Coverage for pesummary/gw/notebook/ 8.8%
57 statements
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1# Licensed under an MIT style license -- see
3from import read
4from pesummary.core.notebook import (
5 NoteBook, imports, pesummary_read, posterior_samples,
6 samples_dict_plot
8from .notebook import psd_plot
10__author__ = ["Charlie Hoy <>"]
13def make_public_notebook(
14 pesummary_file, publication_title, dcc_link=".", event="",
15 default_analysis=None, default_parameter="mass_1",
16 corner_parameters=["mass_1", "mass_2", "luminosity_distance", "iota"],
17 filename="posterior_samples.ipynb", outdir="./", comparison_analysis=None
19 """Make a jupyter notebook showing how to use the PESummary result file
21 Parameters
22 ----------
23 """
24 nb = NoteBook()
25 f = read(pesummary_file)
26 if default_analysis is None:
27 default_analysis = f.labels[0]
28 elif default_analysis not in f.labels:
29 raise ValueError(
30 "The analysis '{}' does not exist in '{}'. The available analyses "
31 "are {}".format(
32 default_analysis, pesummary_file, ", ".join(f.labels)
33 )
34 )
35 cell = (
36 "# Sample release{}\nThis notebook serves as a basic introduction to "
37 "loading and viewing data\nreleased in associaton with the publication "
38 "titled {}{}\n\nThe released data file can be read in using the "
39 "PESummary or h5py libraries. For general instructions on how to "
40 "manipulate the data file and/or read this data file with h5py, see the "
41 "[PESummary docs](".format(
42 event, publication_title, dcc_link
43 )
44 )
45 nb.add_cell(cell, markdown=True)
46 text, cell = imports(
47 module_imports=["pesummary", ""],
48 extra_lines=["print(pesummary.__version__)"]
49 )
50 nb.add_cell(text, markdown=True)
51 nb.add_cell(cell, code=True)
52 text, cell = pesummary_read(
53 pesummary_file, read_variable="data",
54 text=(
55 "As part of this sample release, we are releasing the posterior "
56 "samples generated from {} different analyses. The samples for "
57 "each analysis is stored in the data file. This data file "
58 "can be read in using the 'pesummary' read function".format(
59 len(f.labels)
60 )
61 )
62 )
63 nb.add_cell(text, markdown=True)
64 nb.add_cell(cell, code=True)
65 text, cell = posterior_samples(
66 "data", metafile=True, default_analysis=default_analysis,
67 print_parameters=True, samples_variable="posterior_samples"
68 )
69 nb.add_cell(text, markdown=True)
70 nb.add_cell(cell, code=True)
71 cell = "## {} analysis".format(default_analysis)
72 nb.add_cell(cell, markdown=True)
73 text, cell = samples_dict_plot(
74 "posterior_samples", plot_kwargs={"type": "'hist'", "kde": True},
75 plot_args=["'{}'".format(default_parameter)], text=(
76 "'pesummary' allows for the user to easily make plots. As an "
77 "example, we show the posterior distribution for '{}' plotted "
78 "as a KDE.".format(default_parameter)
79 ), extra_lines=["fig.set_size_inches(12, 8)", ""]
80 )
81 nb.add_cell(text, markdown=True)
82 nb.add_cell(cell, code=True)
84 samples = f.samples_dict[default_analysis]
85 spin_params = ["a_1", "a_2", "cos_tilt_1", "cos_tilt_2"]
86 if all(param in samples.keys() for param in spin_params):
87 text, cell = samples_dict_plot(
88 "posterior_samples", plot_kwargs={
89 "type": "'spin_disk'", "colorbar": True, "annotate": True,
90 "show_label": True, "cmap": "'Blues'"
91 }, extra_lines=[""], text=(
92 "We may also easily generate a spin disk, showing the most "
93 "probable direction of the spin vectors"
94 )
95 )
96 nb.add_cell(text, markdown=True)
97 nb.add_cell(cell, code=True)
99 text, cell = samples_dict_plot(
100 "posterior_samples", plot_kwargs={
101 "type": "'corner'", "parameters": corner_parameters
102 }, text=(
103 "Corner plots are very useful for spotting degeneracies between "
104 "parameters. A corner plot can easily be generated using "
105 "'pesummary'"
106 ), extra_lines=[""]
107 )
108 nb.add_cell(text, markdown=True)
109 nb.add_cell(cell, code=True)
111 if len(f.labels) > 1:
112 cell = "## Comparing multiple analyses"
113 nb.add_cell(cell, markdown=True)
114 text, cell = samples_dict_plot(
115 "samples_dict", plot_args=["'{}'".format(default_parameter)],
116 plot_kwargs={"type": "'hist'", "kde": True}, text=(
117 "As the 'pesummary' file is able to store multiple analyses "
118 "in a single file, we are able to easily generate a comparison "
119 "plot showing the posterior distribution for '{}' for each "
120 "analysis".format(default_parameter)
121 ), extra_lines=["fig.set_size_inches(12, 8)", ""]
122 )
123 nb.add_cell(text, markdown=True)
124 nb.add_cell(cell, code=True)
125 text, cell = samples_dict_plot(
126 "samples_dict", plot_args=["'{}'".format(default_parameter)],
127 plot_kwargs={"type": "'violin'"}, text=(
128 "A comparison histogram is not the only way to display this "
129 "data. We may also generate a violin plot showing the "
130 "posterior distribution for each analysis"
131 ), extra_lines=[""]
132 )
133 nb.add_cell(text, markdown=True)
134 nb.add_cell(cell, code=True)
135 text, cell = samples_dict_plot(
136 "samples_dict", plot_args=["{}".format(corner_parameters[:2])],
137 plot_kwargs={"type": "'reverse_triangle'", "grid": False}, text=(
138 "'pesummary' also allows for the user to generate a "
139 "triangle plot with ease"
140 ), extra_lines=["fig[0].show()"]
141 )
142 nb.add_cell(text, markdown=True)
143 nb.add_cell(cell, code=True)
144 text, cell = samples_dict_plot(
145 "samples_dict", extra_lines=[""], plot_kwargs={
146 "type": "'corner'", "parameters": corner_parameters
147 }, text=(
148 "It is also useful to see how degeneracies between certain "
149 "parameters change for different analysis. This can be "
150 "investigated by generating a comparison corner plot"
151 )
152 )
153 nb.add_cell(text, markdown=True)
154 nb.add_cell(cell, code=True)
155 cell = "## PSD data"
156 nb.add_cell(cell, markdown=True)
157 text, cell = psd_plot(
158 "data", default_analysis, plot_kwargs={"fmin": 30},
159 extra_lines=[""], text=(
160 "The 'pesummary' file also stores the PSD that was used for "
161 "each analysis. This can be extracted and plotted"
162 )
163 )
164 nb.add_cell(text, markdown=True)
165 nb.add_cell(cell, code=True)
166 nb.write(filename=filename, outdir=outdir)