **kwargs)
[docs]class MplGroupPlotter(MatplotlibPlotter, BaseGroupPlotter, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Provides interface for plotting grouped functions.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.style_groups = [] # Plot group line style cycle. self.linestyles = ["-", "--", "-.", ":"] # Default colour cycle. self.default_color_cycle = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] # Cycles by group. These are created at runtime using the default colour cycle and the # lighten_colours() function. self._plot_group_colours = {}
[docs] def plot_groups(self, groups): for group, functions in groups.items(): if not functions: # Skip empty group. continue with self._figure_style_context(group): # Reset axes colour wheels. for axis in self.figure.axes: axis.set_prop_cycle(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"]) if self.legend_groups and group not in self.hidden_group_names: # Show group. legend_group = "(%s)" % group else: legend_group = None self._do_plot(functions, label_suffix=legend_group) self._finalise_plot()
@abc.abstractmethod def _do_plot(self, functions, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def _finalise_plot(self): """Set last plot options such as limits, using the plotted functions.""" raise NotImplementedError def _figure_style_context(self, group): """Figure style context manager. Used to override the default style for a figure. """ # Find group index. if group not in self.style_groups: self.style_groups.append(group) group_index = self.style_groups.index(group) # Get index of linestyle to use (cycles through styles, wrapping back to beginning). index = group_index % len(self.linestyles) if group not in self._plot_group_colours: # Create new cycle with brighter colours. cycle = lighten_colours(self.default_color_cycle, 0.5 ** group_index) self._plot_group_colours[group] = cycle prop_cycler = cycler(color=self._plot_group_colours[group]) settings = {"lines.linestyle": self.linestyles[index], "axes.prop_cycle": prop_cycler} return plt.rc_context(settings) def _axis_grayscale_context(self): """Sum figure style context manager. This sets the sum colors to greyscale.""" return plt.rc_context({"axes.prop_cycle": cycler(color=self._grayscale_colours)}) @property def _grayscale_colours(self): """Grayscale colour palette.""" greys = plt.get_cmap('Greys') return greys(np.linspace(CONF["plot"]["sum_greyscale_cycle_start"], CONF["plot"]["sum_greyscale_cycle_stop"], CONF["plot"]["sum_greyscale_cycle_count"]))
[docs]class BodePlotter(MplGroupPlotter): def __init__(self, scale_db=True, xlim=None, mag_ylim=None, phase_ylim=None, xlabel=None, ylabel_mag=None, ylabel_phase=None, db_tick_major_step=20, db_tick_minor_step=10, phase_tick_major_step=45, phase_tick_minor_step=15, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.scale_db = scale_db self.xlim = xlim self.mag_ylim = mag_ylim self.phase_ylim = phase_ylim if xlabel is None: xlabel = r"$\bf{Frequency}$ (Hz)" if ylabel_mag is None: if scale_db: ylabel_mag = r"$\bf{Magnitude}$ (dB)" else: ylabel_mag = r"$\bf{Magnitude}$" if ylabel_phase is None: ylabel_phase = r"$\bf{Phase}$ ($\degree$)" self.xlabel = xlabel self.ylabel_mag = ylabel_mag self.ylabel_phase = ylabel_phase self.db_tick_major_step = db_tick_major_step self.db_tick_minor_step = db_tick_minor_step self.phase_tick_major_step = phase_tick_major_step self.phase_tick_minor_step = phase_tick_minor_step @property def ax1(self): return self.figure.axes[0] @property def ax2(self): return self.figure.axes[1] def _create_figure(self): figure = super()._create_figure() # Add magnitude and phase axes. ax1 = figure.add_subplot(211) ax2 = figure.add_subplot(212, sharex=ax1) # Draw labels etc. if self.title is not None: # Use ax1 since it's at the top. We could use figure.suptitle but this doesn't # behave with tight_layout. ax1.set_title(self.title) if self.legend: ax1.legend(loc=self.legend_loc) if self.xlabel is not None: ax2.set_xlabel(self.xlabel) if self.ylabel_mag is not None: ax1.set_ylabel(self.ylabel_mag) if self.ylabel_phase is not None: ax2.set_ylabel(self.ylabel_phase) gridconf = CONF["plot"]["grid"] ax1.grid(which="major", alpha=gridconf["alpha_major"], zorder=gridconf["zorder"]) ax1.grid(which="minor", alpha=gridconf["alpha_minor"], zorder=gridconf["zorder"]) ax2.grid(which="major", alpha=gridconf["alpha_major"], zorder=gridconf["zorder"]) ax2.grid(which="minor", alpha=gridconf["alpha_minor"], zorder=gridconf["zorder"]) # Magnitude and phase tick locators. if self.scale_db: ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(base=self.db_tick_major_step)) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(base=self.db_tick_minor_step)) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(base=self.phase_tick_major_step)) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(base=self.phase_tick_minor_step)) return figure @MplGroupPlotter.figure.setter def figure(self, figure): if len(figure.axes) != 2: raise ValueError("figure must contain two axes") self._figure = figure def _do_plot(self, functions, **kwargs): for response in functions: response.draw(self.ax1, self.ax2, scale_db=self.scale_db, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, functions, **kwargs): self._do_plot(functions, **kwargs) self._finalise_plot()
def _finalise_plot(self): # Update the legend. self.ax1.legend(loc=self.legend_loc) self._set_limits() def _set_limits(self): """Set appropriate plot limits, if not explicitly specified.""" if self.xlim is not None: self.ax1.set_xlim(self.xlim) self.ax2.set_xlim(self.xlim) mag_ylim = self.mag_ylim if mag_ylim is None:"No magnitude y-axis limits specified; attempting to use reasonable values.") yinterval = self.ax1.yaxis.get_data_interval() _, mag_ymargin = self.ax1.margins() if self.scale_db: # Round up/down to nearest multiple. # Note: you might be tempted to turn on axes.autolimit_mode = round_numbers here, # which also does this rounding up/down, but also sets the log x-axis limits a full # decade lower/above. mag_ylim = self._expand_linear_axis_limits(*yinterval, self.db_tick_minor_step, mag_ymargin) else: mag_ylim = self._expand_log_axis_limits(*yinterval, 10, mag_ymargin) self.ax1.set_ylim(mag_ylim) phase_ylim = self.phase_ylim if phase_ylim is None: _, phase_ymargin = self.ax2.margins() if CONF["plot"]["bode"]["show_full_phase_limits"]:"No phase y-axis limits specified; defaulting to full span due to " "show_full_phase_limits setting.") yinterval = (-180, 180) else:"No phase y-axis limits specified; attempting to use reasonable values.") yinterval = self.ax2.yaxis.get_data_interval() phase_ylim = self._expand_linear_axis_limits(*yinterval, self.phase_tick_minor_step, phase_ymargin) self.ax2.set_ylim(phase_ylim)
[docs]class SpectralDensityPlotter(MplGroupPlotter): def __init__(self, xlim=None, ylim=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.xlim = xlim self.ylim = ylim if xlabel is None: xlabel = r"$\bf{Frequency}$ (Hz)" self.xlabel = xlabel if ylabel is None: ylabel = r"$\bf{Noise}$" self.ylabel = ylabel @property def axis(self): return self.figure.axes[0] def _create_figure(self): figure = super()._create_figure() ax = figure.add_subplot(111) # Draw labels etc. if self.title is not None: # Use ax1 since it's at the top. We could use figure.suptitle but this doesn't # behave with tight_layout. ax.set_title(self.title) if self.legend: ax.legend(loc=self.legend_loc) if self.xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(self.xlabel) if self.ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(self.ylabel) gridconf = CONF["plot"]["grid"] ax.grid(which="major", alpha=gridconf["alpha_major"], zorder=gridconf["zorder"]) ax.grid(which="minor", alpha=gridconf["alpha_minor"], zorder=gridconf["zorder"]) # Magnitude and phase tick locators. return figure @MplGroupPlotter.figure.setter def figure(self, figure): if len(figure.axes) != 1: raise ValueError("figure must contain one axis") self._figure = figure def _do_plot(self, functions, **kwargs): for function in functions: function.draw(self.axis, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, functions, **kwargs): singles = [] sums = [] for spectral_density in functions: if isinstance(spectral_density, MultiNoiseDensity): # Leave to end as we need to set a new prop cycler on the axis. sums.append(spectral_density) else: singles.append(spectral_density) self._do_plot(singles, **kwargs) with self._axis_grayscale_context(): self.axis.set_prop_cycle(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"]) self._do_plot(sums, **kwargs) # Add label to legend. self.axis.legend() self._finalise_plot()
def _finalise_plot(self): # Update the legend. self.axis.legend() self._set_limits() def _set_limits(self): """Set appropriate plot limits, if not explicitly specified.""" if self.xlim is not None: self.axis.set_xlim(self.xlim) ylim = self.ylim if ylim is None:"No y-axis limits specified; attempting to use reasonable values.") yinterval = self.axis.yaxis.get_data_interval() _, ymargin = self.axis.margins() ylim = self._expand_log_axis_limits(*yinterval, 10, ymargin) self.axis.set_ylim(ylim)
[docs]class OpAmpGainPlotter(BodePlotter): def __init__(self, frequencies=None, fstart=None, fstop=None, npoints=1000, title="Open loop gain"): super().__init__(title=title) if frequencies is None: if any([param is None for param in (fstart, fstop, npoints)]): raise ValueError("either frequencies, or all of fstart, fstop and npoints must be " "specified") frequencies = np.logspace(np.log10(Quantity(fstart)), np.log10(Quantity(fstop)), npoints) self.frequencies = np.array(frequencies)
[docs] def response(self, opamp): gain = np.array([opamp.gain(frequency) for frequency in self.frequencies]) series = Series(self.frequencies, gain) response = Response(source=opamp.node1, sink=opamp.node3, series=series) response.label = opamp.model return response
[docs] def plot(self, opamps): super().plot([self.response(opamp) for opamp in opamps])
[docs] def show(self):
[docs]class OpAmpNoisePlotter(SpectralDensityPlotter, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__(self, title, frequencies=None, fstart=None, fstop=None, npoints=1000): super().__init__(title=title) if frequencies is None: if any([param is None for param in (fstart, fstop, npoints)]): raise ValueError("either frequencies, or all of fstart, fstop and npoints must be " "specified") frequencies = np.logspace(np.log10(Quantity(fstart)), np.log10(Quantity(fstop)), npoints) self.frequencies = np.array(frequencies)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def noise(self, opamp): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def plot(self, opamps): super().plot([self.noise(opamp) for opamp in opamps])
[docs] def show(self):
[docs]class OpAmpVoltageNoisePlotter(OpAmpNoisePlotter): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(title="Voltage noise", **kwargs)
[docs] def noise(self, opamp): series = Series(self.frequencies, opamp.voltage_noise.noise_voltage(self.frequencies)) spectral_density = NoiseDensity(source=opamp.node3, sink=opamp.node3, series=series) spectral_density.label = opamp.model return spectral_density
[docs]class OpAmpCurrentNoisePlotter(OpAmpNoisePlotter): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(title="Current noise", **kwargs)
[docs] def noise(self, opamp): series = Series(self.frequencies, opamp.non_inv_current_noise.noise_current(self.frequencies)) spectral_density = NoiseDensity(source=opamp.node1, sink=opamp.node1, series=series) spectral_density.label = opamp.model return spectral_density