
describe script, which modules it relies upon, etc

usage: idq-stream [-h] [-q | -v] [-w WORKFLOW] [-i INITIAL_LOOKBACK]
                  [--skip-timeseries] [--skip-report] [-p]
                  [--monitoring-cadence MONITORING_CADENCE]
                  CONFIG [START] [END]

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           If set, only display warnings and errors.
  -v, --verbose         If set, display additional logging messages.
  -w WORKFLOW, --workflow WORKFLOW
                        workflow for launching batch jobs
                        if causal batch is specified, that look back this much
                        before t_start to use as a seed to evaluate starting
                        at t_start.
  --skip-timeseries     do not generate timeseries
  --skip-report         do not generate report
  -p, --persist         if supplied, this process will persist until all child
                        processes complete, raising errors if the children are
                        not found to complete successfully. If not supplied,
                        this process will orphan its children.
  --monitoring-cadence MONITORING_CADENCE
                        if we monitor processes for completion or failure
                        (--persist), we check on them with this cadence
                        (specified in seconds). Note, this does NOT set the
                        monitoring cadence within actual jobs; those are read
                        from the config file. DEFAULT=1.000