
This summaryextract executable is designed to extract a set of posterior samples from a file containing more than one set of analyses, for instance a PESummary metafile.

To see help for this executable please run:

$ summaryextract --help
usage: summaryextract [-h] --label LABEL -s SAMPLES
                      [--file_format {numpy,hdf5,csv,bilby,sql,pickle,lalinference,json,pesummary,ini,dat}]
                      [--filename FILENAME] [--outdir OUTDIR]

This executable is used to extract a set of posterior samples from a file
containing more than one set of analyses, for instance a PESummary metafile

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --label LABEL         Analysis that you wish to extract from the file
  -s SAMPLES, --samples SAMPLES
                        Path to posterior samples file containing more than
                        one analysis
  --file_format {numpy,hdf5,csv,bilby,sql,pickle,lalinference,json,pesummary,ini,dat}
                        Format of output file
  --filename FILENAME   Name of the output file
  --outdir OUTDIR       Directory to save the file