
bilby.core.sampler.ptemcee.calculate_tau_array(samples, search_parameter_keys, ci)[source]

Calculate the autocorrelation time for zero-temperature chains.

Calculates the autocorrelation time for each chain, for those parameters/ dimensions that are not explicitly excluded in ci.ignore_keys_for_tau.

samples: np.ndarray

Array of ensemble MCMC samples, shaped like (number of walkers, number of MCMC steps, number of dimensions).

search_parameter_keys: list

A list of the search parameter keys


Collection of settings for convergence tests, including autocorrelation calculation. If a value in search_parameter_keys is included in ci.ignore_keys_for_tau, this function will not calculate an autocorrelation time for any walker along that particular dimension.

tau_array: np.ndarray

Float array shaped like (nwalkers, ndim) (with all np.inf for any dimension that is excluded by ci.ignore_keys_for_tau).