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1#! /usr/bin/env python
3# Licensed under an MIT style license -- see
5import os
6import numpy as np
8from pesummary.utils.samples_dict import MultiAnalysisSamplesDict
9from pesummary.utils.utils import logger
10from pesummary.core.cli.parser import ArgumentParser as _ArgumentParser
11from pesummary.core.cli.inputs import _Input
12from import read
14__author__ = ["Charlie Hoy <>"]
15__doc__ = """This executable is used to combine posterior samples. This is
16different from 'summarycombine' as 'summarycombine' combines N files into a single
17metafile containing N analyses while 'summarycombine_posteriors' combines N
18posterior samples and creates a single file containing a single analysis"""
21class ArgumentParser(_ArgumentParser):
22 def _pesummary_options(self):
23 options = super(ArgumentParser, self)._pesummary_options()
24 options.update(
25 {
26 "--labels": {
27 "nargs": "+",
28 "required": True,
29 "help": (
30 "Analyses you wish to combine. If only a file "
31 "containing more than one analysis is provided, please "
32 "pass the labels in that file that you wish to "
33 "combine. If multiple single analysis files are "
34 "provided, please pass unique labels to distinguish "
35 "each analysis. If a file containing more than one "
36 "analysis is provided alongside a single analysis "
37 "file, or multiple files containing more than one "
38 "analysis each, only a single analysis can be combined "
39 "from each file"
40 )
41 },
42 "--weights": {
43 "nargs": "+",
44 "type": float,
45 "help": (
46 "Weights to assign to each analysis. Must be same "
47 "length as labels"
48 )
49 },
50 "--use_all": {
51 "action": "store_true",
52 "default": False,
53 "help": "Use all posterior samples (do not weight)"
54 },
55 "--shuffle": {
56 "action": "store_true",
57 "default": False,
58 "help": "Shuffle the combined samples"
59 },
60 "--file_format": {
61 "type": str,
62 "default": "dat",
63 "help": "Format of output file"
64 },
65 "--filename": {
66 "type": str,
67 "help": "Name of the output file"
68 },
69 "--outdir": {
70 "type": str,
71 "default": "./",
72 "help": "Directory to save the file",
73 },
74 "--add_to_existing": {
75 "action": "store_true",
76 "default": False,
77 "help": (
78 "Add the combined samples to an existing metafile. "
79 "Only used when a PESummary metafile is provided via "
80 "the `--samples` option. If this option is provided, "
81 "the `--file_format` and `--filename` options are "
82 "ignored"
83 )
84 }
85 }
86 )
87 return options
90class Input(_Input):
91 """Class to handle the core command line arguments
93 Parameters
94 ----------
95 opts: argparse.Namespace
96 Namespace object containing the command line options
98 Attributes
99 ----------
100 result_files: list
101 list of result files passed
102 labels: list
103 list of labels used to distinguish the result files
104 """
105 def __init__(self, opts):
106 self.opts = opts
107 self.seed = self.opts.seed
108 self.result_files = self.opts.samples
109 self.mcmc_samples = False
110 self.add_to_existing = False
111 cond = np.sum([self.is_pesummary_metafile(f) for f in self.result_files])
112 if cond > 1:
113 raise ValueError(
114 "Can only combine analyses from a single PESummary metafile"
115 )
116 elif cond == 1 and len(self.result_files) > 1:
117 raise ValueError(
118 "Can only combine analyses from a single PESummary metafile "
119 "or multiple non-PESummary metafiles"
120 )
121 self.pesummary = False
122 if self.is_pesummary_metafile(self.result_files[0]):
123 self.pesummary = True
124 self._labels = self.opts.labels
125 else:
126 self.labels = self.opts.labels
129def main(args=None):
130 """Top level interface for `summarycombine_posteriors`
131 """
132 parser = ArgumentParser()
133 parser.add_known_options_to_parser(
134 [
135 "--add_to_existing", "--labels", "--weights", "--samples",
136 "--outdir", "--filename", "--seed", "--shuffle", "--file_format",
137 "--use_all"
138 ]
139 )
140 opts, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(args=args)
141 args = Input(opts)
142 if not args.pesummary:
143 samples = {
144 label: samples for label, samples in
145 zip(args.labels, args.result_files)
146 }
147 mydict = MultiAnalysisSamplesDict.from_files(
148 samples, disable_prior=True, disable_injection_conversion=True
149 )
150 else:
151 mydict = read(
152 args.result_files[0], disable_prior=True,
153 disable_injection_conversion=True
154 ).samples_dict
155 combined = mydict.combine(
156 use_all=opts.use_all, weights=opts.weights, labels=args.labels,
157 shuffle=opts.shuffle, logger_level="info"
158 )
159 if opts.add_to_existing and args.pesummary:
160 from .summarymodify import _Input as _ModifyInput
161 from import _GWMetaFile
162 from pathlib import Path
164 class PESummaryInput(_ModifyInput):
165 def __init__(self, samples):
166 self.samples = samples
167 = None
169 _args = PESummaryInput(args.result_files)
170 data =
171 data["{}_combined".format("_".join(args.labels))] = {
172 "posterior_samples": combined.to_structured_array(),
173 "meta_data": {
174 "sampler": {"nsamples": combined.number_of_samples},
175 "meta_data": {"combined": ", ".join(args.labels)}
176 }
177 }
178 input_file = Path(args.result_files[0])
179 if opts.filename is None:
180 logger.warning(
181 "No filename specified. Saving samples to '{}' in '{}' by "
182 "default.".format(
183 input_file.stem + "_combined" + input_file.suffix,
184 opts.outdir
185 )
186 )
187 opts.filename = input_file.stem + "_combined" + input_file.suffix
188 _metafile = os.path.join(opts.outdir, opts.filename)
189"Saving samples to file '{}'".format(_metafile))
190 if os.path.isfile(_metafile):
191 raise FileExistsError(
192 "Trying to write samples to '{}' but the file exists. Please "
193 "specify a different out directory".format(_metafile)
194 )
195 if input_file.suffix in [".h5", ".hdf5"]:
196 _GWMetaFile.save_to_hdf5(
197 data, list(data.keys()), None, _metafile, no_convert=True
198 )
199 else:
200 _GWMetaFile.save_to_json(data, _metafile)
201 return
202 elif opts.add_to_existing:
203 logger.warning(
204 "Can only use the `--add_to_existing` option when a PESummary "
205 "metafile is provided via the `--samples` option. Writing "
206 "combined samples to a `dat` file"
207 )
209 "Saving samples to file '{}'".format(
210 os.path.join(opts.outdir, opts.filename)
211 )
212 )
213 combined.write(
214 file_format=opts.file_format, filename=opts.filename, outdir=opts.outdir
215 )
218if __name__ == "__main__":
219 main()