
The summarymodify executable is designed to modify an existing PESummary metafile from the command line. This may include modifying the label of the stored analysis.

To see help for this executable please run:

$ summarymodify --help
usage: summarymodify [-h] [--descriptions DESCRIPTIONS [DESCRIPTIONS ...]]
                     [--labels LABELS [LABELS ...]]
                     [--config CONFIG [CONFIG ...]] [--delimiter DELIMITER]
                     [-s SAMPLES [SAMPLES ...]] [-w DIR] [--save_to_json]
                     [--preferred PREFERRED] [--kwargs KWARGS [KWARGS ...]]
                     [--replace_posterior REPLACE_POSTERIOR [REPLACE_POSTERIOR ...]]
                     [--remove_posterior REMOVE_POSTERIOR [REMOVE_POSTERIOR ...]]
                     [--remove_label REMOVE_LABEL [REMOVE_LABEL ...]]
                     [--store_skymap STORE_SKYMAP [STORE_SKYMAP ...]]

This executable is used to modify a PESummary metafile from the command line

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --descriptions DESCRIPTIONS [DESCRIPTIONS ...]
                        JSON file containing a set of descriptions for each
                        analysis or dictionary giving descriptions for each
                        analysis directly from the command line (e.g.
                        `--descriptions label1:'description'`). These
                        descriptions are then saved in the output.
  --labels LABELS [LABELS ...]
                        labels you wish to modify. Syntax: `--labels
                        existing:new` where ':' is the default delimiter
  --config CONFIG [CONFIG ...]
                        config data you wish to modify. Syntax `--config
                        label:path` where label is the analysis you wish to
                        change and path is the path to a new configuration
  --delimiter DELIMITER
                        Delimiter used to seperate the existing and new
  -s SAMPLES [SAMPLES ...], --samples SAMPLES [SAMPLES ...]
                        Path to posterior samples file(s). See documentation
                        for allowed formats. If path is on a remote server,
                        add username and servername in the form
                        {username}@{servername}:{path}. If path is on a public
                        webpage, ensure the path starts with https://. You may
                        also pass a string such as posterior_samples*.dat and
                        all matching files will be used
  -w DIR, --webdir DIR  make page and plots in DIR
  --save_to_json        save the meta file in json format
  --preferred PREFERRED
                        label of the preferred run. If only one result file is
                        passed this label is the preferred analysis by default
  --kwargs KWARGS [KWARGS ...]
                        kwargs you wish to modify. Syntax: `--kwargs
                        label/kwarg:item` where '/' is a delimiter of your
                        choosing (it cannot be ':'), kwarg is the kwarg name
                        and item is the value of the kwarg
  --overwrite           Overwrite the supplied PESummary meta file with the
                        modified version
                        Replace the posterior for a given label. Syntax:
                        --replace_posterior label;a:/path/to/posterior.dat
                        where ';' is a delimiter of your choosing (it cannot
                        be '/' or ':'), a is the posterior you wish to replace
                        and item is a path to a one column ascii file
                        containing the posterior samples
  --remove_posterior REMOVE_POSTERIOR [REMOVE_POSTERIOR ...]
                        Remove a posterior distribution for a given label.
                        Syntax: --remove_posterior label:a where a is the
                        posterior you wish to remove
  --remove_label REMOVE_LABEL [REMOVE_LABEL ...]
                        Remove an entire analysis from the input file
  --store_skymap STORE_SKYMAP [STORE_SKYMAP ...]
                        Store the contents of a fits file in the metafile.
                        Syntax: --store_skymap label:path/to/skymap.fits
  --force_replace       Override the ValueError raised if the data is already
                        stored in the result file