Source code for

# Licensed under an MIT style license -- see

import numpy as np
from pesummary.utils.utils import logger
from pesummary.utils.decorators import bound_samples

__author__ = ["Charlie Hoy <>"]

    from lalinference.imrtgr import nrutils
    import lalsimulation
    from lalsimulation import (
        SimInspiralGetSpinFreqFromApproximant, SIM_INSPIRAL_SPINS_CASEBYCASE,
except ImportError:

    from lalsimulation.nrfits.eval_fits import eval_nrfit as _eval_nrfit
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
    NRSUR_MODULE = False

LPEAK_FITS = ["UIB2016", "Healyetal"]
FINALMASS_FITS = ["UIB2016", "Healyetal"]
FINALSPIN_FITS = ["UIB2016", "Healyetal", "HBR2016"]

NRSUR_FITS = ["final_mass", "final_spin", "final_kick"]
NRSUR_MODEL = "NRSur7dq4Remnant"

[docs] def bbh_final_mass_non_spinning_Panetal(*args): """Return the final mass of the BH resulting from the merger of a non spinning BBH using the fit from Pan et al: Phys Rev D 84, 124052 (2011). Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object """ return nrutils.bbh_final_mass_non_spinning_Panetal(*args)
[docs] @bound_samples(minimum=-1., maximum=1., logger_level="debug") def bbh_final_spin_non_spinning_Panetal(*args): """Return the final spin of the BH resulting from the merger of a non spinning BBH using the fit from Pan et al: Phys Rev D 84, 124052 (2011). Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object """ return nrutils.bbh_final_spin_non_spinning_Panetal(*args)
[docs] @bound_samples(minimum=-1., maximum=1., logger_level="debug") def bbh_final_spin_non_precessing_Healyetal(*args, **kwargs): """Return the final spin of the BH resulting from the merger of a BBH for an aligned-spin system using the fit from Healy and Lousto: arXiv:1610.09713 Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum version: str, optional version of the fitting coefficients you wish to use. Default are the fits from 2016 """ if "version" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs.update({"version": "2016"}) return nrutils.bbh_final_spin_non_precessing_Healyetal(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def bbh_final_mass_non_precessing_Healyetal(*args, **kwargs): """Return the final mass of the BH resulting from the merger of a BBH for an aligned-spin system using the fit from Healy et al. If no version specified, the default fit is Healy and Lousto: arXiv:1610.09713 Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum version: str, optional version of the fitting coefficients you wish to use. Default are the fits from 2016 final_spin: float/np.ndarray, optional float/array of precomputed final spins """ chif = kwargs.pop("final_spin", None) kwargs.update({"chif": chif}) if "version" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs.update({"version": "2016"}) return nrutils.bbh_final_mass_non_precessing_Healyetal(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def bbh_final_mass_non_precessing_Husaetal(*args): """Return the final mass of the BH resulting from the merge of a BBH for an aligned-spin system using the fit from Husa et al: arXiv:1508.07250 Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum """ return nrutils.bbh_final_mass_non_precessing_Husaetal(*args)
[docs] @bound_samples(minimum=-1., maximum=1., logger_level="debug") def bbh_final_spin_non_precessing_Husaetal(*args): """Return the final spin of the BH resulting from the merger of a BBH for an aligned-spin system using the fit from Husa et al: arXiv:1508.07250 Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum """ return nrutils.bbh_final_spin_non_precessing_Husaetal(*args)
[docs] def bbh_final_mass_non_precessing_UIB2016(*args, **kwargs): """Return the final mass of the BH resulting from the merger of a BBH for an aligned-spin system using the fit from Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum version: str, optional version of the fitting coefficients you wish to use """ return nrutils.bbh_final_mass_non_precessing_UIB2016(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @bound_samples(minimum=-1., maximum=1., logger_level="debug") def bbh_final_spin_non_precessing_UIB2016(*args, **kwargs): """Return the final spin of the BH resulting from the merger of a BBH for an aligned-spin system using the fit from Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum version: str, optional version of the fitting coefficients you wish to use """ return nrutils.bbh_final_spin_non_precessing_UIB2016(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @bound_samples(minimum=-1., maximum=1., logger_level="debug") def bbh_final_spin_non_precessing_HBR2016(*args, **kwargs): """Return the final spin of the BH resulting from the merger of a BBH for an aligned-spin system using the fit from Hofmann, Barausse, and Rezzolla ApJL 825, L19 (2016) Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum version: str, optional version of the fitting coefficients you wish to use """ return nrutils.bbh_final_spin_non_precessing_HBR2016(*args, **kwargs)
@bound_samples(maximum=1., logger_level="debug") def _bbh_final_spin_precessing_using_non_precessing_fit( mass_1, mass_2, spin_1z, spin_2z, fit ): """Return the final spin of a BH results from the merger of a BH for a precessing system using non_precessing fits Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum fit: str name of the NR fit you wish to use """ return nrutils.bbh_final_spin_precessing( mass_1, mass_2, np.abs(spin_1z), np.abs(spin_2z), 0.5 * np.pi * (1 - np.sign(spin_1z)), 0.5 * np.pi * (1 - np.sign(spin_2z)), np.zeros_like(mass_1), fit )
[docs] def bbh_final_spin_Panetal(*args): """Return the final spin of the BH resulting from the merger of a BBH for a precessing system using the fit from Pan et al: Phys Rev D 84, 124052 (2011) Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum """ return _bbh_final_spin_precessing_using_non_precessing_fit(*args, "Pan2011")
[docs] def bbh_final_spin_precessing_Healyetal(*args): """Return the final spin of the BH resulting from the merger of a BBH for a precessing using the fit from Healy et al. If no version specified, the default fit is Healy and Lousto: arXiv:1610.09713 Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum """ return _bbh_final_spin_precessing_using_non_precessing_fit(*args, "HL2016")
[docs] def bbh_final_spin_precessing_UIB2016(*args): """Return the final spin of the BH resulting from the merger of a BBH for a precessing using the fit from David Keitel, Xisco Jimenez Forteza, Sascha Husa, Lionel London et al. arxiv:1612.09566v1 Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum """ return _bbh_final_spin_precessing_using_non_precessing_fit(*args, "UIB2016")
@bound_samples(maximum=1., logger_level="debug") def _bbh_final_spin_precessing_projected( mass_1, mass_2, a_1, a_2, tilt_1, tilt_2, phi_12, function=None ): """Project the precessing spins along the orbital angular momentum and calculate the final spin of the BH with an aligned-spin fit from the literature augmenting it with the leading contribution from the in-plane spins Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object a_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin magnitudes a_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin magnitudes tilt_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin tilt angle from the orbital angular momentum tilt_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin tilt angle from the orbital angular momentum phi_12: float/np.ndarray float/array of samples for the angle between the in-plane spin components """ spin_1z = a_1 * np.cos(tilt_1) spin_2z = a_2 * np.cos(tilt_2) final_spin_aligned = function(mass_1, mass_2, spin_1z, spin_2z) final_spin_aligned_squared = final_spin_aligned * final_spin_aligned total_mass = mass_1 + mass_2 a_1perp = mass_1 * mass_1 * a_1 * np.sin(tilt_1) a_2perp = mass_2 * mass_2 * a_2 * np.sin(tilt_2) a_perp_squared = ( a_1perp * a_1perp + a_2perp * a_2perp + 2. * a_1perp * a_2perp * np.cos(phi_12) ) return (final_spin_aligned_squared + a_perp_squared / (total_mass)**4.)**0.5
[docs] def bbh_final_spin_precessing_projected_Healyetal(*args): """Return the final spin of the BH calculated from projected spins using the fit from Healy and Lousto: arXiv:1610.09713 augmenting it with the leading contribution from the in-plane spins Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object a_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin magnitudes a_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin magnitudes tilt_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin tilt angle from the orbital angular momentum tilt_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin tilt angle from the orbital angular momentum phi_12: float/np.ndarray float/array of samples for the angle between the in-plane spin components """ return _bbh_final_spin_precessing_projected( *args, function=bbh_final_spin_precessing_Healyetal )
[docs] def bbh_final_spin_precessing_projected_UIB2016(*args): """Return the final spin of the BH calculated from projected spins using the fit by David Keitel, Xisco Jimenez Forteza, Sascha Husa, Lionel London et al. arxiv:1612.09566v1 augmenting it with the leading contribution from the in-plane spins Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object a_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin magnitudes a_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin magnitudes tilt_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin tilt angle from the orbital angular momentum tilt_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin tilt angle from the orbital angular momentum phi_12: float/np.ndarray float/array of samples for the angle between the in-plane spin components """ return _bbh_final_spin_precessing_projected( *args, function=bbh_final_spin_precessing_UIB2016 )
[docs] @bound_samples(maximum=1., logger_level="debug") def bbh_final_spin_precessing_HBR2016(*args, **kwargs): """Return the final spin of the BH resulting from the merger of a BBH for a precessing system using the fit from Hofmann, Barausse, and Rezzolla ApJL 825, L19 (2016) Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object a_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin magnitudes a_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin magnitudes tilt_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin tilt angle from the orbital angular momentum tilt_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin tilt angle from the orbital angular momentum phi_12: float/np.ndarray float/array of samples for the angle between the in-plane spin components version: str, optional version of the fitting coefficients you wish to use """ return nrutils.bbh_final_spin_precessing_HBR2016(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def bbh_peak_luminosity_non_precessing_T1600018(*args): """Return the peak luminosity (in units of 10^56 ergs/s) of an aligned-spin BBH using the fit by Sascha Husa, Xisco Jimenez Forteza, David Keitel [LIGO-T1500598] using 5th order in chieff Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum """ return nrutils.bbh_peak_luminosity_non_precessing_T1600018(*args)
[docs] def bbh_peak_luminosity_non_precessing_UIB2016(*args): """Return the peak luminosity (in units of 10^56 ergs/s) of an aligned-spin BBH using the fit by David Keitel, Xisco Jimenez Forteza, Sascha Husa, Lionel London et al. arxiv:1612.09566v1 Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum """ return nrutils.bbh_peak_luminosity_non_precessing_UIB2016(*args)
[docs] def bbh_peak_luminosity_non_precessing_Healyetal(*args): """Return the peak luminosity (in units of 10^56 ergs/s) of an aligned-spin BBH using the fit from Healy and Lousto: arXiv:1610.09713 Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum """ return nrutils.bbh_peak_luminosity_non_precessing_Healyetal(*args)
class PeakLuminosityFits(object): UIB2016 = bbh_peak_luminosity_non_precessing_UIB2016 Healyetal = bbh_peak_luminosity_non_precessing_Healyetal T1600018 = bbh_peak_luminosity_non_precessing_T1600018 class FinalMassFits(object): Panetal = bbh_final_mass_non_spinning_Panetal Healyetal = bbh_final_mass_non_precessing_Healyetal Husaetal = bbh_final_mass_non_precessing_Husaetal UIB2016 = bbh_final_mass_non_precessing_UIB2016 class FinalSpinFits(object): Panetal = bbh_final_spin_non_spinning_Panetal Healyetal = bbh_final_spin_non_precessing_Healyetal Husaetal = bbh_final_spin_non_precessing_Husaetal UIB2016 = bbh_final_spin_non_precessing_UIB2016 HBR2016 = bbh_final_spin_non_precessing_HBR2016 class FinalSpinPrecessingFits(object): Healyetal = bbh_final_spin_precessing_projected_Healyetal UIB2016 = bbh_final_spin_precessing_projected_UIB2016 HBR2016 = bbh_final_spin_precessing_HBR2016 def _bbh_average_quantity( *args, fits=None, cls=None, quantity=None, return_fits_used=False ): """Average the result from multiple fits Parameters ---------- *args: tuple tuple of arguments for the fitting functions fits: list list of fits that you wish to use cls: class class which maps a string to a given fitting function quantity: str quantity that you are combining results for return_fits_used: Bool, optional if True, return the fits that were used to calculate the average """ data, used_fits = [], [] for fit in fits: if hasattr(cls, fit): function = getattr(cls, fit) used_fits.append(str(function).replace("<", "").replace(">", "")) data.append(function(*args)) "Averaging the {} from the following fits: {}".format( quantity, ", ".join(used_fits) ) ) if return_fits_used: return np.mean(data, axis=0), used_fits return np.mean(data, axis=0)
[docs] def bbh_final_mass_average(*args, fits=FINALMASS_FITS, return_fits_used=False): """Return the final mass averaged across multiple fits Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum fits: list, optional list of fits that you wish to use return_fits_used: Bool, optional if True, return the fits that were used to calculate the average """ return _bbh_average_quantity( *args, fits=fits, cls=FinalMassFits, quantity="final mass", return_fits_used=return_fits_used )
[docs] def bbh_final_spin_average_non_precessing( *args, fits=FINALSPIN_FITS, return_fits_used=False ): """Return the final spin averaged across multiple non-precessing fits Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum fits: list, optional list of fits that you wish to use return_fits_used: Bool, optional if True, return the fits that were used to calculate the average """ return _bbh_average_quantity( *args, fits=fits, cls=FinalSpinFits, quantity="final spin", return_fits_used=return_fits_used )
[docs] def bbh_final_spin_average_precessing( *args, fits=FINALSPIN_FITS, return_fits_used=False ): """Return the final spin averaged across multiple fits Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object a_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin magnitudes a_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin magnitudes tilt_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin tilt angle from the orbital angular momentum tilt_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin tilt angle from the orbital angular momentum phi_12: float/np.ndarray float/array of samples for the angle between the in-plane spin components fits: list, optional list of fits that you wish to use return_fits_used: Bool, optional if True, return the fits that were used to calculate the average """ return _bbh_average_quantity( *args, fits=fits, cls=FinalSpinPrecessingFits, quantity="final spin", return_fits_used=return_fits_used )
[docs] def bbh_peak_luminosity_average(*args, fits=LPEAK_FITS, return_fits_used=False): """Return the peak luminosity (in units of 10^56 ergs/s) averaged across multiple fits. Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object spin_1z: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum spin_2z: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum fits: list, optional list of fits that you wish to use return_fits_used: Bool, optional if True, return the fits that were used to calculate the average """ return _bbh_average_quantity( *args, fits=fits, cls=PeakLuminosityFits, quantity="peak luminosity", return_fits_used=return_fits_used )
def eval_nrfit(*args, **kwargs): from contextlib import contextmanager import ctypes import io import os import sys import tempfile libc = ctypes.CDLL(None) c_stdout = ctypes.c_void_p.in_dll(libc, 'stdout') @contextmanager def stdout_redirector(stream): original_stdout_fd = sys.stdout.fileno() def _redirect_stdout(to_fd): """Redirect stdout to the given file descriptor.""" libc.fflush(c_stdout) sys.stdout.close() os.dup2(to_fd, original_stdout_fd) sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(os.fdopen(original_stdout_fd, 'wb')) saved_stdout_fd = os.dup(original_stdout_fd) try: tfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+b') _redirect_stdout(tfile.fileno()) yield _redirect_stdout(saved_stdout_fd) tfile.flush(), io.SEEK_SET) stream.write( finally: tfile.close() os.close(saved_stdout_fd) f = io.BytesIO() with stdout_redirector(f): NRSurrogate_kwargs = kwargs.copy() approximant = kwargs.get("approximant", None) f_low = kwargs.get("f_low", None) f_ref = kwargs.get("f_ref", None) spinfreq_enum = SimInspiralGetSpinFreqFromApproximant( getattr(lalsimulation, approximant) ) if spinfreq_enum == SIM_INSPIRAL_SPINS_CASEBYCASE: raise ValueError( "Unable to evolve spins as '{}' does not have a set frequency " "at which the spins are defined".format(approximant) ) f_start = float(np.where( np.array(spinfreq_enum == SIM_INSPIRAL_SPINS_FLOW), f_low, f_ref )) NRSurrogate_kwargs["f_ref"] = f_start NRSurrogate_kwargs.pop("f_low") NRSurrogate_kwargs.pop("approximant") data = _eval_nrfit(*args, **NRSurrogate_kwargs) return data
[docs] def NRSur_fit( mass_1, mass_2, a_1, a_2, tilt_1, tilt_2, phi_12, phi_jl, theta_jn, phi_ref, f_low=20., f_ref=20., model=NRSUR_MODEL, fits=NRSUR_FITS, return_fits_used=False, approximant=None, **kwargs ): """Return the NR fits based on a chosen NRSurrogate model Parameters ---------- mass_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the primary object. In units of solar mass mass_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of masses for the secondary object. In units of solar mass a_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin magnitudes a_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin magnitudes tilt_1: float/np.ndarray float/array of primary spin tilt angle from the orbital angular momentum tilt_2: float/np.ndarray float/array of secondary spin tilt angle from the orbital angular momentum phi_12: float/np.ndarray float/array of samples for the angle between the in-plane spin components phi_jl: float/np.ndarray float/array of samples for the azimuthal angle of the orbital angular momentum around the total orbital angular momentum theta_jn: float/np.ndarray float/array of samples for the angle between the total angular momentum and the line of sight phi_ref: float/np.ndarray float/array of samples for the reference phase used in the analysis f_low: float the low frequency cut-off used in the analysis f_ref: float/np.ndarray, optional the reference frequency used in the analysis model: str, optional NRSurrogate model that you wish to use for the calculation fits: list, optional list of fits that you wish to evaluate approximant: str, optional The approximant that was used to generate the posterior samples kwargs: dict, optional optional kwargs that are passed directly to the `lalsimulation.nrfits.eval_fits.eval_nrfit` function """ from lal import MSUN_SI, C_SI from .spins import component_spins from .utils import magnitude_from_vector from pesummary.utils.utils import iterator import copy if not NRSUR_MODULE: raise ImportError( "Unable to import `lalsimulation.nrfits.eval_fits`. This is likely " "due to the installed version of lalsimulation. Please update." ) fits_map = { "final_mass": "FinalMass", "final_spin": "FinalSpin", "final_kick": "RecoilKick" } inverse_fits_map = {item: key for key, item in fits_map.items()} description = "Evaluating NRSurrogate fit for {}".format(", ".join(fits)) converted_fits = copy.deepcopy(fits) for fit, conversion in fits_map.items(): if fit in converted_fits: ind = fits.index(fit) converted_fits[ind] = conversion spins = np.array( component_spins( theta_jn, phi_jl, tilt_1, tilt_2, phi_12, a_1, a_2, mass_1, mass_2, f_ref, phi_ref ) ) a_1_vec = np.array([spins.T[1], spins.T[2], spins.T[3]]).T a_2_vec = np.array([spins.T[4], spins.T[5], spins.T[6]]).T mass_1 *= MSUN_SI mass_2 *= MSUN_SI try: _fits = [ eval_nrfit( mass_1[num], mass_2[num], a_1_vec[num], a_2_vec[num], model, converted_fits, f_low=f_low, f_ref=f_ref[num], approximant=approximant, extra_params_dict=kwargs ) for num in iterator( range(len(mass_1)), desc=description, tqdm=True, total=len(mass_1), logger=logger ) ] except ValueError as e: base = ( "Failed to generate remnant quantities with the NRSurrogate " "remnant model. {}" ) if "symbol not found" in str(e): raise NameError( base.format( "This could be because the 'LAL_DATA_PATH' has not been " "set." ) ) raise ValueError(base.format("")) nr_fits = {key: np.array([dic[key] for dic in _fits]) for key in _fits[0]} if fits_map["final_mass"] in nr_fits.keys(): nr_fits[fits_map["final_mass"]] = np.array( [final_mass[0] for final_mass in nr_fits[fits_map["final_mass"]]] ) / MSUN_SI if fits_map["final_kick"] in nr_fits.keys(): nr_fits[fits_map["final_kick"]] *= C_SI / 1000 final_kick_abs = magnitude_from_vector( nr_fits[fits_map["final_kick"]] ) nr_fits[fits_map["final_kick"]] = final_kick_abs if fits_map["final_spin"] in nr_fits.keys(): final_spin_abs = magnitude_from_vector( nr_fits[fits_map["final_spin"]] ) nr_fits[fits_map["final_spin"]] = final_spin_abs return { key if key not in inverse_fits_map.keys() else inverse_fits_map[key]: item for key, item in nr_fits.items() }