
A list of references to original publications, algorithmic descriptions for supervised classifiers, etc. Should serve as a general bibliography for the interested reader.

  • Biswas et al. Application of machine learning algorithms to the study of noise artifacts in gravitational-wave data. PRD 88, 062003 (2013).

  • Essick, Blackburn, and Katsavounidis. Optimizing vetoes for gravitational-wave transient searches. CQG 30, 15 (2013).

  • Stephens, Flores Huerta, and Ruiz Linares. When is the Naive Bayes approximation not so naive? Machine Learning (2017).

  • Zhang. The Optimality of Naive Bayes. In FLAIRS2004 conference.

  • Kupervasser. The mysterious optimality of naive bayes: estimation of the probability in the system of “classifiers”. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 24, 1, 1-10 (2014).