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1# Licensed under an MIT style license -- see 


3from pesummary.core.plots.figure import figure 

4from pesummary.utils.utils import logger, _check_latex_install 

5from gwpy.plot.colors import GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS 

6import numpy as np 


8__author__ = ["Charlie Hoy <>"] 




12def spectrogram( 

13 strain, vmin=1e-23, vmax=1e-19, cmap="viridis", ylim=[40, 2000], **kwargs 


15 """Generate a spectrogram from the timeseries 


17 Parameters 

18 ---------- 

19 strain: dict 

20 dictionary of timeseries objects containing the strain data for 

21 each IFO 

22 vmin: float, optional 

23 minimum for the colormap 

24 vmax: float, optional 

25 maximum for the colormap 

26 cmap: str, optional 

27 cmap for the plot. See `matplotlib.pyplot.colormaps()` for options 

28 ylim: list, optional 

29 list to give the lower and upper bound of the plot 

30 """ 

31 figs = {} 

32 for num, key in enumerate(list(strain.keys())): 

33 logger.debug("Generating a spectrogram for {}".format(key)) 

34 figs[key], ax = figure(figsize=(12, 6), gca=True) 

35 try: 

36 try: 

37 specgram = strain[key].spectrogram( 

38 20, fftlength=8, overlap=4 

39 ) ** (1 / 2.) 

40 except Exception as e: 

41 specgram = strain[key].spectrogram(strain[key].duration / 2.) 

42 im = ax.pcolormesh( 

43 specgram, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm='log', cmap=cmap 

44 ) 

45 ax.set_ylim(ylim) 

46 ax.set_ylabel(r'Frequency [$Hz$]') 

47 ax.set_yscale('log') 

48 ax.set_xscale('minutes', epoch=strain[key].times[0]) 

49 cbar = figs[key].colorbar(im) 

50 cbar.set_label(r"ASD [strain/$\sqrt{Hz}$]") 

51 except Exception as e: 


53 "Failed to generate an spectrogram for {} because {}".format(key, e) 

54 ) 

55 return figs 



58def omegascan( 

59 strain, gps, window=4, vmin=0, vmax=25, cmap="viridis", ylim=[40, 2000], 

60 **kwargs 


62 """Generate an omegascan from the timeseries 


64 Parameters 

65 ---------- 

66 strain: dict 

67 dictionary of timeseries objects containing the strain data for 

68 each IFO 

69 gps: float 

70 gps time you wish to center your omegascan around 

71 window: float, optional 

72 window around gps time to generate omagescan for. Default 4s 

73 vmin: float, optional 

74 minimum for the colormap 

75 vmax: float, optional 

76 maximum for the colormap 

77 cmap: str, optional 

78 cmap for the plot. See `matplotlib.pyplot.colormaps()` for options 

79 ylim: list, optional 

80 list to give the lower and upper bound of the plot 

81 """ 

82 detectors = list(strain.keys()) 

83 figs = {} 

84 for num, key in enumerate(detectors): 

85 logger.debug("Generating an omegascan for {}".format(key)) 

86 try: 

87 try: 

88 cropped_data = strain[key].crop(gps - window, gps + window) 

89 qtransform = cropped_data.q_transform( 

90 gps=gps, outseg=(gps - 0.5 * window, gps + 0.5 * window), 

91 logf=True 

92 ) 

93 except Exception as e: 

94 qtransform = strain[key].q_transform(gps=gps, logf=True) 

95 figs[key], ax = figure(figsize=(12, 6), gca=True) 

96 im = ax.pcolormesh(qtransform, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) 

97 ax.set_ylim(ylim) 

98 ax.set_ylabel(r'Frequency [$Hz$]') 

99 ax.set_xscale('seconds', epoch=gps) 

100 ax.set_yscale('log') 

101 cbar = figs[key].colorbar(im) 

102 cbar.set_label("Signal-to-noise ratio") 

103 except Exception as e: 


105 "Failed to generate an omegascan for {} because {}".format(key, e) 

106 ) 

107 figs[key] = figure(figsize=(12, 6), gca=False) 

108 return figs 



111def time_domain_strain_data( 

112 strain, bandpass_frequencies=[50, 250], notches=[60., 120., 180.], 

113 window=None, merger_time=None, template=None, grid=False, 

114 xlabel="UTC", UTC_format="%B %d %Y, %H:%M:%S" 


116 """Plot the strain data in the time domain. Code based on the GW150914 

117 tutorial provided by gwpy: 



120 Parameters 

121 ---------- 

122 """ 

123 from gwpy.signal import filter_design 

124 import matplotlib.patheffects as pe 


126 detectors = list(strain.keys()) 

127 figs = {} 

128 for num, key in enumerate(detectors): 

129 if bandpass_frequencies is not None and notches is not None: 

130 bp = filter_design.bandpass(*bandpass_frequencies, strain[key].sample_rate) 

131 zpks = [ 

132 filter_design.notch(line, strain[key].sample_rate) for line in 

133 notches 

134 ] 

135 zpk = filter_design.concatenate_zpks(bp, *zpks) 

136 hfilt = strain[key].filter(zpk, filtfilt=True) 

137 _strain = hfilt.crop(*hfilt.span.contract(1)) 

138 else: 

139 _strain = strain[key] 

140 figs[key], ax = figure(figsize=(12, 6), gca=True) 

141 if merger_time is not None: 

142 x = _strain.times.value - merger_time 

143 _xlabel = "Time (seconds) from {} {}" 

144 if xlabel == "UTC": 

145 from lal import gpstime 


147 _merger_time = gpstime.gps_to_str(merger_time, form=UTC_format) 

148 xlabel = _xlabel.format(_merger_time, "UTC") 

149 else: 

150 xlabel = _xlabel.format(merger_time, "GPS") 

151 else: 

152 x = _strain.times 

153 xlabel = "GPS [$s$]" 

154 if template is not None: 

155 if not isinstance(template[key], dict): 

156 template[key] = {"template": template[key]} 

157 _x = template[key]["template"].times.value 

158 if merger_time is not None: 

159 _x -= merger_time 

160 ax.plot( 

161 _x, template[key]["template"], color='gray', linewidth=3., 

162 path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=4.5, foreground='k'), pe.Normal()], 

163 label="Template" 

164 ) 

165 _bounds = ["upper", "lower", "bound_times"] 

166 if all(bound in template[key].keys() for bound in _bounds): 

167 _x = template[key]["bound_times"] 

168 if merger_time is not None: 

169 _x -= merger_time 

170 ax.fill_between( 

171 _x, template[key]["upper"], template[key]["lower"], 

172 color='lightgray', label="Uncertainty" 

173 ) 

174 ax.plot( 

175 x, _strain, color=GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS[key], linewidth=3., 

176 label="Detector data" 

177 ) 

178 if window is not None: 

179 ax.set_xlim(*window) 

180 ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) 

181 ax.grid(visible=grid) 

182 ax.legend() 

183 return figs 



186def frequency_domain_strain_data( 

187 strain, window=True, window_kwargs={"roll_off": 0.2}, resolution=1. / 512, 

188 fmin=-np.inf, fmax=np.inf, asd={} 


190 """Plot the strain data in the frequency domain 


192 Parameters 

193 ---------- 

194 strain: dict 

195 dictionary of timeseries objects containing the strain data for 

196 each IFO 

197 window: Bool, optional 

198 if True, apply a window to the data before applying FFT to the data. 

199 Default True 

200 window_kwargs: dict, optional 

201 optional kwargs for the window function 

202 resolution: float, optional 

203 resolution to downsample the frequency domain data. Default 1./512 

204 fmin: float, optional 

205 lowest frequency to start plotting the data 

206 fmax: float, optional 

207 highest frequency to stop plotting the data 

208 asd: dict, optional 

209 dictionary containing the ASDs for each detector to plot ontop of the 

210 detector data 

211 """ 

212 detectors = list(strain.keys()) 

213 figs = {} 

214 if not isinstance(asd, dict): 

215 raise ValueError( 

216 "Please provide the asd as a dictionary keyed by the detector" 

217 ) 

218 elif not all(ifo in asd.keys() for ifo in detectors): 


220 "" 

221 ) 

222 for num, key in enumerate(detectors): 

223 logger.debug("Plotting strain data in frequency domain") 

224 if window: 

225 from import tukey 


227 if "alpha" in window_kwargs.keys(): 

228 alpha = window_kwargs["alpha"] 

229 elif "roll_off" and "duration" in window_kwargs.keys(): 

230 alpha = 2 * window_kwargs["roll_off"] / window_kwargs["duration"] 

231 elif "roll_off" in window_kwargs.keys(): 

232 alpha = 2 * window_kwargs["roll_off"] / strain[key].duration.value 

233 else: 

234 raise ValueError( 

235 "Please either provide 'alpha' (the shape parameter of the " 

236 "Tukey window) or the 'roll_off' for the Tukey window." 

237 ) 

238 _window = tukey(len(strain[key].value), alpha=alpha) 

239 else: 

240 _window = None 

241 freq = strain[key].average_fft(window=_window) 

242 freq = freq.interpolate(resolution) 

243 freq = np.absolute(freq) / freq.df.value**0.5 

244 figs[key], ax = figure(figsize=(12, 6), gca=True) 

245 inds = np.where( 

246 (freq.frequencies.value > fmin) & (freq.frequencies.value < fmax) 

247 ) 

248 ax.loglog( 

249 freq.frequencies[inds], freq[inds], label=key, 

250 color=GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS[key], alpha=0.2 

251 ) 

252 if key in asd.keys(): 

253 inds = np.where((asd[key][:, 0] > fmin) & (asd[key][:, 0] < fmax)) 

254 ax.loglog( 

255 asd[key][:, 0][inds], asd[key][:, 1][inds], 

256 label="%s ASD" % (key), color=GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS[key] 

257 ) 

258 ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency [$Hz$]") 

259 ax.set_ylabel(r"Strain [strain/$\sqrt{Hz}$]") 

260 ax.legend() 

261 figs[key].tight_layout() 

262 return figs