This executable will process an ongoing bilby_mcmc analyses to produce a
combined result. The executable is assumed to be run from the submit
directory (e.g., where the .ini file is) and on the submit machine.
Note: if your analysis uses HTCondor file transfer (transfer-files=True), the
resume files required for processing will not exist on the submit machine until
the job has completed. You will need to use bilby_pipe_htcondor_sync to first
sync the files to the submit machine, then run bilby_pipe_process_bilby_mcmc.
glob_and_filter_files (args, globpath)
get_resume_file_paths (args, label)
extract_label_from_filename (filename)
check_unique_file (files, ftype)
find_data_dump_file (args)
find_config (args)
get_output_fname (outdir_result, resume_files[, ...])
update_convergence_inputs (args, ptsampler)
get_args ()
process_sampler (ptsampler, analysis, outdir, args)
main ()
extract_chain_data (ptsampler)
create_convergence_plot (chain_data, result_fname)
Module Contents
bilby_pipe.process_bilby_mcmc.RESULT_SUBDIR = 'result'[source]
class bilby_pipe.process_bilby_mcmc.Dummy[source]
class bilby_pipe.process_bilby_mcmc.RobustUnpickler(*args, **kwds)[source]
Bases: dill.Unpickler
python’s Unpickler extended to interpreter sessions and more types
find_class(module, name)[source]
Return an object from a specified module.
If necessary, the module will be imported. Subclasses may override
this method (e.g. to restrict unpickling of arbitrary classes and
This method is called whenever a class or a function object is
needed. Both arguments passed are str objects.
bilby_pipe.process_bilby_mcmc.glob_and_filter_files(args, globpath)[source]
bilby_pipe.process_bilby_mcmc.get_resume_file_paths(args, label)[source]
bilby_pipe.process_bilby_mcmc.check_unique_file(files, ftype)[source]
bilby_pipe.process_bilby_mcmc.get_output_fname(outdir_result, resume_files, naming_method='datetime', extension='json')[source]
bilby_pipe.process_bilby_mcmc.update_convergence_inputs(args, ptsampler)[source]
bilby_pipe.process_bilby_mcmc.process_sampler(ptsampler, analysis, outdir, args)[source]
bilby_pipe.process_bilby_mcmc.create_convergence_plot(chain_data, result_fname)[source]