Developer guide =============== Set up the development environment ---------------------------------- First fork the git repository at and clone it on your computer: .. code-block:: text $ git clone then install the package as editable, alongside the developer dependencies: .. code-block:: text $ cd /path/to/cloned/dcc/repository $ pip install -e .[dev] The project uses `pre-commit `__ to perform checking and code formatting as part of the git commit process. To initialise this, run: .. code-block:: text $ pre-commit install Development should be done on branches referenced from ``develop``. Check out the ``develop`` branch with ``git checkout develop``. Make your changes, preferably on a separate branch, then commit. The pre-commit hooks will apply Black formatting to the code, check a few things, and potentially flag problems. Fix the problems and commit again, pushing changes to your remote fork and opening a pull request on GitLab. Building the documentation -------------------------- The documentation is built with `Sphinx `__. To build, run: .. code-block:: text $ cd /path/to/cloned/dcc/repository/docs $ make html This builds HTML formatted documentation. Other formats are available (type ``make`` to see what's available), but not typically used. To view the built documentation, open the ``index.html`` file in ``docs/build/html``. Release steps ------------- Preliminary steps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Check the package works and the documentation builds. #. Update the API documentation with any changes to the Python modules. #. Ensure the CLI's own help strings are consistent with those in the documentation. Creating a tagged release ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Check out a release branch with the intended new version number with ``git checkout -b release/X.Y.Z``. #. Summarise changes in ``CHANGELOG`` (hint: use ``git log dcc-X.Y.Z..HEAD`` where ``X.Y.Z`` was the previous tagged release) and commit. #. Tag the release branch with ``git tag -a dcc-X.Y.Z``, typing "DCC vX.Y.Z" as the release message. #. Check out the ``develop`` branch again, and merge the release branch with ``git merge --no-ff release/X.Y.Z``. #. Check out the ``master`` branch again, and merge the release branch with ``git merge --no-ff release/X.Y.Z``. #. Delete the now fully-merged release branch with ``git branch -d release/X.Y.Z``. #. Push the branches and tags to the remote with ``git push origin master develop dcc-X.Y.Z``. Uploading to PyPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deployment to PyPI is automatic for tagged branches pushed to the main repository at ``sean-leavey/dcc``. The steps for manual deployment are listed below in case needed. The following instructions are based on .. note:: Uploading to `PyPI `__ requires an account that is a maintainer of the `dcc project `__ there. #. Check out the tag for the package you wish to publish with ``git checkout dcc-X.Y.Z`` (``setuptools_scm`` used for versioning requires a tagged branch for a pure version like ``0.7.2`` rather than e.g. ``dcc.0.7.3.dev1+ge69f25f``). #. Install the tagged package with ``pip install .`` (even if you installed in editable mode before). #. Make sure you have the latest version of the ``build`` library by running ``pip install --upgrade build``. Build an sdist and wheel using ``python -m build`` from the project directory. Check the ``dist`` directory contains a ``dcc-X.Y.Z-py3-none-any.whl`` and ``dcc-X.Y.Z.tar.gz`` files. If the filenames do not contain only the tagged version (but rather also some git commit hash suffix), check that you're on a branch level with the tagged branch. #. Check your ``twine`` package is up-to-date using ``pip install --upgrade twine``. #. (Optional) upload a test release to the PyPI test server using ``twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*`` and verify everything looks ok at #. Upload the release to `PyPI `__ using ``twine upload dist/*`` and verify everything looks ok at #. Check out the ``develop`` branch again with ``pip checkout develop`` and reinstall in editable mode with ``pip install -e .[dev]``.