LISO input file parsing

Known incompatibilities

Duplicate component and node names

In LISO, nodes and components may share the same name, and the user is warned that this may lead to confusion. In Zero, nodes and components cannot share the same name.


Zero does not support the deg+ or deg- output coordinates. Please use deg instead. It also throws an error when a LISO script’s ioutput or uoutput commands contain only a phase coordinate, e.g.:

uoutput nout:deg

Such outputs could in principle be handled by Zero, but it would add complexity to the Solution and Series classes that is not worth the effort given how rare this type of output is. In order to use such scripts with Zero, simply add a magnitude unit, e.g.

uoutput nout:db:deg

Root mode

Zero does not support LISO’s root mode, meaning that the fitting tools provided in LISO for responses and noise spectra are not replicated. It is suggested to instead use Zero with a Python optimisation library such as scipy.optimize. Note that it is very important for circuit responses and noise fitting to use a well-suited optimiser, particularly one that can fit in log space. LISO’s fitting library performs very well for this purpose.


The following commands are not yet supported:

  • factor (input multiplicative factor)

  • zin (input impedance)

  • opdiff (plot op-amp input differential voltage)

  • margin (compute op-amp phase margin; replaced opstab in LISO v1.78)

  • sens (print table of component sensitivities)

Here are some commands which will probably not be supported:

  • other max or min based commands, e.g. maxinput

  • eagle (produce EAGLE file)

  • gnuterm

  • component C0805 (0805 capacitor with parasitic properties; not implemented in favour of grouping components together with macros)

Op-amp library

LISO’s op-amp library format is not supported, but the full LISO library is bundled in Zero’s native format. Among other features, Zero’s library improves on that of LISO’s by allowing an alias setting where you can specify other op-amps with the same properties.

The parameters un, uc in and ic have been renamed vnoise, vcorner, inoise and icorner, respectively.

Submissions of op-amp parameters to Zero’s library are strongly encouraged (see Op-amp library additions).

LISO Perl commands

Commands used for running LISO in a loop with pfil are not supported. Instead you can use Zero as part of a Python script to run either LISO or native Zero simulations in a loop.

Differences in behaviour

Command order

In LISO, the output must be specified after the components. In Zero, order is irrelevant.

Noisy command

noisy all|allr|allop|noise-source [all|allr|allop|noise-source] ...

The LISO manual states in section 7.3 regarding the noise sources used to calculate the sum output:

Note also that all noise sources that are included in the noise instruction, i.e. those that are plotted individually, are automatically considered “noisy”, i.e. they are always included in the sum.

In LISO, if the sum output is present but there is no noisy command, the following error is displayed:

*** Error: No noisy components! (Try 'noisy all')

In Zero, the noisy command does not need to be present as by default, even in LISO, the noise sources that contribute to the sum output always includes those specified in the output itself. The noisy command is available merely to add additional noise sources to the sum that are not explicitly plotted.

As the lack of presence of a noisy command in this case does not yield different results to LISO, only an error in one case and a reasonable output in the other, this behaviour is not considered a bug.

String lengths

LISO has a limit of 16 for most strings (component names, op-amp types, node names, etc.). In Zero the limit is effectively arbitrary.


In the case of mutual inductance commands, the name is entirely ignored. This is used in LISO only for fitting routines, which are not part of Zero.