Output Data Products

BayesWave stores its output in outputDir, provided by the user. If using through condor on the LDG, the progress of the run can be monitored through logs/BayesWave_*out where you can find the current iteration.

Once the run is complete, the typical content of outputDir includes:

  1. A chains/ directory where the full chains are stored.

Depending on the settings of your run, you should have chains for each run mode (clean, glitch, signal, noise). Possible chains include

  • *_model.dat.0: general information about the run, such as the number of iterations, the likelihood, the number of wavelets used etc. The 0 refers to the coldest chain

  • *_lorentz_IFO.dat.0: parameters for the lorentzians used to fit the PSD in each IFO, where the 0 refers to the coldest chain. This is only present when running with BayesLine.

  • *_spline_IFO.dat.0: parameters for the splines used to fit the PSD in each IFO, where the 0 refers to the coldest chain. This is only present when running with BayesLine.

  • signal_params_h0.dat.0: parameters of the signal wavelets that fit power coherently across all detectors. The h0 refers to the cross signal polarization, and the 0 refers to the coldest chain.

  • glitch_params_IFO.dat.0: parameters of the glitch wavelets that fit power incoherently per detector IFO. The 0 refers to the coldest chain.

  1. A checkpoint/ directory that holds the last checkpointed state.

You are most likely not interested in the contents

  1. A post/ directory with the output of BayesWavePost.

Each model has its own subdirectory here such as signal/ and glitch/ with more or less similar content that is usually helpfully named. For example, in the signal/ subdirectory some of the most useful files are:

  • fourier_domain_signal_median_residual_IFO.dat: frequency bin, real, and imaginary part of the median residual (data after the median signal has been subtracted)

  • signal_anderson_darling_IFO.dat: Anderson darling statistic and corresponding p value that test how well the PSD has whitened the data. This is only present when running with BayesLine. Columns include the sampling rate up to which this is computed, the AD, and the p value.

  • Various median estimates characterizing the signal mode. These files in general are structured as

frequency/time, median, lower50, upper50, lower90, upper90

where (for example) upper 50 is the upper boundary of the 50th percentile.

  • Various files containing moments characterizing the signal reconstructions such as SNR, bandwidth, duration, overlap etc. Each files contains a header describing the moments included and then lists the moments per iterations. The are computed from both the whitened and the colored signal (option given in the file name).

  1. A waveforms/ directory that is populated if you have run with the gnuplot flag with 200 draws from the posterior .

It is probably not advisable to run with this flag on the LDG as it produces a lot of output.

  1. Various files printing PSDs and ASDs per IFO, such as L1_burninpsd.dat and L1_fairdraw_psd.dat. These are needed by BayesWavePost.

  2. evidence.dat contains the evidence (and standard deviation) per model, while files such as model_evidence.dat contain various pieces that go into the evidence calculations (such as temperatures and likelihoods per chain).

  3. A plots/ directory that holds the output plots from megaplot.