Source code for bilby_pipe.process_bilby_mcmc


This executable will process an ongoing bilby_mcmc analyses to produce a
combined result. The executable is assumed to be run from the submit
directory (e.g., where the .ini file is) and on the submit machine.

Note: if your analysis uses HTCondor file transfer (transfer-files=True), the
resume files required for processing will not exist on the submit machine until
the job has completed. You will need to use bilby_pipe_htcondor_sync to first
sync the files to the submit machine, then run bilby_pipe_process_bilby_mcmc.


import argparse
import copy
import datetime
import glob
import logging
import os
import sys

import dill
import numpy as np

import bilby
from bilby.bilby_mcmc.sampler import Bilby_MCMC
from bilby.bilby_mcmc.utils import ConvergenceInputs
from bilby.core.utils import loaded_modules_dict
from bilby.core.utils import logger as bilby_logger
from bilby_pipe.data_analysis import (
from bilby_pipe.utils import logger as bilby_pipe_logger


[docs] RESULT_SUBDIR = "result"
[docs] class Dummy: pass
[docs] class RobustUnpickler(dill.Unpickler):
[docs] def find_class(self, module, name): try: return super().find_class(module, name) except AttributeError as e: print(f"WARNING: AttributeError raised: {e}") return Dummy
[docs] def glob_and_filter_files(args, globpath): files = glob.glob(globpath) if args.filter_match is not None: files = [f for f in files if args.filter_match in f] if args.filter_antimatch is not None: files = [f for f in files if args.filter_antimatch not in f] return files
[docs] def get_resume_file_paths(args, label): # Identify existing resume files path = os.path.join(, RESULT_SUBDIR, f"{label}*resume.pickle") resume_files = glob_and_filter_files(args, path) if len(resume_files) > 0: print(f"Reading in {len(resume_files)} checkpoint files from {path}") else: print("No checkpoint files found, exiting") sys.exit() return resume_files
[docs] def extract_label_from_filename(filename): filename = os.path.basename(filename) return filename.replace("_resume.pickle", "")
[docs] def check_unique_file(files, ftype): if len(files) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Multiple {ftype} files found, aborting") elif len(files) == 0: raise ValueError(f"No {ftype} files found, aborting")
[docs] def find_data_dump_file(args): path = os.path.join(, "data", "*dump.pickle") dd_files = glob.glob(path) check_unique_file(dd_files, "data dump") fname = dd_files[0] print(f"Using data dump file {fname}") return fname
[docs] def find_config(args): path = os.path.join(, "*ini") config_files = glob.glob(path) check_unique_file(config_files, "config") fname = config_files[0] print(f"Using config file {fname}") return fname
[docs] def get_output_fname( outdir_result, resume_files, naming_method="datetime", extension="json" ): file_labels = [ rf.split("/")[-1].replace("_resume.pickle", "") for rf in resume_files ] base_labels = {bl.split("_par")[0] for bl in file_labels} if len(base_labels) > 1: raise ValueError("Processing error: resume files mismatch") else: base_label = list(base_labels)[0] if naming_method == "datetime": now ="%y%m%d-%H%M") fname = f"{outdir_result}/{base_label}_PRELIM_result{now}.{extension}" elif naming_method == "final": fname = f"{outdir_result}/{base_label}_merge_result.{extension}" else: fname = f"{outdir_result}/{base_label}_PRELIM_resultA.{extension}" index = "resultA" while os.path.isfile(fname): new_index = index[:-1] + chr(ord(index[-1]) + 1) fname = fname.replace(index, new_index) index = new_index return fname
[docs] def update_convergence_inputs(args, ptsampler): # Read in convergence inputs from sampler inputs = dict() s0 = ptsampler.sampler_list[0] for field in ConvergenceInputs._fields: if hasattr(s0.chain, field): inputs[field] = getattr(s0.chain, field) elif hasattr(s0, field): inputs[field] = getattr(s0, field) elif hasattr(ptsampler, field): inputs[field] = getattr(ptsampler, field) else: raise ValueError(f"Unable to handle {field}") # Overwrite convergence inputs if args.thin_by_nact: inputs["thin_by_nact"] = args.thin_by_nact ci = ConvergenceInputs(**inputs) ptsampler.set_convergence_inputs(ci) return ptsampler
[docs] def get_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( "directory", type=str, help=( 'Directory to process: this should be the "outdir" specified in ' " the configuration file" ), ) parser.add_argument("--npool", type=int, default=1, help="Multiprocess using npool") parser.add_argument( "--thin-by-nact", type=float, default=None, help="Overwrite the thin-by nact used.", ) parser.add_argument( "--plot", action="store_true", help="Create plots for each individual sampler." ) parser.add_argument( "--diagnostic", action="store_true", help="Create diagnostic plots." ) parser.add_argument( "--pt-rejection-sample", type=bool, default=False, help="If True, use pt_rejection_sampling.", ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--naming-method", type=str, default="datetime", help=( "Naming method for output. If 'datetime', name the file by the" "time it was written. If 'final' name it as if it was final." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--filter-match", type=str, default=None, help=( "Filter globbed files against this: anything not containing " "filter-match is discarded." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--filter-antimatch", type=str, default=None, help=( "Filter globbed files against this: anything containing " "filter-antimatch is discarded." ), ) return parser.parse_args()
[docs] def process_sampler(ptsampler, analysis, outdir, args): # Obtain likelihood and priors likelihood, search_priors = analysis.get_likelihood_and_priors() priors = analysis.priors ind_label = ptsampler.label result_kwargs = dict( label=ind_label, outdir=outdir, sampler=analysis.sampler, search_parameter_keys=priors.non_fixed_keys, fixed_parameter_keys=priors.fixed_keys, constraint_parameter_keys=priors.constraint_keys, priors=priors, meta_data=analysis.meta_data, injection_parameters=analysis.meta_data["injection_parameters"], sampler_kwargs=analysis.sampler_kwargs, use_ratio=True, ) if analysis.result_class is None: result =**result_kwargs) else: result = analysis.result_class(**result_kwargs) ptsampler = update_convergence_inputs(args, ptsampler) result = Bilby_MCMC.add_data_to_result( result=result, ptsampler=ptsampler, outdir=outdir, label=ind_label, make_plots=args.plot, ) result.outdir = outdir prior_class = analysis.priors.__class__ search_priors_copy = copy.deepcopy(prior_class(search_priors)) likelihood_copy = copy.deepcopy(likelihood) if likelihood.jitter_time: result.search_parameter_keys.append("time_jitter") # Convert sampling time into seconds result.sampling_time = result.sampling_time.total_seconds() if ptsampler.use_ratio: result.log_noise_evidence = likelihood.noise_log_likelihood() result.log_bayes_factor = result.log_evidence result.log_evidence = result.log_bayes_factor + result.log_noise_evidence else: result.log_noise_evidence = likelihood.noise_log_likelihood() result.log_bayes_factor = result.log_evidence - result.log_noise_evidence conversion_function = analysis.parameter_generation if None not in [result.injection_parameters, conversion_function]: result.injection_parameters = conversion_function(result.injection_parameters) result.samples_to_posterior( likelihood=likelihood_copy, priors=search_priors_copy, conversion_function=analysis.parameter_generation, npool=args.npool, ) result.meta_data["likelihood"] = likelihood_copy.meta_data result.meta_data["loaded_modules"] = loaded_modules_dict() result.posterior["log_likelihood"] = ptsampler.samples["logl"] result.posterior = result.posterior.drop(columns=["waveform_approximant"]) result.posterior = result.posterior.astype(np.float64) if args.plot: Bilby_MCMC.plot_progress( ptsampler, result.label, outdir, priors, diagnostic=args.diagnostic ) return result
[docs] def main(): # Setup args = get_args() config = find_config(args) # Get arguments from the config config_args, _ = parse_args([config], create_analysis_parser()) config_args.data_dump_file = find_data_dump_file(args) if config_args.sampler != "bilby_mcmc": raise ValueError(f"Unable to process samples for sampler {config_args.sampler}") # Recreate bilby_pipe analysis object analysis = DataAnalysisInput(config_args, []) # Use the outdir given at the command line, not the stored outdir outdir_result = os.path.join(, RESULT_SUBDIR) label = config_args.label resume_files = get_resume_file_paths(args, label) fname = get_output_fname( outdir_result, resume_files, args.naming_method, extension=analysis.result_format, ) results = [] for ii, resume_file in enumerate(resume_files): print(f"Processing sampler {ii+1}/{len(resume_files)}") with open(resume_file, "rb") as f: ptsampler = RobustUnpickler(f).load() # Add the individual label ptsampler.label = extract_label_from_filename(resume_file) if len(ptsampler.samples) == 0: print(f"Resume file {resume_file} contains no usable samples") break result = process_sampler(ptsampler, analysis, outdir_result, args) results.append(result) combined_result = bilby.core.result.ResultList(results).combine() combined_result.save_to_file(fname, extension=analysis.result_format) print(f"Saving results with {len(combined_result.posterior)} samples to {fname}")