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1# Licensed under an MIT style license -- see
3import json
4import numpy as np
5import inspect
6from pesummary.utils.dict import load_recursively, paths_to_key
8__author__ = ["Charlie Hoy <>"]
11class PESummaryJsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
12 """Personalised JSON encoder for PESummary
13 """
14 def default(self, obj):
15 """Return a json serializable object for 'obj'
17 Parameters
18 ----------
19 obj: object
20 object you wish to make json serializable
21 """
22 if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
23 return obj.tolist()
24 if inspect.isfunction(obj):
25 return str(obj)
26 if isinstance(obj, np.integer):
27 return int(obj)
28 elif isinstance(obj, np.floating):
29 return float(obj)
30 elif isinstance(obj, (bool, np.bool_)):
31 return str(obj)
32 elif isinstance(obj, bytes):
33 return str(obj)
34 elif isinstance(obj, type):
35 return str(obj)
36 return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
39def PESummaryJsonDecoder(obj):
40 if isinstance(obj, dict):
41 if "__array__" in obj.keys() and "content" in obj.keys():
42 return obj["content"]
43 elif "__complex__" in obj.keys():
44 return obj["real"] + obj["imag"] * 1j
45 return obj
48def read_json(path, path_to_samples=None, decoder=PESummaryJsonDecoder):
49 """Grab the parameters and samples in a .json file
51 Parameters
52 ----------
53 path: str
54 path to the result file you wish to read in
55 """
56 import json
58 with open(path, "r") as f:
59 data = json.load(f, object_hook=decoder)
60 if not path_to_samples:
61 try:
62 path_to_samples, = paths_to_key("posterior", data)
63 path_to_samples = path_to_samples[0]
64 path_to_samples += "/posterior"
65 except ValueError:
66 try:
67 path_to_samples, = paths_to_key("posterior_samples", data)
68 path_to_samples = path_to_samples[0]
69 path_to_samples += "/posterior_samples"
70 except ValueError:
71 raise ValueError(
72 "Unable to find a 'posterior' or 'posterior_samples' group "
73 "in the file '{}'".format(path_to_samples)
74 )
75 reduced_data, = load_recursively(path_to_samples, data)
76 if "content" in list(reduced_data.keys()):
77 reduced_data = reduced_data["content"]
78 parameters = list(reduced_data.keys())
79 reduced_data = {
80 j: list([reduced_data[j]]) if not isinstance(reduced_data[j], list) else
81 reduced_data[j] for j in parameters
82 }
83 _original_parameters = reduced_data.copy().keys()
84 _non_numeric = []
85 numeric_types = (float, int, np.number)
86 for key in _original_parameters:
87 if any(np.iscomplex(reduced_data[key])):
88 reduced_data[key + "_amp"] = np.abs(reduced_data[key])
89 reduced_data[key + "_angle"] = np.angle(reduced_data[key])
90 reduced_data[key] = np.real(reduced_data[key])
91 elif not all(isinstance(_, numeric_types) for _ in reduced_data[key]):
92 _non_numeric.append(key)
93 elif all(isinstance(_, (bool, np.bool_)) for _ in reduced_data[key]):
94 _non_numeric.append(key)
96 parameters = list(reduced_data.keys())
97 if len(_non_numeric):
98 from pesummary.utils.utils import logger
100 "Removing the parameters: '{}' from the posterior table as they "
101 "are non-numeric".format(", ".join(_non_numeric))
102 )
103 for key in _non_numeric:
104 parameters.remove(key)
105 samples = [
106 [reduced_data[j][i] for j in parameters] for i in
107 range(len(reduced_data[parameters[0]]))
108 ]
109 return parameters, samples
112def _write_json(
113 parameters, samples, outdir="./", label=None, filename=None, overwrite=False,
114 indent=4, sort_keys=True, dataset_name="posterior_samples",
115 cls=PESummaryJsonEncoder, **kwargs
117 """Write a set of samples to a json file
119 Parameters
120 ----------
121 parameters: list
122 list of parameters
123 samples: 2d list
124 list of samples. Columns correspond to a given parameter
125 outdir: str, optional
126 directory to write the dat file
127 label: str, optional
128 The label of the analysis. This is used in the filename if a filename
129 if not specified
130 filename: str, optional
131 The name of the file that you wish to write
132 overwrite: Bool, optional
133 If True, an existing file of the same name will be overwritten
134 indent: int, optional
135 The indentation to use in json.dump. Default 4
136 sort_keys: Bool, optional
137 Whether or not to sort the keys in json.dump. Default True
138 dataset_name: str, optional
139 name of the dataset to store a set of samples. Default posterior_samples
140 cls: class, optional
141 Class to use as the JsonEncoder. Default PESumamryJsonEncoder
142 """
143 from pesummary.utils.utils import check_filename
145 default_filename = "pesummary_{}.json"
146 filename = check_filename(
147 default_filename=default_filename, outdir=outdir, label=label, filename=filename,
148 overwrite=overwrite
149 )
150 _samples = np.array(samples).T
151 data = {
152 dataset_name: {
153 param: _samples[num] for num, param in enumerate(parameters)
154 }
155 }
156 with open(filename, "w") as f:
157 json.dump(data, f, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys, cls=cls)
160def write_json(
161 parameters, samples, outdir="./", label=None, filename=None, overwrite=False,
162 indent=4, sort_keys=True, cls=PESummaryJsonEncoder, **kwargs
164 """Write a set of samples to a json file
166 Parameters
167 ----------
168 parameters: list
169 list of parameters
170 samples: 2d list
171 list of samples. Columns correspond to a given parameter
172 outdir: str, optional
173 directory to write the dat file
174 label: str, optional
175 The label of the analysis. This is used in the filename if a filename
176 if not specified
177 filename: str, optional
178 The name of the file that you wish to write
179 overwrite: Bool, optional
180 If True, an existing file of the same name will be overwritten
181 indent: int, optional
182 The indentation to use in json.dump. Default 4
183 sort_keys: Bool, optional
184 Whether or not to sort the keys in json.dump. Default True
185 cls: class, optional
186 Class to use as the JsonEncoder. Default PESumamryJsonEncoder
187 """
188 from import _multi_analysis_write
190 _multi_analysis_write(
191 _write_json, parameters, samples, outdir=outdir, label=label,
192 filename=filename, overwrite=overwrite, indent=indent,
193 sort_keys=sort_keys, cls=cls, file_format="json", **kwargs
194 )