================= The read function ================= `pesummary` provides functionality to read in nearly all result file formats. This is done with the `pesummary.io.read.read <../io/read.html>`_ function. Below we show how the `gw` read function is different from the `core` implementation. For details about the `core` implementation, see the `core read docs <../core/read.html>`_. Reading a result file --------------------- Below, we show how to read in a result file, .. code-block:: python >>> from pesummary.io import read >>> data = read("example.dat", package="gw") >>> json_load = read("example.json", package="gw") >>> hdf5_load = read("example.hdf5", package="gw") >>> txt_load = read("example.txt", package="gw") `pesummary` is able to read in `json`, `dat`, `txt` and `hdf5` file formats. When the `gw` package is specified, the samples are read in and the parameter names are converted to a standard naming convention. The definition of these standard names can be seen `here <parameters.html>`_. This is to allow the samples from different codes (where different naming conventions are used) to be compared. For details about how to read in a Testing General Relativity specific result file, see the `pesummary TGR file <./tgr_file.html>`_ documentation. Converting samples ------------------ `pesummary` provides an extensive conversion suite. For details about this conversion suite see the `Conversion docs <Conversion.html>`_. We may convert our existing samples using the `generate_all_posterior_samples` method, .. code-block:: python >>> data.generate_all_posterior_samples() and we can see which parameters have been derived using the `converted_parameters` attribute, .. code-block:: python >>> data.converted_parameters