Source code for

# Licensed under an MIT style license -- see

import numpy as np
from pesummary.core.file.formats.bilby import Bilby as CoreBilby
from import GWSingleAnalysisRead
from import GWlatex_labels
from pesummary.utils.utils import logger

__author__ = ["Charlie Hoy <>"]

[docs] def read_bilby( path, disable_prior=False, latex_dict=GWlatex_labels, complex_params=["matched_filter_snr", "optimal_snr"], **kwargs ): """Grab the parameters and samples in a bilby file Parameters ---------- path: str path to the result file you wish to read in disable_prior: Bool, optional if True, do not collect prior samples from the `bilby` result file. Default False complex_params: list, optional list of parameters stored in the bilby result file which are complex and you wish to store the `amplitude` and `angle` as seperate posterior distributions latex_dict: dict, optional list of latex labels for each parameter """ from pesummary.core.file.formats.bilby import ( read_bilby as _read_bilby ) return _read_bilby( path, disable_prior=disable_prior, latex_dict=latex_dict, complex_params=complex_params, _bilby_class=Bilby, **kwargs )
def prior_samples_from_file(path, cls="BBHPriorDict", nsamples=5000, **kwargs): """Return a dict of prior samples from a `bilby` prior file Parameters ---------- path: str path to a `bilby` prior file cls: str, optional class you wish to read in the prior file nsamples: int, optional number of samples to draw from a prior file. Default 5000 """ from pesummary.core.file.formats.bilby import ( prior_samples_from_file as _prior_samples_from_file ) from import prior if isinstance(cls, str): cls = getattr(prior, cls) return _prior_samples_from_file(path, cls=cls, nsamples=nsamples, **kwargs) class Bilby(GWSingleAnalysisRead): """PESummary wrapper of `bilby` ( The path_to_results_file argument will be passed directly to `bilby.core.result.read_in_result`. All functions therefore use `bilby` methods and requires `bilby` to be installed. Parameters ---------- path_to_results_file: str path to the results file that you wish to read in with `bilby`. disable_prior: Bool, optional if True, do not collect prior samples from the `bilby` result file. Default False disable_prior_conversion: Bool, optional if True, disable the conversion module from deriving alternative prior distributions. Default False pe_algorithm: str name of the algorithm used to generate the posterior samples remove_nan_likelihood_samples: Bool, optional if True, remove samples which have log_likelihood='nan'. Default True Attributes ---------- parameters: list list of parameters stored in the result file converted_parameters: list list of parameters that have been derived from the sampled distributions samples: 2d list list of samples stored in the result file samples_dict: dict dictionary of samples stored in the result file keyed by parameters input_version: str version of the result file passed. extra_kwargs: dict dictionary of kwargs that were extracted from the result file prior: dict dictionary of prior samples extracted from the bilby result file. The analytic priors are evaluated for 5000 samples injection_parameters: dict dictionary of injection parameters stored in the result file converted_parameters: list list of parameters that have been added Methods ------- to_dat: save the posterior samples to a .dat file to_latex_table: convert the posterior samples to a latex table generate_latex_macros: generate a set of latex macros for the stored posterior samples to_lalinference: convert the posterior samples to a lalinference result file generate_all_posterior_samples: generate all posterior distributions that may be derived from sampled distributions """ def __init__(self, path_to_results_file, **kwargs): super(Bilby, self).__init__(path_to_results_file, **kwargs) self.load(self._grab_data_from_bilby_file, **kwargs) @staticmethod def grab_priors(bilby_object, nsamples=5000): """Draw samples from the prior functions stored in the bilby file """ from pesummary.utils.array import Array f = bilby_object try: samples = f.priors.sample(size=nsamples) priors = {key: Array(samples[key]) for key in samples} except Exception as e:"Failed to draw prior samples because {}".format(e)) priors = {} return priors @staticmethod def grab_extra_kwargs(bilby_object): """Grab any additional information stored in the bilby file """ from pesummary.core.file.formats.bilby import config_from_object import ast f = bilby_object kwargs = CoreBilby.grab_extra_kwargs(bilby_object) try: kwargs["meta_data"]["f_ref"] = \ f.meta_data["likelihood"]["waveform_arguments"]["reference_frequency"] except Exception: pass for key, item in f.meta_data["likelihood"].items(): if not isinstance(item, dict): try: if isinstance(item, bool): kwargs["meta_data"][key] = str(item) else: kwargs["meta_data"][key] = item except Exception: pass try: kwargs["meta_data"]["approximant_flags"] = \ f.meta_data["likelihood"]["waveform_arguments"] kwargs["meta_data"]["approximant"] = \ kwargs["meta_data"]["approximant_flags"].pop("waveform_approximant") except Exception: pass try: kwargs["meta_data"]["IFOs"] = \ " ".join(f.meta_data["likelihood"]["interferometers"].keys()) except Exception: pass _config = config_from_object(f) if len(_config): if "config" in _config.keys(): _config = _config["config"] options = [ "minimum_frequency", "reference_frequency", "waveform_approximant", "maximum_frequency", "waveform_arguments_dict" ] pesummary_names = [ "f_low", "f_ref", "approximant", "f_final", "approximant_flags" ] for opt, name in zip(options, pesummary_names): if opt in _config.keys(): try: _option = ast.literal_eval(_config[opt]) except ValueError: try: import re _option = re.sub( r'([A-Za-z/\.0-9\-\+][^\[\],:"}]*)', r'"\g<1>"', _config[opt] ) _option = ast.literal_eval(_option) except Exception: _option = _config[opt] if isinstance(_option, dict) and name != "approximant_flags": _value = np.min([ ast.literal_eval(value) if not isinstance(value, (float, int)) else value for key, value in _option.items() if key != "waveform" ]) _f_start = [ ast.literal_eval(value) if not isinstance(value, (float, int)) else value for key, value in _option.items() if key == "waveform" ] if len(_f_start): kwargs["meta_data"]["f_start"] = _f_start[0] else: _value = _option if _value is None and name == "approximant_flags": _value = {} kwargs["meta_data"][name] = _value return kwargs @property def calibration_spline_posterior(self): if not any("recalib_" in i for i in self.parameters): return super(Bilby, self).calibration_spline_posterior ifos = np.unique( [ param.split('_')[1] for param in self.parameters if 'recalib_' in param and "non_reweighted" not in param ] ) amp_params, phase_params, log_freqs = {}, {}, {} for ifo in ifos: amp_params[ifo], phase_params[ifo] = [], [] freq_params = np.sort( [ param for param in self.parameters if 'recalib_%s_frequency_' % (ifo) in param and "non_reweighted" not in param ] ) posterior = self.samples_dict log_freqs[ifo] = np.log( [posterior[param][0] for param in freq_params] ) amp_parameters = np.sort( [ param for param in self.parameters if 'recalib_%s_amplitude_' % (ifo) in param and "non_reweighted" not in param ] ) amplitude = np.array([posterior[param] for param in amp_parameters]) phase_parameters = np.sort( [ param for param in self.parameters if 'recalib_%s_phase_' % (ifo) in param and "non_reweighted" not in param ] ) phase = np.array([posterior[param] for param in phase_parameters]) for num, i in enumerate(amplitude): amp_params[ifo].append(i) phase_params[ifo].append(phase[num]) return log_freqs, amp_params, phase_params @staticmethod def load_strain_data(path_to_strain_file): """Load the strain data Parameters ---------- path_to_strain_file: str path to the strain file that you wish to load """ Bilby.load_from_function( Bilby._timeseries_from_bilby_pickle, path_to_strain_file) @staticmethod def _timeseries_from_bilby_pickle(path_to_strain_file): """Load a bilby pickle file containing the strain data Parameters ---------- path_to_strain_file: str path to the strain file that you wish to load """ import pickle import gwpy with open(path_to_strain_file, "rb") as f: data = pickle.load(f) strain_data = {} for i in data.interferometers: strain_data[] = gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries( data=i.strain_data.time_domain_strain, times=i.strain_data.time_array) return strain_data @staticmethod def _grab_data_from_bilby_file(path, disable_prior=False, **kwargs): """ Load the results file using the `bilby` library Complex matched filter SNRs are stored in the result file. The amplitude and angle are extracted here. """ return read_bilby(path, disable_prior=disable_prior, **kwargs) def add_marginalized_parameters_from_config_file(self, config_file): """Search the configuration file and add the marginalized parameters to the list of parameters and samples Parameters ---------- config_file: str path to the configuration file """ pass