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This library provides a high-level API on top of htcondor.dags, with various helper classes to define jobs (nodes), job groupings (layers), and the parent-child relations between them, described as a DAG.

The node and layer terminology is borrowed from htcondor.dags.

Extra information about htcondor.dags can be found here:

The general procedure for creating a DAG is as follows:

  1. Create a DAG.
  2. For each grouping of nodes, create a Layer. All jobs corresponding to this layer share the same submit description.
  3. Create a Nodewith job arguments, inputs and outputs and attach them to the layer, one for each distinct job.
  4. Attach the Layer to the DAG.
  5. Repeat with every grouping of nodes, adding parent layers first.
  6. Write the DAG to disk.

Setting up the DAG

from ezdag import Argument, DAG, Option, Layer, Node

dag = DAG("workflow")

A DAG represents the workflow and captures all parent-child relations between nodes. Adding layers to the DAG tracks inputs and outputs and automatically determines the parent-child relations between them. It is important that parent layers are added to the DAG before child layers so the linking can be done correctly.

The DAG extends from htcondor.dags.DAG so all keyword arguments for initialization and methods can be used in the same way here.

Defining groups of nodes

Submit descriptors

First, we define submit descriptors for the jobs in question:

description = {
    "environment": {
        "OMP_NUM_THREADS": 1,
    "requirements": [
    "request_cpus": 1,
    "request_memory": 2000

This capture the job's requirements in terms of environment variables, resource allocation, etc. Note that submit description values can take standard python types, and the formatting will be handled automatically when writing the submit file to disk. e.g. passing in a list of getenv variables will format them to be comma separated.

Also note that this captures a subset of the submit descriptors needed for the jobs. Descriptors such as the universe, executable, arguments, and all descriptors related to logging and file transfer are added by the layer itself.

The layer (job groupings)

Then, we define the layer itself with the executable and the submit description:

layer = Layer("process_bins", submit_description=description)

By default, the layer name is taken from the executable name. In addition, the path to the executable is resolved at DAG generation through $PATH. Both of these can be customized by providing a different layer name and providing a valid path to the executable in question, respectively:

layer = Layer(

Also by default, Condor file transfer is enabled. Any files provided in job inputs and outputs (seen later) will be resolved and the relevant submit descriptors will be added to the submit file. To disable this behavior, you can set transfer_files to False.

Other relevant parameters to Layer include:

  • universe: Set the execution environment for the jobs.
  • retries: Number of retries given for jobs.
  • log_dir: Set the directory where job logs are written to.

The nodes (jobs)

Nodes define the individual job arguments, as well as any file inputs and outputs for file transfer and for determining parent-child relationships between jobs.

for i in range(3):
    node = Node(
        arguments = [
            Argument("job-index", i),                       # {i}
            Option("verbose"),                              # --verbose
            Option("bins", [3 * j + i for j in range(3)]),  # --bins {i} --bins {3 + i} --bins {6 + i}
            "--num-cores", 1,                                # --num-cores 1
        inputs = Option("input", "data.txt"),               # --input data.txt
        outputs = Argument("output", f"output_{i}.txt")     # output_{i}.txt

In order to aid in generating job arguments for jobs, we also provide a few helper classes, the Argument and Option which provide positional arguments and options, respectively. Some examples of the output they provide to the job's arguments are shown in the comments on the right. Both of these are used to parameterize job arguments so they can be changed on a per-job level for a given layer without having to do this manually, as in htcondor.dags.

In addition to these, non-parameterized arguments can be provided as primitive types which will be passed directly to arguments in the submit description.

Inputs and outputs are used to track which files the job requires and provides, respectively, and are used to track job dependencies. Any path or URL supported by Condor are accepted and will be modified accordingly so that Condor file transfer works as expected.

Finally, nodes can take meta-parameters (variables) which can be referred to within the submit description. These can be useful for example, when parameterizing log filenames.

Defining node parameters

As mentioned above, the Argument and Option are helpers to generate job arguments, which provide positional arguments and options, respectively.

Both take a parameter which defines the parameter name, as well as the value to be provided to the job itself. For arguments, only the value is used, while for options, the name is used within the argument to define the flag name. In both cases, the value can be any primitive type or a list of such.

Some examples:

  • Argument("factor", 4.1)4.1
  • Argument("files", ["file1.txt", "file2.txt"])file1.txt file2.txt
  • Option("verbose")--verbose
  • Option("num-jobs", 2)--num-jobs 2
  • Option("input", ["file1.txt", "file2.txt"])--input file1.txt --input file2.txt

As jobs may not always have an intuitive CLI or provide and/or generate files directly through their CLI, some extra options are provided to Argument and Option to deal with these edge cases. For example, jobs may generate extra files which are not specified anywhere, but may be required for child jobs. In this case, you can define these implicit job outputs by providing suppress=True which will hide the command from the job's arguments.

If you don't want to track any files in the inputs or outputs for inter-job relationships, you can provide track=False to Argument or Option. This can be useful when jobs need files to be transferred in, but you may not want or need this file to be a decision when determining job relationships.

Adding inter-layer relationships

To define inter-layer relationships between layers, simply add the layers in the DAG with parent layers first:


When the layers are added to the DAG, node inputs and outputs determine how they are connected to each other.

Submitting the DAG

You can submit the DAG directly:


This will build and write the DAG as well as all the submit files to disk prior to submission. dag.submit() returns a htcondor.SubmitResult containing the cluster ID and ClassAd information, which can be used to further interact with the DAG after submission. See Advanced Job Submission and Management for more information.

The submitted DAG will take the name given upon creation, i.e. for DAG("workflow"), this will create workflow.dag. If you want to instead write the DAG to disk without submitting it:


Both methods take a path parameter which changes where the DAG is written to disk. By default, this is written to the current working directory.