Coverage for pesummary/gw/plots/ 60.2%
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1# Licensed under an MIT style license -- see
3from pesummary.utils.utils import (
4 logger, number_of_columns_for_legend, _check_latex_install,
6from pesummary.utils.decorators import no_latex_plot
7from import default_bounds
8from pesummary.core.plots.figure import figure, subplots, ExistingFigure
9from pesummary.core.plots.plot import _default_legend_kwargs
10from pesummary import conf
12import os
14import numpy as np
15import math
16from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
17from astropy.time import Time
21from lal import MSUN_SI, PC_SI, CreateDict
23__author__ = ["Charlie Hoy <>"]
25 import lalsimulation as lalsim
27except ImportError:
31def _return_bounds(param, samples, comparison=False):
32 """Return the bounds for a given param
34 Parameters
35 ----------
36 param: str
37 name of the parameter you wish to get bounds for
38 samples: list/np.ndarray
39 array or list of array of posterior samples for param
40 comparison: Bool, optional
41 True if samples is a list of array's of posterior samples
42 """
43 xlow, xhigh = None, None
44 if param in default_bounds.keys():
45 bounds = default_bounds[param]
46 if "low" in bounds.keys():
47 xlow = bounds["low"]
48 if "high" in bounds.keys():
49 if isinstance(bounds["high"], str) and "mass_1" in bounds["high"]:
50 if comparison:
51 xhigh = np.max([np.max(i) for i in samples])
52 else:
53 xhigh = np.max(samples)
54 else:
55 xhigh = bounds["high"]
56 return xlow, xhigh
59def _add_default_bounds_to_kde_kwargs_dict(
60 kde_kwargs, param, samples, comparison=False
62 """Add default kde bounds to the a dictionary of kwargs
64 Parameters
65 ----------
66 kde_kwargs: dict
67 dictionary of kwargs to pass to the kde class
68 param: str
69 name of the parameter you wish to plot
70 samples: list
71 list of samples for param
72 """
73 from pesummary.utils.bounded_1d_kde import bounded_1d_kde
75 xlow, xhigh = _return_bounds(param, samples, comparison=comparison)
76 kde_kwargs["xlow"] = xlow
77 kde_kwargs["xhigh"] = xhigh
78 kde_kwargs["kde_kernel"] = bounded_1d_kde
79 return kde_kwargs
82def _1d_histogram_plot(
83 param, samples, *args, kde_kwargs={}, bounded=True, **kwargs
85 """Generate the 1d histogram plot for a given parameter for a given
86 approximant.
88 Parameters
89 ----------
90 *args: tuple
91 all args passed directly to pesummary.core.plots.plot._1d_histogram_plot
92 function
93 kde_kwargs: dict, optional
94 optional kwargs passed to the kde class
95 bounded: Bool, optional
96 if True, pass default 'xlow' and 'xhigh' arguments to the kde class
97 **kwargs: dict, optional
98 all additional kwargs passed to the
99 pesummary.core.plots.plot._1d_histogram_plot function
100 """
101 from pesummary.core.plots.plot import _1d_histogram_plot
103 if bounded:
104 kde_kwargs = _add_default_bounds_to_kde_kwargs_dict(
105 kde_kwargs, param, samples
106 )
107 return _1d_histogram_plot(
108 param, samples, *args, kde_kwargs=kde_kwargs, **kwargs
109 )
112def _1d_histogram_plot_mcmc(
113 param, samples, *args, kde_kwargs={}, bounded=True, **kwargs
115 """Generate the 1d histogram plot for a given parameter for set of
116 mcmc chains
118 Parameters
119 ----------
120 *args: tuple
121 all args passed directly to
122 pesummary.core.plots.plot._1d_histogram_plot_mcmc function
123 kde_kwargs: dict, optional
124 optional kwargs passed to the kde class
125 bounded: Bool, optional
126 if True, pass default 'xlow' and 'xhigh' arguments to the kde class
127 **kwargs: dict, optional
128 all additional kwargs passed to the
129 pesummary.core.plots.plot._1d_histogram_plot_mcmc function
130 """
131 from pesummary.core.plots.plot import _1d_histogram_plot_mcmc
133 if bounded:
134 kde_kwargs = _add_default_bounds_to_kde_kwargs_dict(
135 kde_kwargs, param, samples, comparison=True
136 )
137 return _1d_histogram_plot_mcmc(
138 param, samples, *args, kde_kwargs=kde_kwargs, **kwargs
139 )
142def _1d_histogram_plot_bootstrap(
143 param, samples, *args, kde_kwargs={}, bounded=True, **kwargs
145 """Generate a bootstrapped 1d histogram plot for a given parameter
147 Parameters
148 ----------
149 param: str
150 name of the parameter that you wish to plot
151 samples: np.ndarray
152 array of samples for param
153 args: tuple
154 all args passed to
155 pesummary.core.plots.plot._1d_histogram_plot_bootstrap function
156 kde_kwargs: dict, optional
157 optional kwargs passed to the kde class
158 bounded: Bool, optional
159 if True, pass default 'xlow' and 'xhigh' arguments to the kde class
160 **kwargs: dict, optional
161 all additional kwargs passed to the
162 pesummary.core.plots.plot._1d_histogram_plot_bootstrap function
163 """
164 from pesummary.core.plots.plot import _1d_histogram_plot_bootstrap
166 if bounded:
167 kde_kwargs = _add_default_bounds_to_kde_kwargs_dict(
168 kde_kwargs, param, samples
169 )
170 return _1d_histogram_plot_bootstrap(
171 param, samples, *args, kde_kwargs=kde_kwargs, **kwargs
172 )
175def _1d_comparison_histogram_plot(
176 param, samples, *args, kde_kwargs={}, bounded=True, max_vline=2,
177 legend_kwargs=_default_legend_kwargs, **kwargs
179 """Generate the a plot to compare the 1d_histogram plots for a given
180 parameter for different approximants.
182 Parameters
183 ----------
184 *args: tuple
185 all args passed directly to
186 pesummary.core.plots.plot._1d_comparisonhistogram_plot function
187 kde_kwargs: dict, optional
188 optional kwargs passed to the kde class
189 bounded: Bool, optional
190 if True, pass default 'xlow' and 'xhigh' arguments to the kde class
191 max_vline: int, optional
192 if number of peaks < max_vline draw peaks as vertical lines rather
193 than histogramming the data
194 **kwargs: dict, optional
195 all additional kwargs passed to the
196 pesummary.core.plots.plot._1d_comparison_histogram_plot function
197 """
198 from pesummary.core.plots.plot import _1d_comparison_histogram_plot
200 if bounded:
201 kde_kwargs = _add_default_bounds_to_kde_kwargs_dict(
202 kde_kwargs, param, samples, comparison=True
203 )
204 return _1d_comparison_histogram_plot(
205 param, samples, *args, kde_kwargs=kde_kwargs, max_vline=max_vline,
206 legend_kwargs=legend_kwargs, **kwargs
207 )
210def _make_corner_plot(samples, latex_labels, corner_parameters=None, **kwargs):
211 """Generate the corner plots for a given approximant
213 Parameters
214 ----------
215 opts: argparse
216 argument parser object to hold all information from the command line
217 samples: nd list
218 nd list of samples for each parameter for a given approximant
219 params: list
220 list of parameters associated with each element in samples
221 approximant: str
222 name of approximant that was used to generate the samples
223 latex_labels: dict
224 dictionary of latex labels for each parameter
225 """
226 from pesummary.core.plots.plot import _make_corner_plot
228 if corner_parameters is None:
229 corner_parameters = conf.gw_corner_parameters
231 return _make_corner_plot(
232 samples, latex_labels, corner_parameters=corner_parameters, **kwargs
233 )
236def _make_source_corner_plot(samples, latex_labels, **kwargs):
237 """Generate the corner plots for a given approximant
239 Parameters
240 ----------
241 opts: argparse
242 argument parser object to hold all information from the command line
243 samples: nd list
244 nd list of samples for each parameter for a given approximant
245 params: list
246 list of parameters associated with each element in samples
247 approximant: str
248 name of approximant that was used to generate the samples
249 latex_labels: dict
250 dictionary of latex labels for each parameter
251 """
252 from pesummary.core.plots.plot import _make_corner_plot
254 return _make_corner_plot(
255 samples, latex_labels,
256 corner_parameters=conf.gw_source_frame_corner_parameters, **kwargs
257 )[0]
260def _make_extrinsic_corner_plot(samples, latex_labels, **kwargs):
261 """Generate the corner plots for a given approximant
263 Parameters
264 ----------
265 opts: argparse
266 argument parser object to hold all information from the command line
267 samples: nd list
268 nd list of samples for each parameter for a given approximant
269 params: list
270 list of parameters associated with each element in samples
271 approximant: str
272 name of approximant that was used to generate the samples
273 latex_labels: dict
274 dictionary of latex labels for each parameter
275 """
276 from pesummary.core.plots.plot import _make_corner_plot
278 return _make_corner_plot(
279 samples, latex_labels,
280 corner_parameters=conf.gw_extrinsic_corner_parameters, **kwargs
281 )[0]
284def _make_comparison_corner_plot(
285 samples, latex_labels, corner_parameters=None, colors=conf.corner_colors,
286 **kwargs
288 """Generate a corner plot which contains multiple datasets
290 Parameters
291 ----------
292 samples: dict
293 nested dictionary containing the label as key and SamplesDict as item
294 for each dataset you wish to plot
295 latex_labels: dict
296 dictionary of latex labels for each parameter
297 corner_parameters: list, optional
298 corner parameters you wish to include in the plot
299 colors: list, optional
300 unique colors for each dataset
301 **kwargs: dict
302 all kwargs are passed to `corner.corner`
303 """
304 from pesummary.core.plots.plot import _make_comparison_corner_plot
306 if corner_parameters is None:
307 corner_parameters = conf.gw_corner_parameters
309 return _make_comparison_corner_plot(
310 samples, latex_labels, corner_parameters=corner_parameters,
311 colors=colors, **kwargs
312 )
315def __antenna_response(name, ra, dec, psi, time_gps):
316 """Calculate the antenna response function
318 Parameters
319 ----------
320 name: str
321 name of the detector you wish to calculate the antenna response
322 function for
323 ra: float
324 right ascension of the source
325 dec: float
326 declination of the source
327 psi: float
328 polarisation of the source
329 time_gps: float
330 gps time of merger
331 """
332 # Following 8 lines taken from pycbc.detector.Detector
333 from import sday
334 reference_time = 1126259462.0
335 gmst_reference = Time(
336 reference_time, format='gps', scale='utc', location=(0, 0)
337 ).sidereal_time('mean').rad
338 dphase = (time_gps - reference_time) / float( * (2.0 * np.pi)
339 gmst = (gmst_reference + dphase) % (2.0 * np.pi)
340 corrected_ra = gmst - ra
342 raise Exception("lalsimulation could not be imported. please install "
343 "lalsuite to be able to use all features")
344 detector = lalsim.DetectorPrefixToLALDetector(str(name))
346 x0 = -np.cos(psi) * np.sin(corrected_ra) - \
347 np.sin(psi) * np.cos(corrected_ra) * np.sin(dec)
348 x1 = -np.cos(psi) * np.cos(corrected_ra) + \
349 np.sin(psi) * np.sin(corrected_ra) * np.sin(dec)
350 x2 = np.sin(psi) * np.cos(dec)
351 x = np.array([x0, x1, x2])
352 dx =
354 y0 = np.sin(psi) * np.sin(corrected_ra) - \
355 np.cos(psi) * np.cos(corrected_ra) * np.sin(dec)
356 y1 = np.sin(psi) * np.cos(corrected_ra) + \
357 np.cos(psi) * np.sin(corrected_ra) * np.sin(dec)
358 y2 = np.cos(psi) * np.cos(dec)
359 y = np.array([y0, y1, y2])
360 dy =
362 if hasattr(dx, "shape"):
363 fplus = (x * dx - y * dy).sum(axis=0)
364 fcross = (x * dy + y * dx).sum(axis=0)
365 else:
366 fplus = (x * dx - y * dy).sum()
367 fcross = (x * dy + y * dx).sum()
369 return fplus, fcross
373def _waveform_plot(
374 detectors, maxL_params, color=None, label=None, fig=None, ax=None,
375 **kwargs
377 """Plot the maximum likelihood waveform for a given approximant.
379 Parameters
380 ----------
381 detectors: list
382 list of detectors that you want to generate waveforms for
383 maxL_params: dict
384 dictionary of maximum likelihood parameter values
385 kwargs: dict
386 dictionary of optional keyword arguments
387 """
388 from gwpy.plot.colors import GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS
389 from import fd_waveform
390 if math.isnan(maxL_params["mass_1"]):
391 return
392 logger.debug("Generating the maximum likelihood waveform plot")
394 raise Exception("lalsimulation could not be imported. please install "
395 "lalsuite to be able to use all features")
397 if (fig is None) and (ax is None):
398 fig, ax = figure(gca=True)
399 elif ax is None:
400 ax = fig.gca()
401 elif fig is None:
402 raise ValueError("Please provide a figure for plotting")
403 if color is None:
404 color = [GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS[i] for i in detectors]
405 elif len(color) != len(detectors):
406 raise ValueError(
407 "Please provide a list of colors for each detector"
408 )
409 if label is None:
410 label = detectors
411 elif len(label) != len(detectors):
412 raise ValueError(
413 "Please provide a list of labels for each detector"
414 )
415 minimum_frequency = kwargs.get("f_low", 5.)
416 starting_frequency = kwargs.get("f_start", 5.)
417 maximum_frequency = kwargs.get("f_max", 1000.)
418 approximant_flags = kwargs.get("approximant_flags", {})
419 for num, i in enumerate(detectors):
420 ht = fd_waveform(
421 maxL_params, maxL_params["approximant"],
422 kwargs.get("delta_f", 1. / 256), starting_frequency,
423 maximum_frequency, f_ref=kwargs.get("f_ref", starting_frequency),
424 project=i, flags=approximant_flags
425 )
426 mask = (
427 (ht.frequencies.value > starting_frequency) *
428 (ht.frequencies.value < maximum_frequency)
429 )
430 ax.plot(
431 ht.frequencies.value[mask], np.abs(ht)[mask], color=color[num],
432 linewidth=1.0, label=label[num]
433 )
434 if starting_frequency < minimum_frequency:
435 ax.axvspan(starting_frequency, minimum_frequency, alpha=0.1, color='grey')
436 ax.set_xscale("log")
437 ax.set_yscale("log")
438 ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency $[Hz]$")
439 ax.set_ylabel(r"Strain")
440 ax.grid(visible=True)
441 ax.legend(loc="best")
442 fig.tight_layout()
443 return fig
447def _waveform_comparison_plot(maxL_params_list, colors, labels,
448 **kwargs):
449 """Generate a plot which compares the maximum likelihood waveforms for
450 each approximant.
452 Parameters
453 ----------
454 maxL_params_list: list
455 list of dictionaries containing the maximum likelihood parameter
456 values for each approximant
457 colors: list
458 list of colors to be used to differentiate the different approximants
459 approximant_labels: list, optional
460 label to prepend the approximant in the legend
461 kwargs: dict
462 dictionary of optional keyword arguments
463 """
464 logger.debug("Generating the maximum likelihood waveform comparison plot "
465 "for H1")
467 raise Exception("LALSimulation could not be imported. Please install "
468 "LALSuite to be able to use all features")
470 fig, ax = figure(gca=True)
471 for num, i in enumerate(maxL_params_list):
472 _kwargs = {
473 "f_start": i.get("f_start", 20.),
474 "f_low": i.get("f_low", 20.),
475 "f_max": i.get("f_final", 1024.),
476 "f_ref": i.get("f_ref", 20.),
477 "approximant_flags": i.get("approximant_flags", {})
478 }
479 _ = _waveform_plot(
480 ["H1"], i, fig=fig, ax=ax, color=[colors[num]],
481 label=[labels[num]], **_kwargs
482 )
483 ax.set_xscale("log")
484 ax.set_yscale("log")
485 ax.grid(visible=True)
486 ax.legend(loc="best")
487 ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency $[Hz]$")
488 ax.set_ylabel(r"Strain")
489 fig.tight_layout()
490 return fig
493def _ligo_skymap_plot(ra, dec, dist=None, savedir="./", nprocess=1,
494 downsampled=False, label="pesummary", time=None,
495 distance_map=True, multi_resolution=True,
496 injection=None, **kwargs):
497 """Plot the sky location of the source for a given approximant using the
498 ligo.skymap package
500 Parameters
501 ----------
502 ra: list
503 list of samples for right ascension
504 dec: list
505 list of samples for declination
506 dist: list
507 list of samples for the luminosity distance
508 savedir: str
509 path to the directory where you would like to save the output files
510 nprocess: Bool
511 Boolean for whether to use multithreading or not
512 downsampled: Bool
513 Boolean for whether the samples have been downsampled or not
514 distance_map: Bool
515 Boolean for whether or not to produce a distance map
516 multi_resolution: Bool
517 Boolean for whether or not to generate a multiresolution HEALPix map
518 injection: list, optional
519 List containing RA and DEC of the injection. Both must be in radians
520 kwargs: dict
521 optional keyword arguments
522 """
523 from ligo.skymap.bayestar import rasterize
524 from ligo.skymap import io
525 from ligo.skymap.kde import Clustered2DSkyKDE, Clustered2Plus1DSkyKDE
527 if dist is not None and distance_map:
528 pts = np.column_stack((ra, dec, dist))
529 cls = Clustered2Plus1DSkyKDE
530 else:
531 pts = np.column_stack((ra, dec))
532 cls = Clustered2DSkyKDE
533 skypost = cls(pts, trials=5, jobs=nprocess)
534 hpmap = skypost.as_healpix()
535 if not multi_resolution:
536 hpmap = rasterize(hpmap)
537 hpmap.meta['creator'] = "pesummary"
538 hpmap.meta['origin'] = 'LIGO/Virgo'
539 hpmap.meta['gps_creation_time'] =
540 if dist is not None:
541 hpmap.meta["distmean"] = float(np.mean(dist))
542 hpmap.meta["diststd"] = float(np.std(dist))
543 if time is not None:
544 if isinstance(time, (float, int)):
545 _time = time
546 else:
547 _time = np.mean(time)
548 hpmap.meta["gps_time"] = _time
550 io.write_sky_map(
551 os.path.join(savedir, "%s_skymap.fits" % (label)), hpmap, nest=True
552 )
553 skymap, metadata = io.fits.read_sky_map(
554 os.path.join(savedir, "%s_skymap.fits" % (label)), nest=None
555 )
556 return _ligo_skymap_plot_from_array(
557 skymap, nsamples=len(ra), downsampled=downsampled, injection=injection
558 )[0]
561def _ligo_skymap_plot_from_array(
562 skymap, nsamples=None, downsampled=False, contour=[50, 90],
563 annotate=True, fig=None, ax=None, colors="k", injection=None
565 """Generate a skymap with `ligo.skymap` based on an array of probabilities
567 Parameters
568 ----------
569 skymap: np.array
570 array of probabilities
571 nsamples: int, optional
572 number of samples used
573 downsampled: Bool, optional
574 If True, add a header to the skymap saying that this plot is downsampled
575 contour: list, optional
576 list of contours to be plotted on the skymap. Default 50, 90
577 annotate: Bool, optional
578 If True, annotate the figure by adding the 90% and 50% sky areas
579 by default
580 ax: matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional
581 Existing axis to add the plot to
582 colors: str/list
583 colors to use for the contours
584 injection: list, optional
585 List containing RA and DEC of the injection. Both must be in radians
586 """
587 import healpy as hp
588 from ligo.skymap import plot
590 if fig is None and ax is None:
591 fig = figure(gca=False)
592 ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='astro hours mollweide')
593 elif ax is None:
594 ax = fig.gca()
596 ax.grid(visible=True)
597 nside = hp.npix2nside(len(skymap))
598 deg2perpix = hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True)
599 probperdeg2 = skymap / deg2perpix
601 if downsampled:
602 ax.set_title("Downsampled to %s" % (nsamples), fontdict={'fontsize': 11})
604 vmax = probperdeg2.max()
605 ax.imshow_hpx((probperdeg2, 'ICRS'), nested=True, vmin=0.,
606 vmax=vmax, cmap="cylon")
607 cls, cs = _ligo_skymap_contours(ax, skymap, contour=contour, colors=colors)
608 if annotate:
609 text = []
610 pp = np.round(contour).astype(int)
611 ii = np.round(
612 np.searchsorted(np.sort(cls), contour) * deg2perpix).astype(int)
613 for i, p in zip(ii, pp):
614 text.append(u'{:d}% area: {:d} deg²'.format(p, i, grouping=True))
615 ax.text(1, 1.05, '\n'.join(text), transform=ax.transAxes, ha='right',
616 fontsize=10)
617 plot.outline_text(ax)
618 if injection is not None and len(injection) == 2:
619 from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
620 from astropy import units as u
622 _inj = SkyCoord(*injection, unit=u.rad)
623 ax.scatter(
624 _inj.ra.value, _inj.dec.value, marker="*", color="orange",
625 edgecolors='k', linewidth=1.75, s=100, zorder=100,
626 transform=ax.get_transform('world')
627 )
629 if fig is None:
630 return fig, ax
631 return ExistingFigure(fig), ax
634def _ligo_skymap_comparion_plot_from_array(
635 skymaps, colors, labels, contour=[50, 90], show_probability_map=None,
636 injection=None
638 """Generate a skymap with `ligo.skymap` based which compares arrays of
639 probabilities
641 Parameters
642 ----------
643 skymaps: list
644 list of skymap probabilities
645 colors: list
646 list of colors to use for each skymap
647 labels: list
648 list of labels associated with each skymap
649 contour: list, optional
650 contours you wish to display on the comparison plot
651 show_probability_map: int, optional
652 the index of the skymap you wish to show the probability
653 map for. Default None
654 injection: list, optional
655 List containing RA and DEC of the injection. Both must be in radians
656 """
657 from ligo.skymap import plot
658 import matplotlib.lines as mlines
659 ncols = number_of_columns_for_legend(labels)
660 fig = figure(gca=False)
661 ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='astro hours mollweide')
662 ax.grid(visible=True)
663 lines = []
664 for num, skymap in enumerate(skymaps):
665 if isinstance(show_probability_map, int) and show_probability_map == num:
666 _, ax = _ligo_skymap_plot_from_array(
667 skymap, nsamples=None, downsampled=False, contour=contour,
668 annotate=False, ax=ax, colors=colors[num], injection=injection,
669 )
670 cls, cs = _ligo_skymap_contours(
671 ax, skymap, contour=contour, colors=colors[num],
672 )
673 lines.append(mlines.Line2D([], [], color=colors[num], label=labels[num]))
674 ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, borderaxespad=0.,
675 mode="expand", ncol=ncols, handles=lines)
676 return fig
679def _ligo_skymap_contours(ax, skymap, contour=[50, 90], colors='k'):
680 """Plot contours on a ligo.skymap skymap
682 Parameters
683 ----------
684 ax: matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional
685 Existing axis to add the plot to
686 skymap: np.array
687 array of probabilities
688 contour: list
689 list contours you wish to plot
690 colors: str/list
691 colors to use for the contours
692 """
693 from ligo.skymap import postprocess
695 cls = 100 * postprocess.find_greedy_credible_levels(skymap)
696 cs = ax.contour_hpx((cls, 'ICRS'), nested=True, colors=colors,
697 linewidths=0.5, levels=contour)
698 ax.clabel(cs, fmt=r'%g\%%', fontsize=6, inline=True)
699 return cls, cs
702def _default_skymap_plot(ra, dec, weights=None, injection=None, **kwargs):
703 """Plot the default sky location of the source for a given approximant
705 Parameters
706 ----------
707 ra: list
708 list of samples for right ascension
709 dec: list
710 list of samples for declination
711 injection: list, optional
712 list containing the injected value of ra and dec
713 kwargs: dict
714 optional keyword arguments
715 """
716 from .cmap import register_cylon, unregister_cylon
717 # register the cylon cmap
718 register_cylon()
719 ra = [-i + np.pi for i in ra]
720 logger.debug("Generating the sky map plot")
721 fig, ax = figure(gca=True)
722 ax = fig.add_subplot(
723 111, projection="mollweide",
724 facecolor=(1.0, 0.939165516411, 0.880255669068)
725 )
726 ax.cla()
727 ax.set_title("Preliminary", fontdict={'fontsize': 11})
728 ax.grid(visible=True)
729 ax.set_xticklabels([
730 r"$2^{h}$", r"$4^{h}$", r"$6^{h}$", r"$8^{h}$", r"$10^{h}$",
731 r"$12^{h}$", r"$14^{h}$", r"$16^{h}$", r"$18^{h}$", r"$20^{h}$",
732 r"$22^{h}$"])
733 levels = [0.9, 0.5]
735 if weights is None:
736 H, X, Y = np.histogram2d(ra, dec, bins=50)
737 else:
738 H, X, Y = np.histogram2d(ra, dec, bins=50, weights=weights)
739 H = gaussian_filter(H, kwargs.get("smooth", 0.9))
740 Hflat = H.flatten()
741 indicies = np.argsort(Hflat)[::-1]
742 Hflat = Hflat[indicies]
744 CF = np.cumsum(Hflat)
745 CF /= CF[-1]
747 V = np.empty(len(levels))
748 for num, i in enumerate(levels):
749 try:
750 V[num] = Hflat[CF <= i][-1]
751 except Exception:
752 V[num] = Hflat[0]
753 V.sort()
754 m = np.diff(V) == 0
755 while np.any(m):
756 V[np.where(m)[0][0]] *= 1.0 - 1e-4
757 m = np.diff(V) == 0
758 V.sort()
759 X1, Y1 = 0.5 * (X[1:] + X[:-1]), 0.5 * (Y[1:] + Y[:-1])
761 H2 = H.min() + np.zeros((H.shape[0] + 4, H.shape[1] + 4))
762 H2[2:-2, 2:-2] = H
763 H2[2:-2, 1] = H[:, 0]
764 H2[2:-2, -2] = H[:, -1]
765 H2[1, 2:-2] = H[0]
766 H2[-2, 2:-2] = H[-1]
767 H2[1, 1] = H[0, 0]
768 H2[1, -2] = H[0, -1]
769 H2[-2, 1] = H[-1, 0]
770 H2[-2, -2] = H[-1, -1]
771 X2 = np.concatenate([X1[0] + np.array([-2, -1]) * np.diff(X1[:2]), X1,
772 X1[-1] + np.array([1, 2]) * np.diff(X1[-2:]), ])
773 Y2 = np.concatenate([Y1[0] + np.array([-2, -1]) * np.diff(Y1[:2]), Y1,
774 Y1[-1] + np.array([1, 2]) * np.diff(Y1[-2:]), ])
776 ax.pcolormesh(X2, Y2, H2.T, vmin=0., vmax=H2.T.max(), cmap="cylon")
777 cs = ax.contour(X2, Y2, H2.T, V, colors="k", linewidths=0.5)
778 if injection is not None:
779 ax.scatter(
780 -injection[0] + np.pi, injection[1], marker="*",
781 color=conf.injection_color, edgecolors='k', linewidth=1.75, s=100
782 )
783 fmt = {l: s for l, s in zip(cs.levels, [r"$90\%$", r"$50\%$"])}
784 ax.clabel(cs, fmt=fmt, fontsize=8, inline=True)
785 text = []
786 for i, j in zip(cs.collections, [90, 50]):
787 area = 0.
788 for k in i.get_paths():
789 x = k.vertices[:, 0]
790 y = k.vertices[:, 1]
791 area += 0.5 * np.sum(y[:-1] * np.diff(x) - x[:-1] * np.diff(y))
792 area = int(np.abs(area) * (180 / np.pi) * (180 / np.pi))
793 text.append(u'{:d}% area: {:d} deg²'.format(
794 int(j), area, grouping=True))
795 ax.text(1, 1.05, '\n'.join(text[::-1]), transform=ax.transAxes, ha='right',
796 fontsize=10)
797 xticks = np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi + np.pi / 6, np.pi / 4)
798 ax.set_xticks(xticks)
799 ax.set_yticks([-np.pi / 3, -np.pi / 6, 0, np.pi / 6, np.pi / 3])
800 labels = [r"$%s^{h}$" % (int(np.round((i + np.pi) * 3.82, 1))) for i in xticks]
801 ax.set_xticklabels(labels[::-1], fontsize=10)
802 ax.set_yticklabels([r"$-60^{\circ}$", r"$-30^{\circ}$", r"$0^{\circ}$",
803 r"$30^{\circ}$", r"$60^{\circ}$"], fontsize=10)
804 ax.grid(visible=True)
805 # unregister the cylon cmap
806 unregister_cylon()
807 return fig
810def _sky_map_comparison_plot(ra_list, dec_list, labels, colors, **kwargs):
811 """Generate a plot that compares the sky location for multiple approximants
813 Parameters
814 ----------
815 ra_list: 2d list
816 list of samples for right ascension for each approximant
817 dec_list: 2d list
818 list of samples for declination for each approximant
819 approximants: list
820 list of approximants used to generate the samples
821 colors: list
822 list of colors to be used to differentiate the different approximants
823 approximant_labels: list, optional
824 label to prepend the approximant in the legend
825 kwargs: dict
826 optional keyword arguments
827 """
828 ra_list = [[-i + np.pi for i in j] for j in ra_list]
829 logger.debug("Generating the sky map comparison plot")
830 fig = figure(gca=False)
831 ax = fig.add_subplot(
832 111, projection="mollweide",
833 facecolor=(1.0, 0.939165516411, 0.880255669068)
834 )
835 ax.cla()
836 ax.grid(visible=True)
837 ax.set_xticklabels([
838 r"$2^{h}$", r"$4^{h}$", r"$6^{h}$", r"$8^{h}$", r"$10^{h}$",
839 r"$12^{h}$", r"$14^{h}$", r"$16^{h}$", r"$18^{h}$", r"$20^{h}$",
840 r"$22^{h}$"])
841 levels = [0.9, 0.5]
842 for num, i in enumerate(ra_list):
843 H, X, Y = np.histogram2d(i, dec_list[num], bins=50)
844 H = gaussian_filter(H, kwargs.get("smooth", 0.9))
845 Hflat = H.flatten()
846 indicies = np.argsort(Hflat)[::-1]
847 Hflat = Hflat[indicies]
849 CF = np.cumsum(Hflat)
850 CF /= CF[-1]
852 V = np.empty(len(levels))
853 for num2, j in enumerate(levels):
854 try:
855 V[num2] = Hflat[CF <= j][-1]
856 except Exception:
857 V[num2] = Hflat[0]
858 V.sort()
859 m = np.diff(V) == 0
860 while np.any(m):
861 V[np.where(m)[0][0]] *= 1.0 - 1e-4
862 m = np.diff(V) == 0
863 V.sort()
864 X1, Y1 = 0.5 * (X[1:] + X[:-1]), 0.5 * (Y[1:] + Y[:-1])
866 H2 = H.min() + np.zeros((H.shape[0] + 4, H.shape[1] + 4))
867 H2[2:-2, 2:-2] = H
868 H2[2:-2, 1] = H[:, 0]
869 H2[2:-2, -2] = H[:, -1]
870 H2[1, 2:-2] = H[0]
871 H2[-2, 2:-2] = H[-1]
872 H2[1, 1] = H[0, 0]
873 H2[1, -2] = H[0, -1]
874 H2[-2, 1] = H[-1, 0]
875 H2[-2, -2] = H[-1, -1]
876 X2 = np.concatenate([X1[0] + np.array([-2, -1]) * np.diff(X1[:2]), X1,
877 X1[-1] + np.array([1, 2]) * np.diff(X1[-2:]), ])
878 Y2 = np.concatenate([Y1[0] + np.array([-2, -1]) * np.diff(Y1[:2]), Y1,
879 Y1[-1] + np.array([1, 2]) * np.diff(Y1[-2:]), ])
880 CS = ax.contour(X2, Y2, H2.T, V, colors=colors[num], linewidths=2.0)
881 CS.collections[0].set_label(labels[num])
882 ncols = number_of_columns_for_legend(labels)
883 ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, borderaxespad=0.,
884 mode="expand", ncol=ncols)
885 xticks = np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi + np.pi / 6, np.pi / 4)
886 ax.set_xticks(xticks)
887 ax.set_yticks([-np.pi / 3, -np.pi / 6, 0, np.pi / 6, np.pi / 3])
888 labels = [r"$%s^{h}$" % (int(np.round((i + np.pi) * 3.82, 1))) for i in xticks]
889 ax.set_xticklabels(labels[::-1], fontsize=10)
890 ax.set_yticklabels([r"$-60^\degree$", r"$-30^\degree$", r"$0^\degree$",
891 r"$30^\degree$", r"$60^\degree$"], fontsize=10)
892 ax.grid(visible=True)
893 return fig
896def __get_cutoff_indices(flow, fhigh, df, N):
897 """
898 Gets the indices of a frequency series at which to stop an overlap
899 calculation.
901 Parameters
902 ----------
903 flow: float
904 The frequency (in Hz) of the lower index.
905 fhigh: float
906 The frequency (in Hz) of the upper index.
907 df: float
908 The frequency step (in Hz) of the frequency series.
909 N: int
910 The number of points in the **time** series. Can be odd
911 or even.
913 Returns
914 -------
915 kmin: int
916 kmax: int
917 """
918 if flow:
919 kmin = int(flow / df)
920 else:
921 kmin = 1
922 if fhigh:
923 kmax = int(fhigh / df)
924 else:
925 kmax = int((N + 1) / 2.)
926 return kmin, kmax
930def _sky_sensitivity(network, resolution, maxL_params, **kwargs):
931 """Generate the sky sensitivity for a given network
933 Parameters
934 ----------
935 network: list
936 list of detectors you want included in your sky sensitivity plot
937 resolution: float
938 resolution of the skymap
939 maxL_params: dict
940 dictionary of waveform parameters for the maximum likelihood waveform
941 """
942 logger.debug("Generating the sky sensitivity for %s" % (network))
944 raise Exception("LALSimulation could not be imported. Please install "
945 "LALSuite to be able to use all features")
946 delta_frequency = kwargs.get("delta_f", 1. / 256)
947 minimum_frequency = kwargs.get("f_min", 20.)
948 maximum_frequency = kwargs.get("f_max", 1000.)
949 frequency_array = np.arange(minimum_frequency, maximum_frequency,
950 delta_frequency)
952 approx = lalsim.GetApproximantFromString(maxL_params["approximant"])
953 mass_1 = maxL_params["mass_1"] * MSUN_SI
954 mass_2 = maxL_params["mass_2"] * MSUN_SI
955 luminosity_distance = maxL_params["luminosity_distance"] * PC_SI * 10**6
956 iota, S1x, S1y, S1z, S2x, S2y, S2z = \
957 lalsim.SimInspiralTransformPrecessingNewInitialConditions(
958 maxL_params["iota"], maxL_params["phi_jl"], maxL_params["tilt_1"],
959 maxL_params["tilt_2"], maxL_params["phi_12"], maxL_params["a_1"],
960 maxL_params["a_2"], mass_1, mass_2, kwargs.get("f_ref", 10.),
961 maxL_params["phase"])
962 h_plus, h_cross = lalsim.SimInspiralChooseFDWaveform(
963 mass_1, mass_2, S1x, S1y, S1z, S2x, S2y, S2z, luminosity_distance, iota,
964 maxL_params["phase"], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, delta_frequency, minimum_frequency,
965 maximum_frequency, kwargs.get("f_ref", 10.), None, approx)
966 h_plus =
967 h_cross =
968 h_plus = h_plus[:len(frequency_array)]
969 h_cross = h_cross[:len(frequency_array)]
970 psd = {}
971 psd["H1"] = psd["L1"] = np.array([
972 lalsim.SimNoisePSDaLIGOZeroDetHighPower(i) for i in frequency_array])
973 psd["V1"] = np.array([lalsim.SimNoisePSDVirgo(i) for i in frequency_array])
974 kmin, kmax = __get_cutoff_indices(minimum_frequency, maximum_frequency,
975 delta_frequency, (len(h_plus) - 1) * 2)
976 ra = np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi, resolution)
977 dec = np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi, resolution)
978 X, Y = np.meshgrid(ra, dec)
979 N = np.zeros([len(dec), len(ra)])
981 indices = np.ndindex(len(ra), len(dec))
982 for ind in indices:
983 ar = {}
984 SNR = {}
985 for i in network:
986 ard = __antenna_response(i, ra[ind[0]], dec[ind[1]],
987 maxL_params["psi"], maxL_params["geocent_time"])
988 ar[i] = [ard[0], ard[1]]
989 strain = np.array(h_plus * ar[i][0] + h_cross * ar[i][1])
990 integrand = np.conj(strain[kmin:kmax]) * strain[kmin:kmax] / psd[i][kmin:kmax]
991 integrand = integrand[:-1]
992 SNR[i] = np.sqrt(4 * delta_frequency * np.sum(integrand).real)
993 ar[i][0] *= SNR[i]
994 ar[i][1] *= SNR[i]
995 numerator = 0.0
996 denominator = 0.0
997 for i in network:
998 numerator += sum(i**2 for i in ar[i])
999 denominator += SNR[i]**2
1000 N[ind[1]][ind[0]] = (((numerator / denominator)**0.5))
1001 fig = figure(gca=False)
1002 ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="hammer")
1003 ax.cla()
1004 ax.grid(visible=True)
1005 ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, N)
1006 ax.set_xticklabels([
1007 r"$22^{h}$", r"$20^{h}$", r"$18^{h}$", r"$16^{h}$", r"$14^{h}$",
1008 r"$12^{h}$", r"$10^{h}$", r"$8^{h}$", r"$6^{h}$", r"$4^{h}$",
1009 r"$2^{h}$"])
1010 return fig
1014def _time_domain_waveform(
1015 detectors, maxL_params, color=None, label=None, fig=None, ax=None,
1016 **kwargs
1018 """
1019 Plot the maximum likelihood waveform for a given approximant
1020 in the time domain.
1022 Parameters
1023 ----------
1024 detectors: list
1025 list of detectors that you want to generate waveforms for
1026 maxL_params: dict
1027 dictionary of maximum likelihood parameter values
1028 kwargs: dict
1029 dictionary of optional keyword arguments
1030 """
1031 from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
1032 from gwpy.plot.colors import GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS
1033 from import td_waveform
1034 from pesummary.utils.samples_dict import SamplesDict
1035 if math.isnan(maxL_params["mass_1"]):
1036 return
1037 logger.debug("Generating the maximum likelihood waveform time domain plot")
1038 if not LALSIMULATION:
1039 raise Exception("lalsimulation could not be imported. please install "
1040 "lalsuite to be able to use all features")
1042 approximant = maxL_params["approximant"]
1043 minimum_frequency = kwargs.get("f_low", 5.)
1044 starting_frequency = kwargs.get("f_start", 5.)
1045 approximant_flags = kwargs.get("approximant_flags", {})
1046 _samples = SamplesDict(
1047 {
1048 key: [item] for key, item in maxL_params.items() if
1049 key != "approximant"
1050 }
1051 )
1052 _samples.generate_all_posterior_samples(disable_remnant=True)
1053 _samples = {key: item[0] for key, item in _samples.items()}
1054 chirptime = lalsim.SimIMRPhenomXASDuration(
1055 _samples["mass_1"] * MSUN_SI, _samples["mass_2"] * MSUN_SI,
1056 _samples.get("spin_1z", 0), _samples.get("spin_2z", 0),
1057 minimum_frequency
1058 )
1059 duration = np.max([2**np.ceil(np.log2(chirptime)), 1.0])
1060 if (fig is None) and (ax is None):
1061 fig, ax = figure(gca=True)
1062 elif ax is None:
1063 ax = fig.gca()
1064 elif fig is None:
1065 raise ValueError("Please provide a figure for plotting")
1066 if color is None:
1067 color = [GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS[i] for i in detectors]
1068 elif len(color) != len(detectors):
1069 raise ValueError(
1070 "Please provide a list of colors for each detector"
1071 )
1072 if label is None:
1073 label = detectors
1074 elif len(label) != len(detectors):
1075 raise ValueError(
1076 "Please provide a list of labels for each detector"
1077 )
1078 for num, i in enumerate(detectors):
1079 ht = td_waveform(
1080 maxL_params, approximant, kwargs.get("delta_t", 1. / 4096.),
1081 starting_frequency, f_ref=kwargs.get("f_ref", 10.), project=i,
1082 flags=approximant_flags
1083 )
1084 ax.plot(
1085 ht.times.value, ht, color=color[num], linewidth=1.0,
1086 label=label[num]
1087 )
1088 ax.set_xlim(
1089 [
1090 maxL_params["geocent_time"] - 0.75 * duration,
1091 maxL_params["geocent_time"] + duration / 4
1092 ]
1093 )
1094 ax.set_xlabel(r"Time $[s]$")
1095 ax.set_ylabel(r"Strain")
1096 ax.grid(visible=True)
1097 ax.legend(loc="best")
1098 fig.tight_layout()
1099 return fig
1103def _time_domain_waveform_comparison_plot(maxL_params_list, colors, labels,
1104 **kwargs):
1105 """Generate a plot which compares the maximum likelihood waveforms for
1106 each approximant.
1108 Parameters
1109 ----------
1110 maxL_params_list: list
1111 list of dictionaries containing the maximum likelihood parameter
1112 values for each approximant
1113 colors: list
1114 list of colors to be used to differentiate the different approximants
1115 approximant_labels: list, optional
1116 label to prepend the approximant in the legend
1117 kwargs: dict
1118 dictionary of optional keyword arguments
1119 """
1120 from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
1121 logger.debug("Generating the maximum likelihood time domain waveform "
1122 "comparison plot for H1")
1123 if not LALSIMULATION:
1124 raise Exception("LALSimulation could not be imported. Please install "
1125 "LALSuite to be able to use all features")
1126 fig, ax = figure(gca=True)
1127 for num, i in enumerate(maxL_params_list):
1128 _kwargs = {
1129 "f_start": i.get("f_start", 20.),
1130 "f_low": i.get("f_low", 20.),
1131 "f_max": i.get("f_final", 1024.),
1132 "f_ref": i.get("f_ref", 20.),
1133 "approximant_flags": i.get("approximant_flags", {})
1134 }
1135 _ = _time_domain_waveform(
1136 ["H1"], i, fig=fig, ax=ax, color=[colors[num]],
1137 label=[labels[num]], **_kwargs
1138 )
1139 ax.set_xlabel(r"Time $[s]$")
1140 ax.set_ylabel(r"Strain")
1141 ax.grid(visible=True)
1142 ax.legend(loc="best")
1143 fig.tight_layout()
1144 return fig
1147def _psd_plot(frequencies, strains, colors=None, labels=None, fmin=None, fmax=None):
1148 """Superimpose all PSD plots onto a single figure.
1150 Parameters
1151 ----------
1152 frequencies: nd list
1153 list of all frequencies used for each psd file
1154 strains: nd list
1155 list of all strains used for each psd file
1156 colors: optional, list
1157 list of colors to be used to differentiate the different PSDs
1158 labels: optional, list
1159 list of lavels for each PSD
1160 fmin: optional, float
1161 starting frequency of the plot
1162 fmax: optional, float
1163 maximum frequency of the plot
1164 """
1165 from gwpy.plot.colors import GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS
1166 fig, ax = figure(gca=True)
1167 if not colors and all(i in GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS.keys() for i in labels):
1168 colors = [GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS[i] for i in labels]
1169 elif not colors:
1170 colors = ['r', 'b', 'orange', 'c', 'g', 'purple']
1171 while len(colors) <= len(labels):
1172 colors += colors
1173 for num, i in enumerate(frequencies):
1174 ff = np.array(i)
1175 ss = np.array(strains[num])
1176 cond = np.ones_like(strains[num], dtype=bool)
1177 if fmin is not None:
1178 cond *= ff >= fmin
1179 if fmax is not None:
1180 cond *= ff <= fmax
1181 i = ff[cond]
1182 strains[num] = ss[cond]
1183 ax.loglog(i, strains[num], color=colors[num], label=labels[num])
1184 ax.tick_params(which="both", bottom=True, length=3, width=1)
1185 ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency $[\mathrm{Hz}]$")
1186 ax.set_ylabel(r"Power Spectral Density [$\mathrm{strain}^{2}/\mathrm{Hz}$]")
1187 ax.legend(loc="best")
1188 fig.tight_layout()
1189 return fig
1193def _calibration_envelope_plot(frequency, calibration_envelopes, ifos,
1194 colors=None, prior=[], definition="data"):
1195 """Generate a plot showing the calibration envelope
1197 Parameters
1198 ----------
1199 frequency: array
1200 frequency bandwidth that you would like to use
1201 calibration_envelopes: nd list
1202 list containing the calibration envelope data for different IFOs
1203 ifos: list
1204 list of IFOs that are associated with the calibration envelopes
1205 colors: list, optional
1206 list of colors to be used to differentiate the different calibration
1207 envelopes
1208 prior: list, optional
1209 list containing the prior calibration envelope data for different IFOs
1210 definition: str, optional
1211 definition used for the prior calibration envelope data
1212 """
1213 from gwpy.plot.colors import GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS
1215 def interpolate_calibration(data):
1216 """Interpolate the calibration data using spline
1218 Parameters
1219 ----------
1220 data: np.ndarray
1221 array containing the calibration data
1222 """
1223 interp = [
1224 np.interp(frequency, data[:, 0], data[:, j], left=k, right=k)
1225 for j, k in zip(range(1, 7), [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0])
1226 ]
1227 amp_median = (interp[0] - 1) * 100
1228 phase_median = interp[1] * 180. / np.pi
1229 amp_lower_sigma = (interp[2] - 1) * 100
1230 phase_lower_sigma = interp[3] * 180. / np.pi
1231 amp_upper_sigma = (interp[4] - 1) * 100
1232 phase_upper_sigma = interp[5] * 180. / np.pi
1233 data_dict = {
1234 "amplitude": {
1235 "median": amp_median,
1236 "lower": amp_lower_sigma,
1237 "upper": amp_upper_sigma
1238 },
1239 "phase": {
1240 "median": phase_median,
1241 "lower": phase_lower_sigma,
1242 "upper": phase_upper_sigma
1243 }
1244 }
1245 return data_dict
1247 fig, (ax1, ax2) = subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, gca=False)
1248 if not colors and all(i in GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS.keys() for i in ifos):
1249 colors = [GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS[i] for i in ifos]
1250 elif not colors:
1251 colors = ['r', 'b', 'orange', 'c', 'g', 'purple']
1252 while len(colors) <= len(ifos):
1253 colors += colors
1255 for num, i in enumerate(calibration_envelopes):
1256 calibration_envelopes[num] = np.array(calibration_envelopes[num])
1258 for num, i in enumerate(calibration_envelopes):
1259 calibration_data = interpolate_calibration(i)
1260 if prior != []:
1261 prior_data = interpolate_calibration(prior[num])
1262 ax1.plot(
1263 frequency, calibration_data["amplitude"]["upper"], color=colors[num],
1264 linestyle="-", label=ifos[num]
1265 )
1266 ax1.plot(
1267 frequency, calibration_data["amplitude"]["lower"], color=colors[num],
1268 linestyle="-"
1269 )
1270 ax1.set_ylabel(r"Amplitude deviation $[\%]$", fontsize=10)
1271 ax1.legend(loc="best")
1272 ax2.plot(
1273 frequency, calibration_data["phase"]["upper"], color=colors[num],
1274 linestyle="-", label=ifos[num]
1275 )
1276 ax2.plot(
1277 frequency, calibration_data["phase"]["lower"], color=colors[num],
1278 linestyle="-"
1279 )
1280 ax2.set_ylabel(r"Phase deviation $[\degree]$", fontsize=10)
1281 if prior != []:
1282 ax1.fill_between(
1283 frequency, prior_data["amplitude"]["upper"],
1284 prior_data["amplitude"]["lower"], color=colors[num], alpha=0.2
1285 )
1286 ax2.fill_between(
1287 frequency, prior_data["phase"]["upper"],
1288 prior_data["phase"]["lower"], color=colors[num], alpha=0.2
1289 )
1291 ax1.set_title(f"Calibration correction applied to {definition}")
1292 ax1.set_xscale('log')
1293 ax2.set_xscale('log')
1294 ax2.set_xlabel(r"Frequency $[Hz]$")
1295 fig.tight_layout()
1296 return fig
1299def _strain_plot(strain, maxL_params, **kwargs):
1300 """Generate a plot showing the strain data and the maxL waveform
1302 Parameters
1303 ----------
1304 strain: gwpy.timeseries
1305 timeseries containing the strain data
1306 maxL_samples: dict
1307 dictionary of maximum likelihood parameter values
1308 """
1309 logger.debug("Generating the strain plot")
1310 from import time_in_each_ifo
1311 from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
1313 fig, axs = subplots(nrows=len(strain.keys()), sharex=True)
1314 time = maxL_params["geocent_time"]
1315 delta_t = 1. / 4096.
1316 minimum_frequency = kwargs.get("f_min", 5.)
1317 t_start = time - 15.0
1318 t_finish = time + 0.06
1319 time_array = np.arange(t_start, t_finish, delta_t)
1321 approx = lalsim.GetApproximantFromString(maxL_params["approximant"])
1322 mass_1 = maxL_params["mass_1"] * MSUN_SI
1323 mass_2 = maxL_params["mass_2"] * MSUN_SI
1324 luminosity_distance = maxL_params["luminosity_distance"] * PC_SI * 10**6
1325 phase = maxL_params["phase"] if "phase" in maxL_params.keys() else 0.0
1326 cartesian = [
1327 "iota", "spin_1x", "spin_1y", "spin_1z", "spin_2x", "spin_2y", "spin_2z"
1328 ]
1329 if not all(param in maxL_params.keys() for param in cartesian):
1330 if "phi_jl" in maxL_params.keys():
1331 iota, S1x, S1y, S1z, S2x, S2y, S2z = \
1332 lalsim.SimInspiralTransformPrecessingNewInitialConditions(
1333 maxL_params["theta_jn"], maxL_params["phi_jl"],
1334 maxL_params["tilt_1"], maxL_params["tilt_2"],
1335 maxL_params["phi_12"], maxL_params["a_1"],
1336 maxL_params["a_2"], mass_1, mass_2, kwargs.get("f_ref", 10.),
1337 phase
1338 )
1339 else:
1340 iota, S1x, S1y, S1z, S2x, S2y, S2z = maxL_params["iota"], 0., 0., \
1341 0., 0., 0., 0.
1342 else:
1343 iota, S1x, S1y, S1z, S2x, S2y, S2z = [
1344 maxL_params[param] for param in cartesian
1345 ]
1346 h_plus, h_cross = lalsim.SimInspiralChooseTDWaveform(
1347 mass_1, mass_2, S1x, S1y, S1z, S2x, S2y, S2z, luminosity_distance, iota,
1348 phase, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, delta_t, minimum_frequency,
1349 kwargs.get("f_ref", 10.), None, approx)
1350 h_plus = TimeSeries(
1351[:], dt=h_plus.deltaT, t0=h_plus.epoch
1352 )
1353 h_cross = TimeSeries(
1354[:], dt=h_cross.deltaT, t0=h_cross.epoch
1355 )
1357 for num, key in enumerate(list(strain.keys())):
1358 ifo_time = time_in_each_ifo(key, maxL_params["ra"], maxL_params["dec"],
1359 maxL_params["geocent_time"])
1361 asd = strain[key].asd(8, 4, method="median")
1362 strain_data_frequency = strain[key].fft()
1363 asd_interp = asd.interpolate(float(np.array(strain_data_frequency.df)))
1364 asd_interp = asd_interp[:len(strain_data_frequency)]
1365 strain_data_time = (strain_data_frequency / asd_interp).ifft()
1366 strain_data_time = strain_data_time.highpass(30)
1367 strain_data_time = strain_data_time.lowpass(300)
1369 ar = __antenna_response(key, maxL_params["ra"], maxL_params["dec"],
1370 maxL_params["psi"], maxL_params["geocent_time"])
1372 h_t = ar[0] * h_plus + ar[1] * h_cross
1373 h_t_frequency = h_t.fft()
1374 asd_interp = asd.interpolate(float(np.array(h_t_frequency.df)))
1375 asd_interp = asd_interp[:len(h_t_frequency)]
1376 h_t_time = (h_t_frequency / asd_interp).ifft()
1377 h_t_time = h_t_time.highpass(30)
1378 h_t_time = h_t_time.lowpass(300)
1379 h_t_time.times = [float(np.array(i)) + ifo_time for i in h_t.times]
1381 strain_data_crop = strain_data_time.crop(ifo_time - 0.2, ifo_time + 0.06)
1382 try:
1383 h_t_time = h_t_time.crop(ifo_time - 0.2, ifo_time + 0.06)
1384 except Exception:
1385 pass
1386 max_strain = np.max(strain_data_crop).value
1388 axs[num].plot(strain_data_crop, color='grey', alpha=0.75, label="data")
1389 axs[num].plot(h_t_time, color='orange', label="template")
1390 axs[num].set_xlim([ifo_time - 0.2, ifo_time + 0.06])
1391 if not math.isnan(max_strain):
1392 axs[num].set_ylim([-max_strain * 1.5, max_strain * 1.5])
1393 axs[num].set_ylabel("Whitened %s strain" % (key), fontsize=8)
1394 axs[num].grid(False)
1395 axs[num].legend(loc="best", prop={'size': 8})
1396 axs[-1].set_xlabel("Time $[s]$", fontsize=16)
1397 fig.tight_layout()
1398 return fig
1401def _format_prob(prob):
1402 """Format the probabilities for use with _classification_plot
1403 """
1404 if prob >= 1:
1405 return '100%'
1406 elif prob <= 0:
1407 return '0%'
1408 elif prob > 0.99:
1409 return '>99%'
1410 elif prob < 0.01:
1411 return '<1%'
1412 else:
1413 return '{}%'.format(int(np.round(100 * prob)))
1417def _classification_plot(classification):
1418 """Generate a bar chart showing the source classifications probabilities
1420 Parameters
1421 ----------
1422 classification: dict
1423 dictionary of source classifications
1424 """
1425 probs, names = zip(
1426 *sorted(zip(classification.values(), classification.keys())))
1427 with[
1428 "seaborn-v0_8-white",
1429 {
1430 "font.size": 12,
1431 "ytick.labelsize": 12,
1432 },
1433 ]):
1434 fig, ax = figure(figsize=(2.5, 2), gca=True)
1435 ax.barh(names, probs)
1436 for i, prob in enumerate(probs):
1437 ax.annotate(_format_prob(prob), (0, i), (4, 0),
1438 textcoords='offset points', ha='left', va='center')
1439 ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
1440 ax.set_xticks([])
1441 ax.tick_params(left=False)
1442 for side in ['top', 'bottom', 'right']:
1443 ax.spines[side].set_visible(False)
1444 fig.tight_layout()
1445 return fig