Installing BayesWave

There are 3 basic components to the BayesWave software package:

  • C executables (e.g., BayesWave, BayesWavePost etc)

  • Python post-processing & plotting scripts ( and friends)

  • BayesWavePipe workflow generation module (for writing HTCondor DAGs)

Table of Contents

  1. Install everything

  2. Build & Install C-executables: BayesWave, BayesWavePost et al

  3. BayesWaveUtils: Plotting codes & HTCondor workflow generation / make DAGs

  4. Continuous Integration and Containerization


BayesWave has been deployed to the IGWN conda environments, LSCSoft package repositories and singularity since this documentation was written.

Unless you are actively developing code or require a feature not yet in a production release, please use the IGWN conda deployments. E.g. update your config.ini to:


Install Everything

Assume bayeswave install path: ${HOME}/opt/lscsoft/bayeswave:

export BAYESWAVE_REPO=${HOME}/src/lscsoft/bayeswave
export BAYESWAVE_PREFIX=${HOME}/opt/lscsoft/bayeswave
git clone ${BAYESWAVE_REPO}

This configures, builds and installs all executables and libraries (i.e., including python) to ${BAYESWAVE_PREFIX}. Upon successful installation, you should see a message like:

  DONE: BayesWave built and installed to: 
  To use: 
      source /home/albert.einstein/opt/lscsoft/bayeswave/etc/

Source that file per the instructions and your environment will be ready to go.

The directory tree of your bayeswave installation looks something like:

├── bin 
│   ├── BayesWave
│   ├── BayesWaveCleanFrame
│   ├── bayeswave_pipe
│   ├── BayesWavePost
│   ├── BayesWaveToLALPSD
│   ├──
│   └──
├── etc 
│   └──
└── lib 
    ├── libbayeswave.a
    ├── ->
    ├── ->
    └── python2.7
        └── site-packages
            ├── bayeswave_pipe
            │   ├──
            │   ├── bayeswave_pipe_utils.pyc
            │   ├──
            │   └── __init__.pyc
            ├── bayeswave_pipe_examples
            │   ├── LDG-GW150914
            │   │   ├── LDG-GW150914.ini
            │   │   └──
            │   ├── LDG-GW150914-singularity
            │   │   ├── LDG-GW150914-singularity.ini
            │   │   └──
            │   └── OSG-GW150914-singularity
            │       ├──
            │       ├── OSG-GW150914-singularity.ini
            │       ├──
            │       └── times.txt
            ├── bayeswave_plot
            │   ├──
            │   ├── find_trig.pyc
            │   ├──
            │   ├── __init__.pyc
            │   ├──
            │   └── readbwb.pyc
            ├── bayeswave_plot_data
            │   ├── BWBweb.css
            │   ├── navigate.js
            │   └── secure_ajax.js
            └── BayesWaveUtils-0.1dev-py2.7.egg-info

The following notes may be useful for developers who wish to skip configuration stages and unncessarily rebuilding/reinstalling unchanged components. Be aware, however, that you may want to clean the src directory of build products if you’re changing C code.

Installing C Executables


  • LALSuite: this is installed globally on LDG clusters. If you are running on (e.g.) CIT this requirement is satisfied. If you’re working on a non-LDG machine such as your laptop or local workstation, you should make sure LALSuite is installed and your environment is correctly configured.

BayesWave is built using an autoreconf script which automatically configures and builds a Makefile. There are two basic ways to build bayeswave executables:

  1. Use the helper script (easy, see above)

  2. Execute build commands manually (harder)

Manual Build

This procedure is similar to lalsuite. Again, assume the repository has been cloned to BAYESWAVE_SRC.

First, generate the configuration files:

autoreconf --verbose --force --install --make

Now run configure with any optional flags, such as an installation prefix like ${HOME}/opt/bayeswave:

export BAYESWAVE_PREFIX=${HOME}/opt/bayeswave
./configure --prefix ${BAYESWAVE_PREFIX}

Finally, make and install:

make install

This will install the non-python executables and libraries in the bin and lib directories of your BAYESWAVE_PREFIX as above. You will then need to set your environment accordingly. Note that there is an environment script BAYESWAVE_SRC/etc/ to help with this step.



  • Swig-wrapped LALSuite: provides an easy interface for reading sim-inspiral tables from XML

  • Glue: provides tools for segment generation and HTCondor workflows management.

  • gw_data_find: The script makes an external call to gw_data_find to create frame cache files.

BayesWaveUtils consists of two packages and some supplementary data:

  • bayeswave_plot: plotting utilities, skymaps etc

  • bayeswave_plot_data: auxillary files for webpages (javascript, css, etc)

  • bayeswave_pipe: HTCondor workflow generator

  • bayeswave_pipe_examples: example configuration files for bayeswave_pipe

To install BayesWaveUtils to e.g., BAYESWAVE_PREFIX, enter the BayesWaveUtils directory and:

python install --prefix ${BAYESWAVE_PREFIX}

This will install the executable scripts, modules and data directories as described in Install everything. You will then need to set your environment accordingly. Note that there is an environment script BAYESWAVE_SRC/etc/ to help with this step.

Continuous Integration and Containerization

GitLab provides integrated continuous integration (CI) tools which can be used to build and test code whenever a commit is made (see e.g., “latest PDF” for LVC papers hosted on

Here, we use the CI tools to automatically build and test BayesWave containers following every commit. See .gitlab-ci.yml for the CI script and Dockerfile for the container build instructions.

Creating Your Own Docker Images

Note: these instructions are intended only as a broad overview.

The gitlab CI tools mean that the general user will probably not require their own containers. At the time of writing, however, only the master branch supports containerization. If you want to create a container for some development branch, read on:

The Dockerfile in master provides the instructions for docker to create an image. Unless you have additional dependencies, the master version should not require modification. The procedure for building and deploying docker images (which are converted to singularity images in cvmfs) is basically:

docker login
docker build --rm --no-cache -t  ./
docker push

where BAYESWAVE_SRC is the root of the BayesWave repository, containing Dockerfile. The image will eventually (perhaps up to about 20 minutes, all being well) arrive at:


This is now visible at all LDG and OSG sites with that CVMFS mount enabled. In other words, you have just deployed BayesWave to every possible computing resource in one go.

Note that detailed instructions for authentication can be found in the Registry item of the gitlab side-bar.

In practice, this is handled most easily by the CI script.

Alternatively, you may wish to deploy your images to dockerhub, which is basically github for docker images. This makes them publicly available (meaning all BayesWave analyses with data releases are in principle easily reproducible by the public without having to directly install lalsuite etc). in this case, you just need to log in and push to dockerhub instead of the LIGO container registry:

docker login  # defaults to dockerhub
docker build --rm --no-cache -t albert.einstein/bayeswave:branch_name  ./
docker push albert.einstien/bayeswave:master