Source code for

"""Data representation and manipulation"""

import abc
import logging
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np

from .config import ZeroConfig
from .misc import mag_to_db, db_to_mag

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF = ZeroConfig()

[docs]def frequencies_match(vector_a, vector_b): return np.all(vector_a == vector_b)
[docs]def vectors_match(vector_a, vector_b): return np.allclose(vector_a, vector_b, rtol=float(CONF["data"]["response_rel_tol"]), atol=float(CONF["data"]["response_abs_tol"]))
[docs]def spectra_match(vector_a, vector_b): return np.allclose(vector_a, vector_b, rtol=float(CONF["data"]["noise_rel_tol"]), atol=float(CONF["data"]["noise_abs_tol"]))
[docs]def argmax_difference(vector_a, vector_b): """Finds the maximum relative difference in percent between `vector_a` and `vector_b` Returns index of maximum relative difference as well as its value. """ # relative difference in percent between `vector_a` and `vector_b` difference = 100 * np.abs(vector_a - vector_b) / np.abs(vector_a) # index of maximum difference i = np.argmax(difference) return i, difference[i]
[docs]class Series: """Data series""" def __init__(self, x, y): if x.shape != y.shape: raise ValueError("specified x and y vectors do not have the same shape") self.x = x self.y = y
[docs] @classmethod def from_mag_phase(cls, x, magnitude, phase=None, mag_scale=None, phase_scale=None): """Create :class:`Series` from magnitude and phase data. Parameters ---------- x : :class:`np.array` The x vector. magnitude : :class:`np.array` The magnitude. This magnitude's scaling is determined by `mag_scale`. phase : :class:`np.array`, optional The phase. If `None`, the magnitude is assumed to have zero phase. mag_scale : :class:`str`, optional The magnitude scale. Defaults to absolute. phase_scale : :class:`str`, optional The phase scale. Defaults to degrees. Returns ------- :class:`Series` The series containing the data. Raises ------ :class:`ValueError` If the specified magnitude or phase scale is unrecognised. """ if phase is None: # set phase to zero phase = np.zeros_like(magnitude) if mag_scale is None: mag_scale = "abs" if phase_scale is None: phase_scale = "deg" if mag_scale.lower() == "db": magnitude = db_to_mag(magnitude) elif mag_scale.lower() == "abs": # don't need to scale pass else: raise ValueError(f"cannot handle scale '{mag_scale}'") if phase_scale.lower() == "deg": phase = np.radians(phase) elif phase_scale.lower() == "rad": # don't need to scale pass else: raise ValueError(f"cannot handle scale '{phase_scale}'") # convert magnitude and phase to complex complex_ = magnitude * (np.cos(phase) + 1j * np.sin(phase)) return cls(x=x, y=complex_)
[docs] @classmethod def from_re_im(cls, x, re, im): """Create :class:`Series` from real and imaginary parts. Parameters ---------- x : :class:`np.array` The x vector. magnitude : :class:`np.array` The magnitude. This magnitude's scaling is determined by `mag_scale`. phase : :class:`np.array` The phase. magnitude_scale : :class:`str`, optional The magnitude scale. Defaults to absolute. phase_scale : :class:`str`, optional The phase scale. Defaults to radians. Returns ------- :class:`Series` The series containing the data. Raises ------ :class:`ValueError` If either the real or imaginary part is complex. """ if np.any(np.iscomplex(re)) or np.any(np.iscomplex(im)): raise ValueError("specified real and imaginary parts must not be complex") # combine into complex complex_ = re + 1j * im return cls(x=x, y=complex_)
def __add__(self, other): other = getattr(other, "y", other) return self._new_series(self.y + other) def __sub__(self, other): return self + -other def __neg__(self): return self._new_series(-self.y) def __mul__(self, other): other = getattr(other, "y", other) return self._new_series(self.y * other) def __rmul__(self, other): # Series multiplication is commutative. return self * other def __truediv__(self, other): if hasattr(other, "y"): return self * other.inverse() return self._new_series(self.y * 1 / other) def __rtruediv__(self, other): return other * self.inverse() def __pow__(self, other): other = getattr(other, "y", other) return self._new_series(self.y ** other)
[docs] def inverse(self): return self._new_series(np.reciprocal(self.y))
def _new_series(self, new_y): return self.__class__(self.x, new_y) def __eq__(self, other): """Checks if the specified series is identical to this one, within tolerance""" return np.allclose(self.x, other.x) and np.allclose(self.y, other.y)
[docs]class BaseFunction(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base function container. A function represents data between one or many sources and sinks. These can be any type descending from :class:`.BaseElement`, though concrete subclasses may implement additional type constraints. Functions are designed to allow mathematical operations, such as multiplication by scalars or other functions. Concrete subclasses may implement additional constraints on allowed operations. Parameters ---------- sources, sinks : list of :class:`.BaseElement`, optional The function's sources and sinks. Defaults to empty lists. series : :class:`.Series`, optional The function's data. plot_options : :class:`dict`, optional Plot options, passed to :meth:`.matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ def __init__(self, sources=None, sinks=None, series=None, plot_options=None): self._label = None if sources is None: sources = [] if sinks is None: sinks = [] if plot_options is None: plot_options = {} self.sources = list(sources) self.sinks = list(sinks) self.series = series self.plot_options = dict(plot_options) self._set_fallback_plot_options() def _set_fallback_plot_options(self): """Set plot options in cases where user-specified options are not provided.""" if "alpha" not in self.plot_options: self._set_plot_option("alpha", CONF["plot"]["alpha"]) if "dash_capstyle" not in self.plot_options: self._set_plot_option("dash_capstyle", CONF["plot"]["dash_capstyle"]) if "linestyle" not in self.plot_options and "ls" not in self.plot_options: self._set_plot_option("linestyle", CONF["plot"]["linestyle"]) if "linewidth" not in self.plot_options and "lw" not in self.plot_options: self._set_plot_option("linewidth", CONF["plot"]["linewidth"]) if "zorder" not in self.plot_options: self._set_plot_option("zorder", CONF["plot"]["zorder"]) def _set_plot_option(self, key, value): if value is None: # Ignore empty values, to allow the user to ignore options in the configuration. return self.plot_options[key] = value @property def frequencies(self): return self.series.x
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def draw(self, *axes): raise NotImplementedError
@property def label(self): return self._format_label() @label.setter def label(self, label): self._label = label @abc.abstractmethod def _format_label(self, tex=False, suffix=None, ignore_user_label=False): raise NotImplementedError def __str__(self): return self.label
[docs] def meta_data(self): """Meta data used to provide a hash and check for meta equivalence.""" return frozenset(self.sources), frozenset(self.sinks), self.label
[docs] def equivalent(self, other): """Checks if the specified function has equivalent sources, sinks, labels and data.""" return self.meta_equivalent(other) and self.series_equivalent(other)
[docs] def meta_equivalent(self, other): """Checks if the specified function has equivalent sources, sinks, and labels. This does not check for data equality. """ return self.meta_data() == other.meta_data() \ and frequencies_match(self.frequencies, other.frequencies)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def series_equivalent(self, other): """Checks if the specified function has an equivalent series to this one.""" raise NotImplementedError
def __eq__(self, other): """Checks if the specified data set is identical to this one, within tolerance.""" return self.equivalent(other) def __hash__(self): """Hash of the data set's meta data.""" return hash(self.meta_data())
[docs]class SingleSourceFunction(BaseFunction, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Data set containing data for a single source.""" def __init__(self, source=None, **kwargs): if source is not None: sources = [source] else: sources = [] super().__init__(sources=sources, **kwargs) @property def source(self): return self.sources[0] @source.setter def source(self, source): self.sources[0] = source @property def source_unit(self): return self.source.element_unit
[docs]class SingleSinkFunction(BaseFunction, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Data set containing data for a single sink.""" def __init__(self, sink=None, **kwargs): if sink is not None: sinks = [sink] else: sinks = [] super().__init__(sinks=sinks, **kwargs) @property def sink(self): return self.sinks[0] @sink.setter def sink(self, sink): self.sinks[0] = sink @property def sink_unit(self): return self.sink.element_unit
[docs]class Response(SingleSourceFunction, SingleSinkFunction): """Data set representing a response at a sink from a source.""" @property def complex_magnitude(self): return self.series.y @property def magnitude(self): """Absolute magnitude.""" return np.abs(self.complex_magnitude) @property def db_magnitude(self): r"""Magnitude scaled in units of decibel. The response is power scaled such that the response is :math:`20 \log_{10} \left| x \right|` where :math:`x` is the complex response provided by :attr:`.complex_magnitude`. """ return mag_to_db(self.magnitude) @property def phase(self): """Phase in degrees.""" return np.angle(self.complex_magnitude) * 180 / np.pi
[docs] def series_equivalent(self, other): """Checks if the specified function has an equivalent series to this one.""" return vectors_match(self.magnitude, other.magnitude)
def _draw_magnitude(self, axes, label_suffix=None, scale_db=True): """Add magnitude plot to axes""" label = self._format_label(tex=True, suffix=label_suffix) if scale_db: # Decibel y-axis scaling. axes.semilogx(self.frequencies, self.db_magnitude, label=label, **self.plot_options) else: # Linear y-axis scaling. axes.loglog(self.frequencies, self.magnitude, label=label, **self.plot_options) def _draw_phase(self, axes): """Add phase plot to axes""" axes.semilogx(self.frequencies, self.phase, **self.plot_options)
[docs] def draw(self, *axes, **kwargs): if len(axes) != 2: raise ValueError("two axes (magnitude and phase) must be provided") self._draw_magnitude(axes[0], **kwargs) self._draw_phase(axes[1])
def _format_label(self, tex=False, suffix=None, ignore_user_label=False): if not ignore_user_label and self._label is not None: return self._label if tex: format_str = r"$\bf{%s}$ to $\bf{%s}$ (%s)%s" else: format_str = "%s to %s (%s)%s" if suffix is not None: suffix = " %s" % suffix else: suffix = "" return format_str % (self.source.label, self.sink.label, self.unit_str, suffix) @property def unit_str(self): if self.sink_unit is None and self.source_unit is None: return "dimensionless" if self.sink_unit is None: # Only source has unit. return f"1/{self.source_unit}" if self.source_unit is None: # Only sink has unit. return self.sink_unit # Both have units. return f"{self.sink_unit}/{self.source_unit}" def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Response): other_sink = other.sink other_value = other.series if self.sink_unit != other.source_unit: raise ValueError(f"Cannot multiply this response by {other}: the sink unit of this " f"response, {self.sink_unit}, is incompatible with the source " f"unit of {other}, {other.source_unit}.") elif isinstance(other, Number): other_sink = self.sink other_value = other else: # E.g. NoiseDensityBase. raise TypeError(f"Cannot multiply {self.__class__.__name__} by " f"{other.__class__.__name__}.") return self._new_response(other_sink, self.series * other_value) def __rmul__(self, other): # Note: "other" should never be another Response or NoiseDensityBase, since these functions # implement the corresponding __mul__ methods for Response. if not isinstance(other, Number): raise TypeError(f"Cannot multiply {other.__class__.__name__} by " f"{self.__class__.__name__}.") # Response-scalar multiplication is commutative. return self * other def __truediv__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Number): raise TypeError(f"Cannot divide {self.__class__.__name__} by " f"{other.__class__.__name__}. To invert, call inverse().") return self._new_response(self.sink, self.series * 1 / other) def __rtruediv__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Number): raise TypeError(f"Cannot divide {other.__class__.__name__} by " f"{self.__class__.__name__}. To invert, call inverse().") return self._new_response(self.sink, other / self.series)
[docs] def inverse(self): """Inverse response.""" return self.__class__(source=self.sink, sink=self.source, series=self.series.inverse())
def _new_response(self, new_sink, new_series): """Create a copy of this response with the specified sink and series.""" new_response = self.__class__(source=self.source, sink=new_sink, series=new_series) new_response.label = self._label return new_response
[docs]class NoiseDensityBase(SingleSinkFunction, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Function with a single noise spectral density.""" @property def spectral_density(self): return self.series.y
[docs] def series_equivalent(self, other): """Checks if the specified function has an equivalent series to this one.""" return spectra_match(self.spectral_density, other.spectral_density)
[docs] def draw(self, *axes, label_suffix=None): if len(axes) != 1: raise ValueError("only one axis supported") axes = axes[0] label = self._format_label(tex=True, suffix=label_suffix) axes.loglog(self.frequencies, self.spectral_density, label=label, **self.plot_options)
def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Response): other_sink = other.sink other_value = other.magnitude if self.sink_unit != other.source_unit: raise ValueError(f"Cannot multiply this noise by {other}: the sink unit of this " f"noise, {self.sink_unit}, is incompatible with the source unit " f"of {other}, {other.source_unit}.") elif isinstance(other, Number): other_sink = self.sink other_value = other else: # E.g. NoiseDensityBase. raise TypeError(f"Cannot multiply {self.__class__.__name__} by " f"{other.__class__.__name__}.") return self._new_noise_density(other_sink, self.series * other_value) def __rmul__(self, other): # Note: "other" should never be another Response or NoiseDensityBase, since these functions # implement the corresponding __mul__ methods for NoiseDensityBase. if not isinstance(other, Number): raise TypeError(f"Cannot divide {other.__class__.__name__} by " f"{self.__class__.__name__}.") # Noise-scalar multiplication is commutative. return self * other @abc.abstractmethod def _new_noise_density(self, new_sink, new_series): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class NoiseDensity(SingleSourceFunction, NoiseDensityBase): """Noise data series""" @property def noise_name(self): return str(self.source) @property def element_type(self): return self.source.element_type @property def noise_type(self): return self.source.noise_type def _format_label(self, tex=False, suffix=None, ignore_user_label=False): if not ignore_user_label and self._label is not None: return self._label if tex: format_str = r"$\bf{%s}$ to $\bf{%s}$%s" else: format_str = "%s to %s%s" if suffix is not None: suffix = " %s" % suffix else: suffix = "" return format_str % (self.noise_name, self.sink.label, suffix) def _new_noise_density(self, new_sink, new_series): """Create a copy of this noise density with the specified sink and series.""" new_noise = self.__class__(source=self.source, sink=new_sink, series=new_series) new_noise.label = self._label return new_noise
[docs]class MultiNoiseDensity(NoiseDensityBase): """Set of noise data series from multiple sources to a single sink""" def __init__(self, sources=None, series=None, constituents=None, label=None, **kwargs): if series is None and constituents is None: raise ValueError("one of series or constituents must be specified") elif series is not None and constituents is not None: raise ValueError("only one of series and constituents can be specified") if series is not None: # only total noise is specified self.constituent_noise = None else: # derive series from constituents # sources are derived from constituents if sources is not None: raise ValueError("cannot specify constituents and sources together") # Use first spectral density to get sink and frequencies. frequencies = constituents[0].frequencies # check frequency axes are identical if not np.all([frequencies == spectral_density.series.x for spectral_density in constituents]): raise ValueError("specified spectra do not share common x-axis") sources = [spectral_density.source for spectral_density in constituents] # store constituent series self.constituent_noise = [spectral_density.series for spectral_density in constituents] # create series noise_sum = np.sqrt(sum([data.y ** 2 for data in self.constituent_noise])) series = Series(frequencies, noise_sum) # call parent constructor super().__init__(sources=sources, series=series, **kwargs) if label is None: label = "Incoherent sum" self.label = label if constituents is not None: # check sink agrees with those set in constituents if not all([self.sink == spectral_density.sink for spectral_density in constituents]): raise Exception("cannot handle noise for functions with different sinks") def _set_fallback_plot_options(self): """Set plot options in cases where user-specified options are not provided.""" if "alpha" not in self.plot_options: self._set_plot_option("alpha", CONF["plot"]["sum_alpha"]) if "dash_capstyle" not in self.plot_options: self._set_plot_option("dash_capstyle", CONF["plot"]["sum_dash_capstyle"]) if "linestyle" not in self.plot_options and "ls" not in self.plot_options: self._set_plot_option("linestyle", CONF["plot"]["sum_linestyle"]) if "linewidth" not in self.plot_options and "lw" not in self.plot_options: self._set_plot_option("linewidth", CONF["plot"]["sum_linewidth"]) if "zorder" not in self.plot_options: self._set_plot_option("zorder", CONF["plot"]["sum_zorder"]) # Call parent after setting these options so they don't get overridden. super()._set_fallback_plot_options() @property def noise_names(self): if self.constituent_noise is None: return "unknown" return [spectral_density.noise_name for spectral_density in self.constituent_noise] def _format_label(self, *args, suffix=None, ignore_user_label=False, **kwargs): if not ignore_user_label and self._label is not None: return self._label if suffix is not None: suffix = " %s" % suffix else: suffix = "" return f"{self._label}{suffix}" def _new_noise_density(self, new_sink, new_series): """Create a copy of this noise density with the specified sink and series.""" new_noise = self.__class__(sources=self.sources, sink=new_sink, series=new_series, label=self._label) return new_noise
[docs]class Reference(BaseFunction, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__(self, frequencies, data, label=None, unit=None, **kwargs): self._sink_unit = unit super().__init__(series=Series(frequencies, data), **kwargs) if label is None: label = "Reference" self.label = label def _format_label(self, *args, suffix=None, ignore_user_label=False, **kwargs): if not ignore_user_label and self._label is not None: return self._label if suffix is not None: suffix = " %s" % suffix else: suffix = "" return f"{self._label}{suffix}" @property def sink_unit(self): return self._sink_unit
[docs]class ReferenceResponse(Reference, Response): pass
[docs]class ReferenceNoise(Reference, NoiseDensity): pass