A list of references to original publications, algorithmic descriptions for supervised classifiers, etc. Should serve as a general bibliography for the interested reader.
Biswas et al. Application of machine learning algorithms to the study of noise artifacts in gravitational-wave data. PRD 88, 062003 (2013).
Essick, Blackburn, and Katsavounidis. Optimizing vetoes for gravitational-wave transient searches. CQG 30, 15 (2013).
Stephens, Flores Huerta, and Ruiz Linares. When is the Naive Bayes approximation not so naive? Machine Learning (2017).
Zhang. The Optimality of Naive Bayes. In FLAIRS2004 conference.
Kupervasser. The mysterious optimality of naive bayes: estimation of the probability in the system of “classifiers”. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 24, 1, 1-10 (2014).