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1# Caption for 1d histogram
2caption_1d_histogram = (
3 "Plot showing the marginalized posterior distribution for {}. The vertical "
4 "dashed lines show the 90% credible interval. The title gives the median "
5 "and 90% confidence interval."
8# Caption for bootstrapped 1d histogram
9caption_1d_histogram_bootstrap = (
10 "Plot showing {} posterior realizations for {}. {} samples were randomly "
11 "drawn for each test."
14# Caption for 2d contour plot
15caption_2d_contour = (
16 "Plot showing the 2d posterior distribution for {} and {}. The contours "
17 "show the 50% and 90% credible intervals."
20# Caption for autocorrelation plot
21caption_autocorrelation = (
22 "Plot showing the autocorrelation function for {}. This plot is commonly "
23 "used to check for randomness in the data. An autocorrelation of 1/-1 "
24 "means that the samples are correlated and 0 means no correlation. The "
25 "autocorrelation function at a lag of N gives the correlation between "
26 "the 0th sample and the Nth sample."
29# Caption for sample evolution plot
30caption_sample_evolution = (
31 "Scatter plot showing the evolution of the collected samples for {}."
34# Caption for sample evolution plot colored by second variable
35caption_sample_evolution_colored = (
36 caption_sample_evolution[:-1] + " colored by {}."
39# Caption for preliminary skymap
40caption_skymap_preliminary = (
41 "Plot showing the most likely position of the source. This map has been "
42 "produced by creating a 2d histogram from the samples of 'ra' and 'dec'. "
43 "This is a valid approximation near the equator but breaks down near the "
44 "poles. The 50% and 90% credible intervals are approximate. For true "
45 "50% and 90% credible intervals a 'ligo.skymap' skymap should be "
46 "generated."
49# Caption for ligo.skymap skymap
50caption_skymap = (
51 "Plot showing the most likely position of the source that generated the "
52 "gravitational wave. We give the 50% and 90% credible intervals. The "
53 "black region corresponds to the most likely position and light orange "
54 "least likely."
57# Caption for strain plot
58caption_strain = (
59 "Plot showing the comparison between the gravitational wave strain "
60 "measured at the detectors (grey) and the maximum likelihood waveform "
61 "(orange) for all available detectors. A 30Hz high and 300Hz low pass "
62 "filter have been applied to the gravitational wave strain."
65# Caption for frequency domain waveform
66caption_frequency_waveform = (
67 "Plot showing the frequency domain waveform generated from the maximum "
68 "likelihood samples."
71# Caption for comparison time domain waveform plot
72caption_time_waveform = (
73 "Plot showing the time domain waveform generated from the maximum "
74 "likelihood samples."
77# Caption for psd plot
78caption_psd = (
79 "Plot showing the instrument noise for each detector near the time of "
80 "detection; the power spectral density is expressed in terms of "
81 "equivalent gravitational-wave strain amplitude."
84# Caption for calibration plot
85caption_calibration = (
86 "Plot showing the calibration posteriors (solid lines) and calibration "
87 "priors (solid band) for amplitude (top) and phase (bottom)."
90# Caption for default mass1 mass2 classification plot
91caption_default_classification_mass_1_mass_2 = (
92 "Scatter plot showing the individual samples with their classifications "
93 "over the mass_1 and mass_2 parameter space. The samples have not been "
94 "reweighted. Green regions correspond to BBHs, blue BNS, orange NSBH and "
95 "red MassGap."
98# Caption for population mass1 mass2 classification plot
99caption_population_classification_mass_1_mass_2 = (
100 "Scatter plot showing the individual samples with their classifications "
101 "over the mass_1 and mass_2 parameter space. The samples have been "
102 "reweighted to a population prior. Green regions correspond to BBHs, blue "
103 "BNS, orange NSBH and red MassGap."
106# Caption for default classification bar plot
107caption_default_classification_bar = (
108 "Bar plot showing the most likely classification of the binary based on "
109 "the samples."
112# Caption for population classification bar plot
113caption_population_classification_bar = (
114 "Bar plot showing the most likely classification of the binary based on "
115 "the samples which have been reweighted to a population prior."
118# Caption for 2d contour plots
119caption_2d_contour = (
120 "2d contour plot showing the bounded posterior distributions for {} and "
121 "{}. Each contour shows the 90% credible interval and the posterior "
122 "distributions are normalized."
125# Caption for violin plots
126caption_violin = (
127 "Violin plot showing the posterior distributions for {}. The horizontal "
128 "black lines show the 90% credible intervals."
131# Caption for spin disk plots
132caption_spin_disk = (
133 "Posterior probability distributions for the dimensionless component spins "
134 "relative to the normal to the orbital plane, L, marginalized over the "
135 "azimuthal angles. The bins are constructed linearly in spin magnitude and "
136 "the cosine of the tilt angles and are assigned equal prior probability."