
This executable will process an ongoing bilby_mcmc analyses to produce a combined result. The executable is assumed to be run from the submit directory (e.g., where the .ini file is) and on the submit machine.


If your analysis uses HTCondor file transfer (transfer-files=True), the resume files required for processing will not exist on the submit machine until the job has completed. You will need to use bilby_pipe_htcondor_sync to first sync the files to the submit machine, then run bilby_pipe_process_bilby_mcmc.

usage: bilby_pipe_process_mcmc [-h] [-o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [--npool NPOOL]
                               [--thin-by-nact THIN_BY_NACT] [--plot]
                               [--pt-rejection-sample PT_REJECTION_SAMPLE]
                               [-n NAMING_METHOD]
                               [--filter-match FILTER_MATCH]
                               [--filter-antimatch FILTER_ANTIMATCH]
                               [--minimum-independent-samples MINIMUM_INDEPENDENT_SAMPLES]

Positional Arguments


Directory to process: this should be the “outdir” specified in the configuration file

Named Arguments

-o, --output-directory

Directory to write outputs, if not given directory is used.


Multiprocess using npool

Default: 1


Overwrite the thin-by nact used.


Create plots for each individual sampler.

Default: False


Create convergence check plots.

Default: False


If True, use pt_rejection_sampling.

Default: False

-n, --naming-method

Naming method for output. If ‘datetime’, name the file by thetime it was written. If ‘final’ name it as if it was final.

Default: 'datetime'


Filter globbed files against this: anything not containing filter-match is discarded. Can use regex for matching.


Filter globbed files against this: anything containing filter-antimatch is discarded. Can use regex for matching.


If given, ignore the conversion_function

Default: False


The minimum number of independent samples per chain.

Default: 50