Module containing the main input class
Superclass of input handlers |
Module Contents
- class bilby_pipe.input.Input(args, unknown_args, print_msg=True)[source]
Superclass of input handlers
- property data_generation_log_directory[source]
The path to the directory where generation logs will be stored
- property data_analysis_log_directory[source]
The path to the directory where analysis logs will be stored
- property summary_log_directory[source]
The path to the directory where pesummary logs will be stored
- property final_result_directory[source]
The path to the directory where final result output will be stored
- property timeslide_file[source]
Timeslide file.
Timeslide file containing the list of timeslides to apply to each detector’s start time.
- read_timeslide_file()[source]
Read timeslide file.
Each row of file is an array, hence ndmin = 2 [ [timshift1,…], [], [] …]
- _parse_timeslide_file()[source]
Parse the timeslide file and check for correctness.
Sets the attribute “timeslides” if timeslide file correctly formatted and passed to Inputs()
- get_timeslide_dict(idx)[source]
Return a specific timeslide value from the timeslide file.
Given an index, the dict of {detector: timeslide value} is created for the specific index and returned.
- property bilby_frequency_domain_source_model[source]
The bilby function to pass to the waveform_generator
This can be a function defined in an external package.
- get_bilby_source_model_function(model_string)[source]
Method to return a bilby frequency domain source model function given a string.
- get_injection_waveform_arguments()[source]
Get the dict of the waveform arguments needed for creating injections.
Defaults the injection-waveform-approximant to waveform-approximant, if no injection-waveform-approximant provided. Note that the default waveform-approximant is IMRPhenomPv2.
- property frequency_domain_source_model[source]
String of which frequency domain source model to use
- property minimum_frequency[source]
The minimum frequency
If a per-detector dictionary is given, this will return the minimum frequency value. To access the dictionary, see self.minimum_frequency_dict
- property maximum_frequency[source]
The maximum frequency
If a per-detector dictionary is given, this will return the maximum frequency value. To access the dictionary, see self.maximum_frequency_dict
- property prior_dict[source]
The input prior_dict from the ini (if given)
Note, this is not the bilby prior (see self.priors for that), this is a key-val dictionary where the val’s are strings which are converting into bilby priors in `_get_prior
- static _convert_prior_dict_key(key)[source]
Converts the prior dict key to standard form
In the ini read, mass_1 -> mass-1, this corrects for that
- _get_priors(add_time=True)[source]
Construct the priors
- Parameters:
- add_time: bool
If True, the time prior is constructed from either the prior file or the trigger time. If False (used for the overview page where a single time-prior doesn’t make sense), this isn’t added to the prior
- Returns:
- prior: bilby.core.prior.PriorDict
The generated prior
- update_sampler_kwargs_conditional_on_request_cpus()[source]
If the user adds request-cpu >1, update npool in the sampler kwargs