Source code for idq.plots

import itertools
import warnings

from astropy import units
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter, StrMethodFormatter, SymmetricalLogLocator
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import golden_ratio
import scipy.interpolate

from gwpy.plot import Plot
from gwpy.segments import DataQualityFlag
from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
from ligo.segments import segment, segmentlist

from . import utils
from . import calibration

# set plotting backend

        "font.size": 9.0,
        "axes.titlesize": 10.0,
        "axes.labelsize": 8.0,
        "xtick.labelsize": 8.0,
        "ytick.labelsize": 8.0,
        "legend.fontsize": 8.0,
        "": ["sans-serif"],
        "font.sans-serif": [
            "Helvetica Neue",
        + matplotlib.rcParams["font.sans-serif"],
        "figure.dpi": 300,
        "savefig.dpi": 300,
        "text.usetex": False,
        "path.simplify": True,
        "agg.path.chunksize": 50000,

COLORS = "b r g c m k".split()
LIGHT_COLORS = "tab:blue tab:red tab:green tab:cyan tab:pruple tab:grey".split()

PGLITCH_LABEL = r"$p(\mathrm{glitch}|\mathrm{aux})$"
LOGLIKE_LABEL = r"$\ln \Lambda^\mathrm{glitch}_\mathrm{clean}$"
EFF_FAP_LABEL = "Efficiency/FAP"

CUM_GLITCH_LIKE_LABEL = r"$P(\mathrm{aux}|\mathrm{glitch})$"
GLITCH_LIKE_LABEL = r"$p(\mathrm{aux}|\mathrm{glitch})$"
CUM_CLEAN_LIKE_LABEL = r"$P(\mathrm{aux}|\mathrm{clean})$"
CLEAN_LIKE_LABEL = r"$p(\mathrm{aux}|\mathrm{clean})$"

def color_generator():
    return itertools.cycle(COLORS)

def light_color_generator():
    return itertools.cycle(LIGHT_COLORS)

[docs]def histogram(nicknames, series, start, end, t0, legend=True, fig=None): """plot the series information in a standard histogram way""" if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax_loglike = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) ax_fap = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) # plot get_color = color_generator() for nickname in nicknames: color = next(get_color) kwargs = dict(alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA, color=color, label=nickname) loglike_series = [] fap_series = [] for s in series[nickname]: times = s.times # check that the times are relevant for the actual requested stretch truth = (start <= times) * (times < end) if not np.any(truth): continue times = times[truth] - t0 loglike_series.extend(s.loglike.series[truth]) fap_series.extend(s.fap.series[truth]) fap_series = np.array(fap_series) bins_fap = np.geomspace(np.min(fap_series[fap_series > 0]), 1, 100) ax_fap.hist(fap_series, bins=bins_fap, **kwargs) bins_loglike_pos = np.linspace(0, np.max(loglike_series), 100) bin_width = np.max(loglike_series) / 100 num_neg_bins = np.ceil(-1 * np.min(loglike_series) / bin_width) bins_loglike_neg = np.arange(-num_neg_bins, 0) * bin_width bins_loglike = np.append(bins_loglike_neg, bins_loglike_pos) ax_loglike.hist(loglike_series, bins=bins_loglike, **kwargs) # remove label from kwargs kwargs.pop("label", None) # Decorate ax_loglike.set_xlabel(f"{LOGLIKE_LABEL}") ax_fap.set_xlabel(f"{FAP_LABEL}") ax_loglike.set_ylabel("Counts") ax_fap.set_ylabel("Counts") ax_loglike.set_yscale("log") ax_fap.set_yscale("log") ax_fap.set_xscale("log") ax_fap.set_xlim(1, min(fap_series[fap_series > 0])) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.60, wspace=0.10) if legend: plt.legend(loc="best") return fig
[docs]def timeseries( nicknames, series, start, end, t0, legend=True, gch_gps=None, segs=None, strain=None, frange=(0, np.inf), ): """plot the series information in a standard way""" if strain is not None: fig = Plot(figsize=(8, 8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1, height_ratios=[2, 1, 1]) ax_q = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax_loglike = fig.add_subplot(gs[1], sharex=ax_q) ax_fap = fig.add_subplot(gs[2], sharex=ax_q) else: fig = Plot(figsize=(8, 8 / golden_ratio)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1) ax_loglike = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax_fap = fig.add_subplot(gs[1], sharex=ax_loglike) # plot if strain is not None: # create the q-transform strain.times = strain.times - (t0 * units.s) qscan = strain.q_transform( qrange=(4, 64), frange=frange, tres=0.000208, # type: ignore logf=True, ) # plot this on top of other plots ax_q.pcolormesh(qscan, vmin=0, vmax=25) ax_q.set_yscale("log") ax_q.set_xlim(start - t0, end - t0) ax_q.set_ylabel("Frequency [Hz]") ax_q.colorbar(label="Normalized energy", clim=(0, 25)) get_color = color_generator() for nickname in nicknames: color = next(get_color) kwargs = dict( alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA, color=color, label=nickname, drawstyle="steps-mid", ) for s in series[nickname]: times = s.times # check that the times are relevant for the actual requested stretch truth = (start <= times) * (times < end) if not np.any(truth): continue times = times[truth] - t0 ax_loglike.plot(times, s.loglike.series[truth], **kwargs) ax_fap.plot(times, s.fap.series[truth], **kwargs) # remove label from kwargs kwargs.pop("label", None) # decorate ax_loglike.set_ylabel(LOGLIKE_LABEL) ax_fap.set_ylabel(FAP_LABEL) # set ticks for y-axis to avoid missing ticks ax_loglike.set_yscale("symlog") locmin = SymmetricalLogLocator( linthresh=1, base=10, subs=(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9), ) ax_loglike.yaxis.set_minor_locator(locmin) ax_loglike.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(NullFormatter()) ax_fap.set_yscale("log") xlim = (start - t0, end - t0) ax_fap.set_xlim(xlim) ax_loglike.set_xlim(xlim) if legend: ax_fap.legend(loc="best") # annotate ylims = dict((ax, ax.get_ylim()) for ax in [ax_loglike, ax_fap]) # add annotation gps if gch_gps: gch_gps = np.array(gch_gps) gch_gps = gch_gps[ (start <= gch_gps) * (gch_gps < end) ] # filter by only the times that will show up gch_gps = gch_gps - t0 verts = np.empty((2, len(gch_gps)), dtype=float) gch_gps = [gch_gps] * 2 for ax, (ymin, ymax) in ylims.items(): verts[0, :] = ymin verts[1, :] = ymax ax.plot( gch_gps, verts, color="grey", linestyle="dashed", alpha=DEFAULT_SHADE_ALPHA, ) ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax) # shade the inactive segments if segs is not None: for s, e in segmentlist([segment(start, end)]) - segs: for ax, (ymin, ymax) in ylims.items(): ax.fill_between( [s - t0, e - t0], [ymin] * 2, [ymax] * 2, color="grey", alpha=DEFAULT_SHADE_ALPHA, ) ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax) # add IDQ_OK segment plot at bottom for nickname in nicknames: idq_ok_flag = DataQualityFlag(name=f"IDQ_OK_{nickname}") for s in series[nickname]: ok_series = TimeSeries(s.ok.series, t0=s.t0 - t0, dt=s.dt) idq_ok_flag |= (ok_series == 1).to_dqflag() seg_ax = fig.add_segments_bar(idq_ok_flag, ax=ax_fap) seg_ax.set_epoch(0) time_unit = seg_ax.xaxis.get_transform().get_unit_name() seg_ax.set_xlabel(f"Time [{time_unit}] relative to {t0:.3f}") # precision issues can sometimes cause bad looking (and overlapping) # ticks, round to 2 decimal places to mitigate this seg_ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(StrMethodFormatter("{x:,.2f}")) # only keep outward-facing x-axis label for ax in fig.axes: try: ax.label_outer() except Exception: pass plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1, wspace=0.1) return fig
[docs]def dataset_corner(nicknames, datasets): """generate a corner plot showing the correlations between ranks""" # get the set of all gps times present times = set() for nickname in nicknames: times = times.union(set(datasets[nickname].times)) times = np.array(sorted(times), dtype=float) # construct an array representing the data set data = np.empty((len(nicknames), len(times)), dtype=float) data[:] = np.nan for j, nickname in enumerate(nicknames): for v in datasets[nickname]: data[j][v.time == times] = v.rank # make a simple corner plot return _corner( np.transpose(data), [nickname + " " + RANK_LABEL for nickname in nicknames], linestyle="none", marker=".", )
def _corner(data, labels, color=None, linestyle="none", marker=".", fig=None): """construct a basic corner plot""" if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() else: plt.figure(fig.number) Nsamp, N = data.shape alpha = max(1.0 / Nsamp, 0.10) ranges = [] for i in range(N): m = np.min(data[:, i]) M = np.max(data[:, i]) d = 0.05 * (M - m) ranges.append((m - d, M + d)) num_bins = max(10, int(Nsamp**0.5)) + 1 bins = [np.linspace(m, M, num_bins) for m, M in ranges] for row in range(N): for col in range(row + 1): ax = plt.subplot(N, N, row * N + col + 1) if col == row: if color is None: ax.hist(data[:, col], bins=bins[col], histtype="step") else: ax.hist(data[:, col], color=color, histtype="step") else: if color is None: ax.plot( data[:, col], data[:, row], linestyle=linestyle, marker=marker, alpha=alpha, ) else: ax.plot( data[:, col], data[:, row], color=color, linestyle=linestyle, marker=marker, alpha=alpha, ) ax.set_ylim(ranges[row]) ax.set_xlim(ranges[col]) if (col == 0) and (row != 0): ax.set_ylabel(labels[row]) else: plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) if row == N - 1: ax.set_xlabel(labels[col]) else: plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) return fig
[docs]def roc(nicknames, series, datasets, fig=None, annotate_auc=False, rank_roc=False): """plot the ROC curves in a standard way""" if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() get_color = color_generator() xmin = 1e-3 for nickname in nicknames: dataset = datasets[nickname] # actually plot data if len(dataset): xmin = min(xmin, 0.1 / len(dataset)) # directly from ranks in evaluated datasets color = next(get_color) # plot based on loglike assigned by timeseries if series is not None: # update vectors to reflect the loglike they were assigned dset = dataset.copy() ranks = _evaluate_series_at_times( series[nickname], dset.times, "loglike", default=0 ) dset.evaluate(ranks) _dataset2roc( ax, dset, color=color, label=nickname + ": " + LOGLIKE_LABEL, linestyle="solid", alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA, shade_alpha=DEFAULT_SHADE_ALPHA, marker=None, annotate_auc=annotate_auc, ) if series is None or rank_roc: _dataset2roc( ax, dataset, color=color, label=nickname + ": " + RANK_LABEL, linestyle="dashed", alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA, shade_alpha=DEFAULT_SHADE_ALPHA, marker=".", ) # plot a fair coin's flip line = np.logspace(np.log10(xmin), 0, 1001) ax.plot(line, line, color="k", linestyle="dashed", alpha=DEFAULT_SHADE_ALPHA) # decorate ax.set_xlabel("FAP") ax.set_ylabel("Efficiency") ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_ylim(ymin=-0.01, ymax=1.01) ax.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=1.01) ax.legend(loc="lower right") plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.10, wspace=0.10) return fig
def _evaluate_series_at_times(series, times, key, default): segments = segmentlist([segment(s.start, s.end) for s in series]) evaluated = default * np.ones_like(times) # make mask for times within segments only mask = utils.times_in_segments(times, segments) # only evaluate times that are covered by the series # use nearest-neighbor interpolation. # otherwise, interpolation b/w 1 and lowest rank is incorrect. eval_func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( np.concatenate([s.times for s in series]), np.concatenate([getattr(s, key).series for s in series]), kind="nearest", ) evaluated[mask] = eval_func(times[mask]) return evaluated def _dataset2roc( ax, dataset, color=None, label=None, linestyle="solid", alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA, shade_alpha=DEFAULT_SHADE_ALPHA, marker="o", annotate_auc=False, ): """helper function for generating an ROC curve from a dataset""" ranks = np.array(sorted(set(dataset.ranks))) gch, cln = dataset.vectors2classes() # actually plot data # directly from ranks in evaluated datasets eff = np.zeros_like(ranks, dtype=float) fap = np.zeros_like(ranks, dtype=float) for r in gch.ranks: eff += r >= ranks eff /= len(gch) seff = (eff * (1 - eff) / len(gch)) ** 0.5 for r in cln.ranks: fap += r >= ranks fap /= len(cln) sfap = (fap * (1 - fap) / len(cln)) ** 0.5 # plot uncertainty regions if color is not None: ax.plot( fap, eff, drawstyle="steps", color=color, marker=marker, label=label, linestyle=linestyle, alpha=alpha, ) if annotate_auc: _annotate_roc_auc(ax, eff, fap) else: color = ax.plot( fap, eff, drawstyle="steps", marker=marker, label=label, linestyle=linestyle, alpha=alpha, )[0].get_color() if annotate_auc: _annotate_roc_auc(ax, eff, fap) for e, se, f, sf, r in zip(eff, seff, fap, sfap, ranks): ax.fill_between( [f - sf, f + sf], [e - se] * 2, [e + se] * 2, color=color, alpha=shade_alpha ) return color
[docs]def calibration_distribs( nicknames, calibmaps, legend=True, fig=None, pdf_ymin=1e-4, pdf_ymax=1e4 ): """plot the distributions over observed ranks and the calibration KDEs""" if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax_cum_gch = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) ax_cum_cln = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) ax_gch = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) ax_cln = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) get_color = color_generator() # plot histograms of ranks within dataset num = np.sum([len(calibmaps[nickname]) for nickname in nicknames]) alpha = max(0.1, 1 / num) shade_alpha = max(0.05, alpha / 2.0) for nickname in nicknames: kwargs = dict(alpha=alpha, label=nickname, color=next(get_color)) fill_between_kwargs = dict(alpha=shade_alpha, color=kwargs["color"]) # plot distributions stored within calibration maps for calibmap in calibmaps[nickname].values(): for ax_cum, ax, kde in [ (ax_cum_cln, ax_cln, calibmap._cln_kde), (ax_cum_gch, ax_gch, calibmap._gch_kde), ]: # control the number and placement of bins by hands # so we don't end up with enormous things ranks = kde.ranks # extract data # cumulative distributions cdf = 1.0 - kde.cdf(ranks) cdf_low = 1.0 - kde.cdf_quantile(ranks, 0.16) cdf_high = 1.0 - kde.cdf_quantile(ranks, 0.84) # differential distributions pdf = kde.pdf(ranks) pdf_low = kde.pdf_quantile(ranks, 0.16) pdf_high = kde.pdf_quantile(ranks, 0.84) # actually plot if isinstance(kde, calibration.FixedBandwidth1DKDE): # continuous case ax_cum.plot(ranks, cdf, **kwargs) # remove this so we do not repeatedly label kwargs.pop("label", None) ax_cum.hist( kde.obs, bins=ranks, histtype="step", density=True, cumulative=-1, linestyle="dashed", **kwargs, ) ax_cum.fill_between(ranks, cdf_low, cdf_high, **fill_between_kwargs) ax.plot(ranks, pdf, **kwargs) ax.fill_between(ranks, pdf_low, pdf_high, **fill_between_kwargs) else: # discrete case ax_cum.step(ranks, cdf, where="post", marker=".", **kwargs) kwargs.pop("label", None) ax_cum.hist( kde.obs, bins=[0] + list(ranks) + [1], histtype="step", density=True, cumulative=-1, linestyle="dashed", **kwargs, ) for r, R, l, h in zip( ranks[:-1], ranks[1:], cdf_low[:-1], cdf_high[:-1] ): ax_cum.fill_between( [r, R], [l] * 2, [h] * 2, **fill_between_kwargs ) if len(ranks): ax_cum.fill_between( [ranks[-1], 1], [cdf_low[-1]] * 2, [cdf_high[-1]] * 2, **fill_between_kwargs, ) ax.plot(ranks, pdf, linestyle="none", marker=".", **kwargs) for r, l, h in zip(ranks, pdf_low, pdf_high): ax.plot([r] * 2, [l, h], **fill_between_kwargs) # decorate ax_cum_gch.set_ylabel(CUM_GLITCH_LIKE_LABEL) ax_cum_cln.set_ylabel(CUM_CLEAN_LIKE_LABEL) ax_gch.set_ylabel(GLITCH_LIKE_LABEL) ax_cln.set_ylabel(CLEAN_LIKE_LABEL) xlim = (0.0, 1.0) ylim = (0.0, 1.0) for ax in [ax_cum_gch, ax_cum_cln]: plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) for ax in [ax_gch, ax_cln]: ax.set_xlabel(RANK_LABEL) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_yscale("log") ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ymin = max(pdf_ymin, ymin) if pdf_ymin > 0 else ymin ymax = min(pdf_ymax, ymax) if pdf_ymax > 0 else ymax ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax) for ax in [ax_cum_cln, ax_cln]: ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") if legend: ax_cum_cln.legend(loc="best") plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) return fig
def _annotate_roc_auc(ax, eff, fap): areaUC = np.trapz(eff, fap) * -1 # integrated on [1,0], so reverse ax.fill_between( fap, eff, facecolor="lightblue", step="pre", alpha=0.7, label=f"AUC = {areaUC:1.4f}", ) def _series2coverage(series, dataset, key): num = len(dataset) if num: # there are samples to use evaluated = _evaluate_series_at_times(series, dataset.times, key, default=1) vals, counts = np.unique(evaluated, return_counts=True) nom, frc = np.transpose( np.array([(val, count) for val, count in zip(vals, counts)], dtype=float) ) order = nom.argsort() nom = nom[order] frc = np.cumsum(frc[order]) / num return nom, frc, (frc * (1 - frc) / num) ** 0.5 else: return ( np.array([], dtype=float), np.array([], dtype=float), np.array([], dtype=float), ) def _map2coverage(calibmaps, key): data = [] for calibmap in calibmaps.values(): if key == "fap": this_ranks = calibmap._cln_dataset.ranks this_data = calibmap.fap(this_ranks) elif key == "eff": this_ranks = calibmap._gch_dataset.ranks this_data = calibmap.eff(this_ranks) data.append(this_data) data = np.concatenate(data) num = len(data) if num: vals, counts = np.unique(data, return_counts=True) nom, frc = np.transpose( np.array([(val, count) for val, count in zip(vals, counts)], dtype=float) ) order = nom.argsort() nom = nom[order] frc = np.cumsum(frc[order]) / num return nom, frc, (frc * (1 - frc) / num) ** 0.5 else: return ( np.array([], dtype=float), np.array([], dtype=float), np.array([], dtype=float), )
[docs]def calibration_coverage( nicknames, series, datasets, calibmaps, legend=True, fig=None, plot_map_coverage=False, ): """plot the calibration coverage in a standard way""" if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax_eff = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) ax_fap = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) get_color = color_generator() get_color_light = light_color_generator() # prepare data min_fap = 1e-3 for nickname in nicknames: gch, cln = datasets[nickname].vectors2classes() color = next(get_color) # plot efficiency if plot_map_coverage: light_color = next(get_color_light) obs_eff_map, frac_eff_map, s_eff_map = _map2coverage( calibmaps[nickname], "eff" ) ax_eff.plot( obs_eff_map, frac_eff_map, linestyle="None", marker="+", color=light_color, alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA, label=nickname, )[0].get_color() obs_eff, frac_eff, s_eff = _series2coverage(series[nickname], gch, "eff") ax_eff.plot( obs_eff, frac_eff, linestyle="None", marker=".", color=color, alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA, label=nickname, )[0].get_color() for x, y, dy in zip(obs_eff, frac_eff, s_eff): ax_eff.plot( [x] * 2, [y - dy, y + dy], color=color, alpha=DEFAULT_SHADE_ALPHA ) # plot fap if plot_map_coverage: obs_fap_map, frac_fap_map, s_fap_map = _map2coverage( calibmaps[nickname], "fap" ) ax_fap.plot( obs_fap_map, frac_fap_map, linestyle="None", marker="+", color=light_color, alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA, label=nickname, ) obs_fap, frac_fap, s_fap = _series2coverage(series[nickname], cln, "fap") ax_fap.plot( obs_fap, frac_fap, linestyle="None", marker=".", color=color, alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA, label=nickname, ) for x, y, dy in zip(obs_fap, frac_fap, s_fap): ax_fap.plot( [x] * 2, [y - dy, y + dy], color=color, alpha=DEFAULT_SHADE_ALPHA ) if np.any(obs_fap > 0): min_fap = min(np.min(obs_fap[obs_fap > 0]), min_fap) # plot reference lines x = np.logspace(np.log10(min_fap), 0, 1001) ax_eff.plot(x, x, color="k", alpha=DEFAULT_SHADE_ALPHA, linestyle="dashed") ax_fap.plot(x, x, color="k", alpha=DEFAULT_SHADE_ALPHA, linestyle="dashed") # decorate if legend: ax_fap.legend(loc="best") ax_eff.set_xlabel("Nominal Efficiency") ax_eff.set_ylabel("Observed Fraction") ax_fap.set_xlabel("Nominal FAP") ax_fap.set_ylabel("Observed Fraction") ax_fap.yaxis.tick_right() ax_fap.yaxis.set_label_position("right") lim = (0.0, 1.0) ax_eff.set_xlim(lim) ax_eff.set_ylim(lim) lim = (min_fap, 1) ax_fap.set_xlim(lim) ax_fap.set_ylim(lim) ax_fap.set_xscale("log") ax_fap.set_yscale("log") plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) return fig
def _fap_error_bounds(obs_fap, frac_fap, frac_fap_err): obs_fap_err = (obs_fap * (1 - obs_fap) / len(obs_fap)) ** 0.5 dfap = (obs_fap - frac_fap) / frac_fap # error propagation for subtraction in dfap # leave out square root b/c squared in dfap_err dfap_err_sub = np.power(obs_fap_err, 2) + np.power(frac_fap_err, 2) # total error from subtraction and division with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) dfap_err_base = (dfap_err_sub / np.power(obs_fap - frac_fap, 2)) + np.power( frac_fap_err / frac_fap, 2 ) dfap_err = np.power(dfap_err_base, 0.5) * dfap # calculate lower/upper bounds dfap_plus_error = (dfap + dfap_err) * 100 dfap_minus_error = (dfap - dfap_err) * 100 dfap_upper = np.maximum(dfap_plus_error, dfap_minus_error) dfap_lower = np.minimum(dfap_plus_error, dfap_minus_error) return dfap, dfap_upper, dfap_lower
[docs]def calibration_accuracy( nicknames, calibmaps, series, datasets, legend=True, fig=None, plot_map_coverage=False, ): """plot the calibration accuracy""" if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() get_color = color_generator() get_color_light = light_color_generator() min_fap = 1e-3 for nickname in nicknames: color = next(get_color) gch, cln = datasets[nickname].vectors2classes() # calculate expected/observed FAP obs_fap, frac_fap, frac_fap_err = _series2coverage(series[nickname], cln, "fap") dfap, dfap_upper, dfap_lower = _fap_error_bounds( obs_fap, frac_fap, frac_fap_err ) min_fap = min(np.min(obs_fap[obs_fap > 0]), min_fap) obs_fap_health = obs_fap # same but for the calibration map if plot_map_coverage: obs_fap_map, frac_fap_map, frac_fap_err_map = _map2coverage( calibmaps[nickname], "fap" ) dfap_map, dfap_upper_map, dfap_lower_map = _fap_error_bounds( obs_fap_map, frac_fap_map, frac_fap_err_map ) obs_fap_health = obs_fap_map min_fap = min(np.min(obs_fap_map[obs_fap_map > 0]), min_fap) # plot health bands size = obs_fap_health.size health_colors = ["#cc3300", "#ffcc00", "#339900"] thresholds = [200, 100, 50] for health_color, threshold in zip(health_colors, thresholds): plt.fill_between( obs_fap_health, np.full(size, threshold), np.full(size, -threshold), hatch="XX", facecolor="none", edgecolor=health_color, ) # plot FAP + error bounds plt.plot( obs_fap, dfap * 100, color=color, alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA, label=f"{nickname}-series", ) plt.fill_between( obs_fap, dfap_upper, dfap_lower, color=color, alpha=DEFAULT_SHADE_ALPHA, ) if plot_map_coverage: light_color = next(get_color_light) plt.plot( obs_fap_map, dfap_map * 100, color=light_color, alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA, label=f"{nickname}-map", ) plt.fill_between( obs_fap_map, dfap_upper_map, dfap_lower_map, color=light_color, alpha=DEFAULT_SHADE_ALPHA, ) plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.xlim(1, min_fap) plt.ylim(-200, 200) plt.xscale("log") plt.ylabel("dFAP/FAP (% error)") plt.xlabel("Nominal FAP") plt.legend() return fig
[docs]def featureimportance( nicknames, models, classifiers, start, end, datasets=None, t0=None, segdict=None, skip_plot=False, **kwargs, ): """delegate to models heavily here""" seg = segmentlist([segment(start, end)]) # limit segs to cover only series if available if segdict is not None: all_segs = segmentlist( [ segs for nickname in nicknames for model in models[nickname].values() for segs in segdict[nickname][model.model_id] ] ) all_segs.coalesce() all_segs &= seg if t0 is None: t0 = start figs = dict() tabs = dict() for nickname in nicknames: if datasets: working_dataset = datasets[nickname].copy() if segdict is not None: working_dataset.filter(all_segs) else: working_dataset = None f = dict() t = dict() classifier = classifiers[nickname] for key, model in models[nickname].items(): classifier.model = model # only show feature importances over time in which model was evaluated for if segdict is not None: intersection = seg & segdict[nickname][model.model_id] if utils.livetime(intersection) == 0: raise ValueError( "no overlap between target segment and segdict for " + model.model_id ) start, end = intersection.extent() # make a figure if not skip_plot: try: fig = classifier.feature_importance_figure( working_dataset, start, end, t0, **kwargs ) fig.suptitle( "%s Feature Importance within [%.3f, %.3f)" % (nickname, start, end) ) f[key] = fig except NotImplementedError: f[key] = None else: f[key] = None # make a table try: dataset = working_dataset if not skip_plot else None t[key] = classifier.feature_importance_table(dataset, **kwargs) except NotImplementedError: t[key] = None figs[nickname] = f tabs[nickname] = t return figs, tabs
[docs]def save(path, fig): """ save figure to disk and close """ fig.savefig(path) plt.close(fig)