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1# Licensed under an MIT style license -- see
3from scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure import rv_continuous, rv_sample
4from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, interp2d
5import numpy as np
6from pesummary.utils.array import Array
8__author__ = ["Charlie Hoy <>"]
11class InterpolatedPDF(rv_continuous):
12 """Subclass of the scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_continous class.
13 This class handles interpolated PDFs
15 Attributes
16 ----------
17 interpolant: func
18 the interpolant to use when evaluate probabilities
20 Methods
21 -------
22 pdf:
23 Evaluate the interpolant for a given input and return the PDF at that
24 input
25 """
26 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
27 return super(InterpolatedPDF, cls).__new__(cls)
29 def __init__(self, *args, interpolant=None, dimensionality=1, **kwargs):
30 self.interpolant = interpolant
31 self.dimensionality = dimensionality
32 if self.dimensionality > 2:
33 import warnings
34 warnings.warn(
35 "The .rvs() method will currently only work for dimensionalities "
36 "< 3"
37 )
38 super(InterpolatedPDF, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
40 def _pdf(self, x):
41 return self.interpolant(x)
43 def rvs(self, size=None, N=10**6):
44 if size is None:
45 return
46 if self.dimensionality > 1:
47 raise ValueError("method only valid for one dimensional data")
48 _xrange = np.linspace(
49 self.interpolant.x[0], self.interpolant.x[-1], N
50 )
51 args = _xrange
52 # if self.dimensionality > 1:
53 # _yrange = np.linspace(
54 # self.interpolant.y[0], self.interpolant.y[-1], N
55 # )
56 # args = [args, _yrange]
58 probs = self.interpolant(args).flatten()
59 inds = np.random.choice(
60 np.arange(N**self.dimensionality), p=probs / np.sum(probs),
61 size=size
62 )
63 # if self.dimensionality > 1:
64 # row = inds // 10
65 # column = inds % 10
66 # return np.array([_xrange[row], _yrange[columns]]).T
67 return args[inds]
70class DiscretePDF(rv_sample):
71 """Subclass of the scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_sample class. This
72 class handles discrete probabilities.
74 Parameters
75 ----------
76 args: list, optional
77 2d list of length 2. First element integers, second element probabilities
78 corresponding to integers.
79 values: list, optional
80 2d list of length 2. First element integers, second element probabilities
81 corresponding to integers.
82 **kwargs: dict, optional
83 all additional kwargs passed to the
84 scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_sample class
86 Attributes
87 ----------
88 x: np.ndarray
89 array of integers with corresponding probabilities
90 probs: np.ndarray
91 array of probabilities corresponding to the array of integers
93 Methods
94 -------
95 interpolate:
96 interpolate the discrete probabilities and return a continuous
97 InterpolatedPDF object
98 percentile:
99 calculate a percentile from the discrete PDF
100 write:
101 write the discrete PDF to file using the module
103 Examples
104 --------
105 >>> from pesummary.utils.pdf import DiscretePDF
106 >>> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
107 >>> distribution = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
108 >>> probs = DiscretePDF(numbers, distribution)
109 >>> print(probs.x)
110 [1, 2, 3, 4]
111 >>> probs = DiscretePDF(values=[numbers, distribution])
112 >>> print(probs.x)
113 [1, 2, 3, 4]
114 """
115 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
116 return super(DiscretePDF, cls).__new__(cls)
118 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
119 if len(args):
120 try:
121 self.x, self.probs = args
122 except ValueError:
123 self.x, self.probs = list(args)[0]
124 kwargs["values"] = [self.x, self.probs]
125 args = ()
126 else:
127 self._values = kwargs.get("values", None)
128 self.x = self._values[0] if self._values is not None else None
129 self.probs = self._values[1] if self._values is not None else None
130 super(DiscretePDF, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
132 def _pmf(self, x):
133 _x = np.atleast_1d(x)
134 if any(value not in self.x for value in _x):
135 raise ValueError(
136 "Unable to compute PMF for some of the provided values as "
137 "provided probabilities are discrete. Either choose a value "
138 "from {} or interpolate the data with "
139 "`.interpolate().pdf({}).`".format(np.array(self.x), np.array(x))
140 )
141 return super(DiscretePDF, self)._pmf(x)
143 def rvs(self, *args, **kwargs):
144 return Array(super(DiscretePDF, self).rvs(*args, **kwargs))
146 def interpolate(self, interpolant=interp1d, include_bounds=True):
147 """Interpolate the discrete pdf and return an InterpolatedPDF object
149 Parameters
150 ----------
151 interpolant: func
152 function to use to interpolate the discrete pdf
153 include_bounds: Bool, optional
154 if True, pass the upper and lower bounds to InterpolatedPDF
155 """
156 kwargs = {}
157 if include_bounds:
158 kwargs.update({"a": self.x[0], "b": self.x[-1]})
159 return InterpolatedPDF(
160 interpolant=interp1d(self.x, self.probs), **kwargs
161 )
163 def percentile(self, p):
164 """Calculate a percentile from the discrete PDF
166 Parameters
167 ----------
168 p: float, list
169 percentile/list of percentiles to calculate
170 """
171 from pesummary.utils.credible_interval import credible_interval
172 return credible_interval(self.x, p, weights=self.probs)
174 def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
175 """Write the discrete PDF to file using the module
177 Parameters
178 ----------
179 *args: tuple
180 all args passed to function
181 **kwargs: dict, optional
182 all kwargs passed to the function
183 """
184 from import write
185 if "dataset_name" not in kwargs.keys():
186 kwargs["dataset_name"] = "discrete_pdf"
187 write(
188 ["x", "PDF"], np.array([self.x, self.probs]).T, *args, **kwargs
189 )
192class DiscretePDF2D(object):
193 """Class to handle 2D discrete probabilities.
195 Parameters
196 ----------
197 args: list, optional
198 2d list of length 3. First element integers for the x axis, second
199 element inters for the y axis and third element, the 2d joint
200 probability density.
202 Attributes
203 ----------
204 x: np.ndarray
205 array of integers for the x axis
206 y: np.ndarray
207 array of integers for the y axis
208 probs: np.ndarray
209 2D array of probabilities for the x y join probability density
211 Methods
212 -------
213 marginalize:
214 marginalize the 2D joint probability distribution to obtain the
215 discrete probability density for x and y. Returns the probabilities as
216 as a DiscretePDF2Dplus1D object
217 level_from_confidence:
218 return the level to use for plt.contour for a given confidence.
219 minimum_encompassing_contour_level:
220 return the minimum contour level that encompasses a specific point
222 Examples
223 --------
224 >>> from pesummary.utils.pdf import DiscretePDF2D
225 >>> x = [1., 2., 3.]
226 >>> y = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
227 >>> probs = [
228 ... [1./9, 1./9, 1./9],
229 ... [1./9, 1./9, 1./9],
230 ... [1./9, 1./9, 1./9]
231 ... ]
232 >>> pdf = DiscretePDF2D(x, y, probs)
233 >>> pdf.x
234 [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
235 >>> pdf.y
236 [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
237 >>> pdf.probs
238 array([[0.11111111, 0.11111111, 0.11111111],
239 [0.11111111, 0.11111111, 0.11111111],
240 [0.11111111, 0.11111111, 0.11111111]])
241 """
242 def __init__(self, x, y, probability, **kwargs):
243 self.x = x
244 self.y = y
245 self.dx = np.mean(np.diff(x))
246 self.dy = np.mean(np.diff(y))
247 self.probs = np.array(probability)
248 if not self.probs.ndim == 2:
249 raise ValueError("Please provide a 2d array of probabilities")
250 if not np.isclose(np.sum(self.probs), 1.):
251 raise ValueError("Probabilities do not sum to 1")
253 def marginalize(self):
254 """Marginalize the 2d probability distribution and return a
255 DiscretePDF2Dplus1D object containing the probability distribution
256 for x, y and xy
257 """
258 probs_x = np.sum(self.probs, axis=0) * self.dy
259 probs_x /= np.sum(probs_x)
260 probs_y = np.sum(self.probs, axis=1) * self.dx
261 probs_y /= np.sum(probs_y)
262 return DiscretePDF2Dplus1D(
263 self.x, self.y, [probs_x, probs_y, self.probs]
264 )
266 def interpolate(self, interpolant=interp2d):
267 """Interpolate the discrete pdf and return an InterpolatedPDF object
269 Parameters
270 ----------
271 interpolant: func
272 function to use to interpolate the discrete pdf
273 include_bounds: Bool, optional
274 if True, pass the upper and lower bounds to InterpolatedPDF
275 """
276 return InterpolatedPDF(
277 interpolant=interp2d(self.x, self.y, self.probs),
278 dimensionality=2
279 )
281 def sort(self, descending=True):
282 """Flatten and sort the stored probabilities
284 Parameters
285 ----------
286 descending: Bool, optional
287 if True, sort the probabilities in descending order
288 """
289 _sorted = np.sort(self.probs.flatten())
290 if descending:
291 return _sorted[::-1]
292 return _sorted
294 def cdf(self, normalize=True):
295 """Return the cumulative distribution function
297 Parameters
298 ----------
299 normalize: Bool, optional
300 if True, normalize the cumulative distribution function. Default
301 True
302 """
303 cumsum = np.cumsum(self.sort())
304 if normalize:
305 cumsum /= np.sum(self.probs)
306 return cumsum
308 def level_from_confidence(self, confidence):
309 """Return the level to use for plt.contour for a given confidence.
310 Confidence must be less than 1.
312 Parameters
313 ----------
314 confidence: float/list
315 float/list of confidences
316 """
317 confidence = np.atleast_1d(confidence)
318 if any(_c > 1 for _c in confidence):
319 raise ValueError("confidence must be less than 1")
320 _sorted = self.sort()
321 idx = interp1d(
322 self.cdf(), np.arange(len(_sorted)), bounds_error=False,
323 fill_value=len(_sorted)
324 )(confidence)
325 level = interp1d(
326 np.arange(len(_sorted)), _sorted, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.
327 )(idx)
328 try:
329 return sorted(level)
330 except TypeError:
331 return level
333 def minimum_encompassing_contour_level(self, x, y, interpolate=False):
334 """Return the minimum encompassing contour level that encompasses a
335 specific point
337 Parameters
338 ----------
339 point: tuple
340 the point you wish to find the minimum encompassing contour for
341 """
342 _sorted = self.sort()
343 if interpolate:
344 _interp = self.interpolate()
345 _idx = _interp.interpolant(x, y)
346 else:
347 _x = min(
348 range(len(self.x)), key=lambda i: abs(self.x[i] - x)
349 )
350 _y = min(
351 range(len(self.y)), key=lambda i: abs(self.y[i] - y)
352 )
353 _idx = [self.probs[_x, _y]]
354 idx = interp1d(
355 _sorted[::-1], np.arange(len(_sorted))[::-1], bounds_error=False,
356 fill_value=len(_sorted)
357 )(_idx)
358 level = interp1d(
359 np.arange(len(_sorted)), self.cdf(), bounds_error=False, fill_value=1.
360 )(idx)
361 return level
363 def write(self, *args, include_1d=False, **kwargs):
364 """Write the discrete PDF to file using the module
366 Parameters
367 ----------
368 *args: tuple
369 all args passed to function
370 include_1d: Bool, optional
371 if True, save the 1D marginalized as well as the 2D PDF to file
372 **kwargs: dict, optional
373 all kwargs passed to the function
374 """
375 from import write
376 if not include_1d:
377 if "dataset_name" not in kwargs.keys():
378 kwargs["dataset_name"] = "discrete_pdf"
379 X, Y = np.meshgrid(self.x, self.y)
380 write(
381 ["x", "y", "PDF"],
382 np.array([X.ravel(), Y.ravel(), self.probs.flatten()]).T, *args,
383 **kwargs
384 )
385 else:
386 _pdf = self.marginalize()
387 _pdf.write(*args, **kwargs)
390class DiscretePDF2Dplus1D(object):
391 """Class to handle 2D discrete probabilities alongside 1D discrete
392 probability distributions.
394 Parameters
395 ----------
396 args: list, optional
397 3d list of length 3. First element integers for the x axis, second
398 element inters for the y axis and third element, a list containing
399 the probability distribution for x, y and the 2d join probability
400 distribution xy.
402 Attributes
403 ----------
404 x: np.ndarray
405 array of integers for the x axis
406 y: np.ndarray
407 array of integers for the y axis
408 probs: np.ndarray
409 3D array of probabilities for the x axis, y axis and the xy joint
410 probability density
411 probs_x: DiscretePDF
412 the probability density function for the x axis stored as a
413 DiscretePDF object
414 probs_y: DiscretePDF
415 the probability density function for the y axis stored as a
416 DiscretePDF object
417 probs_xy: DiscretePDF2D
418 the joint probability density function for the x and y axes stored as
419 DiscretePDF2D object
421 Methods
422 -------
423 write:
424 write the discrete PDF to file using the module
425 """
426 def __init__(self, x, y, probabilities, **kwargs):
427 self.x = x
428 self.y = y
429 self.probs = [np.array(_p) for _p in probabilities]
430 if len(self.probs) != 3:
431 raise ValueError(
432 "Please provide a tuple of length 3. Probabilities for x "
433 "y and xy"
434 )
435 if not any(_p.ndim == 2 for _p in self.probs):
436 raise ValueError("Please provide the probabilities for xy")
437 if not len([_p for _p in self.probs if _p.ndim == 1]) == 2:
438 raise ValueError(
439 "2 probabilities array must be 1 dimensional and 1 2 dimensional"
440 )
441 _x = 0.
442 for num, _p in enumerate(self.probs):
443 if _p.ndim == 1 and _x == 0:
444 self.probs_x = DiscretePDF(self.x, _p)
445 self.probs[num] = self.probs_x
446 _x = 1.
447 elif _p.ndim == 1:
448 self.probs_y = DiscretePDF(self.y, _p)
449 self.probs[num] = self.probs_y
450 else:
451 self.probs_xy = DiscretePDF2D(self.x, self.y, _p)
452 self.probs[num] = self.probs_xy
454 def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
455 """Write the 1D and 2D discrete PDF to file using the
456 module
458 Parameters
459 ----------
460 *args: tuple
461 all args passed to function
462 **kwargs: dict, optional
463 all kwargs passed to the function
464 """
465 if "filename" in kwargs.keys() and not isinstance(kwargs["filename"], dict):
466 raise ValueError(
467 "Please provide filenames as a dictionary with keys '1d' and "
468 "'2d'"
469 )
470 elif "filename" in kwargs.keys():
471 if not all(k in ["1d", "2d"] for k in kwargs["filename"].keys()):
472 raise ValueError("Filename must be keyed by '1d' and/or '2d'")
473 else:
474 _format = "dat" if "file_format" not in kwargs.keys() else kwargs[
475 "file_format"
476 ]
477 _default = "pesummary_{}_pdf.%s" % (_format)
478 kwargs["filename"] = {
479 "1d": _default.format("1d"), "2d": _default.format("2d")
480 }
481 _filenames = kwargs.pop("filename")
482 self.probs_x.write(*args, filename=_filenames["1d"], **kwargs)
483 self.probs_xy.write(*args, filename=_filenames["2d"], **kwargs)