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1# Licensed under an MIT style license -- see
3from seaborn.categorical import _ViolinPlotter
4import matplotlib as mpl
5import colorsys
6import numpy as np
7import math
8import pandas as pd
9import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
11from seaborn import utils
12from seaborn.utils import remove_na
13from seaborn.palettes import color_palette, husl_palette, light_palette, dark_palette
14from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
16__author__ = ["Charlie Hoy <>", "Seaborn authors"]
19class ViolinPlotter(_ViolinPlotter):
20 """A class to extend the _ViolinPlotter class provided by Seaborn
21 """
22 def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, hue=None, data=None, order=None, hue_order=None,
23 bw="scott", cut=2, scale="area", scale_hue=True, gridsize=100,
24 width=.8, inner="box", split=False, dodge=True, orient=None,
25 linewidth=None, color=None, palette=None, saturation=.75,
26 ax=None, outer=None, inj=None, kde=gaussian_kde, kde_kwargs={},
27 weights=None, **kwargs):
28 self.multi_color = False
29 self.kde = kde
30 self.kde_kwargs = kde_kwargs
31 self.establish_variables(
32 x, y, hue, data, orient, order, hue_order, weights=weights
33 )
34 self.establish_colors(color, palette, saturation)
35 self.estimate_densities(bw, cut, scale, scale_hue, gridsize)
37 self.gridsize = gridsize
38 self.width = width
39 = dodge
40 self.inj = inj
42 if inner is not None:
43 if not any([inner.startswith("quart"),
44 inner.startswith("box"),
45 inner.startswith("stick"),
46 inner.startswith("point"),
47 inner.startswith("line")]):
48 err = "Inner style '{}' not recognized".format(inner)
49 raise ValueError(err)
50 self.inner = inner
52 if outer is not None:
53 if isinstance(outer, dict):
54 for i in outer.keys():
55 if not any([i.startswith("percent"),
56 i.startswith("inject")]):
57 err = "Outer style '{}' not recognized".format(outer)
58 raise ValueError(err)
59 else:
60 if not any([outer.startswith("percent"),
61 outer.startswith("injection")]):
62 err = "Outer style '{}' not recognized".format(outer)
63 raise ValueError(err)
64 self.outer = outer
66 if split and self.hue_names is not None and len(self.hue_names) != 2:
67 msg = "There must be exactly two hue levels to use `split`.'"
68 raise ValueError(msg)
69 self.split = split
71 if linewidth is None:
72 linewidth = mpl.rcParams["lines.linewidth"]
73 self.linewidth = linewidth
75 def establish_variables(self, x, y, hue, data, orient, order, hue_order,
76 weights=None, **kwargs):
77 """Convert input specification into a common representation."""
78 super(ViolinPlotter, self).establish_variables(
79 x, y, hue, data, orient, order, hue_order, **kwargs
80 )
81 if weights is None:
82 weights_data = []
83 if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
84 colname = None
85 if "weights" in data.columns:
86 colname = "weights"
87 elif "weight" in data.columns:
88 colname = "weight"
89 if colname is None:
90 colname = "weights"
91 data[colname] = np.ones(len(data))
92 for _data in self.plot_data:
93 weights_data.append(data[colname][_data.index])
94 else:
95 for _data in self.plot_data:
96 weights_data.append(np.ones_like(_data))
97 else:
98 if hasattr(weights, "shape"):
99 if len(data.shape) != len(weights.shape):
100 raise ValueError("weights shape must equal data shape")
101 if len(weights.shape) == 1:
102 if np.isscalar(weights[0]):
103 weights_data = [weights]
104 else:
105 weights_data = list(weights)
106 elif len(weights.shape) == 2:
107 nr, nc = weights.shape
108 if nr == 1 or nc == 1:
109 weights_data = [weights.ravel()]
110 else:
111 weights_data = [weights[:, i] for i in range(nc)]
112 else:
113 error = "weights can have no more than 2 dimensions"
114 raise ValueError(error)
115 elif np.isscalar(weights[0]):
116 weights_data = [weights]
117 else:
118 weights_data = weights
119 weights_data = [np.asarray(d, float) for d in weights_data]
120 self.weights_data = weights_data
122 def establish_colors(self, color, palette, saturation):
123 """Get a list of colors for the main component of the plots."""
124 if self.hue_names is None:
125 n_colors = len(self.plot_data)
127 else:
128 n_colors = len(self.hue_names)
129 if color is None and palette is None:
130 # Determine whether the current palette will have enough values
131 # If not, we'll default to the husl palette so each is distinct
132 current_palette = utils.get_color_cycle()
133 if n_colors <= len(current_palette):
134 colors = color_palette(n_colors=n_colors)
135 else:
136 colors = husl_palette(n_colors, l=.7)
137 elif palette is None:
138 if self.hue_names:
139 if self.default_palette == "light":
140 colors = light_palette(color, n_colors)
141 elif self.default_palette == "dark":
142 colors = dark_palette(color, n_colors)
143 else:
144 raise RuntimeError("No default palette specified")
145 else:
146 colors = [color] * n_colors
147 else:
148 colors = self.colors_from_palette(palette)
149 rgb_colors = color_palette(colors)
151 light_vals = [colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*c)[1] for c in rgb_colors]
152 lum = min(light_vals) * .6
153 gray = mpl.colors.rgb2hex((lum, lum, lum))
155 # Assign object attributes
156 self.colors = rgb_colors
157 self.gray = gray
159 def colors_from_palette(self, palette):
160 """grab the colors from the chosen palette"""
161 if self.hue_names is None:
162 n_colors = len(self.plot_data)
163 else:
164 n_colors = len(self.hue_names)
166 if isinstance(palette, dict):
167 keys = list(palette.keys())
168 n_colors = len(self.plot_data)
170 if "left" in keys and "right" in keys or all(
171 j in keys for j in self.hue_names):
172 self.multi_color = True
173 colors = [self._palette_or_color(palette[i], n_colors) for i in
174 keys]
175 colors = [[colors[0][i], colors[1][i]] for i in range(n_colors)]
176 colors = [y for x in colors for y in x]
178 return colors
179 else:
180 colors = self._palette_or_color(palette, n_colors)
181 return colors
183 def _palette_or_color(self, palette_entry, n_colors):
184 """Determine if the palette is a block color or a palette
185 """
186 if isinstance(palette_entry, list):
187 while len(palette_entry) < n_colors:
188 palette_entry += palette_entry
190 return palette_entry
192 elif "color:" in palette_entry:
193 color = palette_entry.split("color:")[1]
194 color = self._flatten_string(color)
196 return [color] * n_colors
198 else:
199 return color_palette(palette_entry, n_colors)
201 @staticmethod
202 def _flatten_string(string):
203 """Remove the trailing white space from a string"""
204 return string.lstrip(" ")
206 def estimate_densities(self, bw, cut, scale, scale_hue, gridsize):
207 """Find the support and density for all of the data."""
208 # Initialize data structures to keep track of plotting data
209 if self.hue_names is None:
210 support = []
211 density = []
212 counts = np.zeros(len(self.plot_data))
213 max_density = np.zeros(len(self.plot_data))
214 else:
215 support = [[] for _ in self.plot_data]
216 density = [[] for _ in self.plot_data]
217 size = len(self.group_names), len(self.hue_names)
218 counts = np.zeros(size)
219 max_density = np.zeros(size)
221 for i, group_data in enumerate(self.plot_data):
223 # Option 1: we have a single level of grouping
224 # --------------------------------------------
226 if self.plot_hues is None:
228 # Strip missing datapoints
229 kde_data = remove_na(group_data)
231 # Handle special case of no data at this level
232 if kde_data.size == 0:
233 support.append(np.array([]))
234 density.append(np.array([1.]))
235 counts[i] = 0
236 max_density[i] = 0
237 continue
239 # Handle special case of a single unique datapoint
240 elif np.unique(kde_data).size == 1:
241 support.append(np.unique(kde_data))
242 density.append(np.array([1.]))
243 counts[i] = 1
244 max_density[i] = 0
245 continue
247 # Fit the KDE and get the used bandwidth size
248 kde, bw_used = self.fit_kde(
249 kde_data, bw, weights=self.weights_data[i]
250 )
252 # Determine the support grid and get the density over it
253 support_i = self.kde_support(kde_data, bw_used, cut, gridsize)
254 density_i = kde(support_i)
255 if np.array(density_i).ndim == 2:
256 support_i, density_i = density_i
258 # Update the data structures with these results
259 support.append(support_i)
260 density.append(density_i)
261 counts[i] = kde_data.size
262 max_density[i] = density_i.max()
264 # Option 2: we have nested grouping by a hue variable
265 # ---------------------------------------------------
267 else:
268 for j, hue_level in enumerate(self.hue_names):
270 # Handle special case of no data at this category level
271 if not group_data.size:
272 support[i].append(np.array([]))
273 density[i].append(np.array([1.]))
274 counts[i, j] = 0
275 max_density[i, j] = 0
276 continue
278 # Select out the observations for this hue level
279 hue_mask = self.plot_hues[i] == hue_level
281 # Strip missing datapoints
282 kde_data = remove_na(group_data[hue_mask])
284 # Handle special case of no data at this level
285 if kde_data.size == 0:
286 support[i].append(np.array([]))
287 density[i].append(np.array([1.]))
288 counts[i, j] = 0
289 max_density[i, j] = 0
290 continue
292 # Handle special case of a single unique datapoint
293 elif np.unique(kde_data).size == 1:
294 support[i].append(np.unique(kde_data))
295 density[i].append(np.array([1.]))
296 counts[i, j] = 1
297 max_density[i, j] = 0
298 continue
300 # Fit the KDE and get the used bandwidth size
301 kde, bw_used = self.fit_kde(
302 kde_data, bw, weights=self.weights_data[i][hue_mask]
303 )
304 # Determine the support grid and get the density over it
305 support_ij = self.kde_support(kde_data, bw_used,
306 cut, gridsize)
307 density_ij = kde(support_ij)
308 if np.array(density_ij).ndim == 2:
309 support_ij, density_ij = density_ij
311 # Update the data structures with these results
312 support[i].append(support_ij)
313 density[i].append(density_ij)
314 counts[i, j] = kde_data.size
315 max_density[i, j] = density_ij.max()
317 # Scale the height of the density curve.
318 # For a violinplot the density is non-quantitative.
319 # The objective here is to scale the curves relative to 1 so that
320 # they can be multiplied by the width parameter during plotting.
322 if scale == "area":
323 self.scale_area(density, max_density, scale_hue)
325 elif scale == "width":
326 self.scale_width(density)
328 elif scale == "count":
329 self.scale_count(density, counts, scale_hue)
331 else:
332 raise ValueError("scale method '{}' not recognized".format(scale))
334 # Set object attributes that will be used while plotting
335 = support
336 self.density = density
338 def draw_violins(self, ax):
339 """Draw the violins onto `ax`."""
340 fill_func = ax.fill_betweenx if self.orient == "v" else ax.fill_between
341 checkpoint = 0
342 for i, group_data in enumerate(self.plot_data):
344 kws = dict(edgecolor=self.gray, linewidth=self.linewidth)
346 # Option 1: we have a single level of grouping
347 # --------------------------------------------
348 if self.plot_hues is None:
350 support, density =[i], self.density[i]
352 # Handle special case of no observations in this bin
353 if support.size == 0:
354 continue
356 # Handle special case of a single observation
357 elif support.size == 1:
358 val = np.asscalar(support)
359 d = np.asscalar(density)
360 self.draw_single_observation(ax, i, val, d)
361 continue
363 # Draw the violin for this group
364 grid = np.ones(self.gridsize) * i
365 fill_func(support,
366 grid - density * self.dwidth,
367 grid + density * self.dwidth,
368 facecolor=self.colors[i],
369 **kws)
371 # Draw the interior representation of the data
372 if self.inner is None:
373 continue
375 # Get a nan-free vector of datapoints
376 violin_data = remove_na(group_data)
378 # Draw box and whisker information
379 if self.inner.startswith("box"):
380 self.draw_box_lines(ax, violin_data, support, density, i)
382 # Draw quartile lines
383 elif self.inner.startswith("quart"):
384 self.draw_quartiles(ax, violin_data, support, density, i)
386 # Draw stick observations
387 elif self.inner.startswith("stick"):
388 self.draw_stick_lines(ax, violin_data, support, density, i)
390 # Draw point observations
391 elif self.inner.startswith("point"):
392 self.draw_points(ax, violin_data, i)
394 # Draw single line
395 elif self.inner.startswith("line"):
396 self.draw_single_line(ax, violin_data, i)
398 if self.outer is None:
399 continue
401 else:
402 self.draw_external_range(ax, violin_data, support, density, i)
404 if self.inj is None:
405 continue
407 else:
408 self.draw_injected_line(
409 ax, self.inj[i], violin_data, support, density, i
410 )
412 # Option 2: we have nested grouping by a hue variable
413 # ---------------------------------------------------
415 else:
416 offsets = self.hue_offsets
417 for j, hue_level in enumerate(self.hue_names):
418 support, density =[i][j], self.density[i][j]
419 kws["facecolor"] = self.colors[j]
420 if self.multi_color:
421 kws["facecolor"] = self.colors[checkpoint]
422 checkpoint += 1
424 # Add legend data, but just for one set of violins
425 if not i and not self.multi_color:
426 self.add_legend_data(ax, self.colors[j], hue_level)
428 # Handle the special case where we have no observations
429 if support.size == 0:
430 continue
432 # Handle the special case where we have one observation
433 elif support.size == 1:
434 val = np.asscalar(support)
435 d = np.asscalar(density)
436 if self.split:
437 d = d / 2
438 at_group = i + offsets[j]
439 self.draw_single_observation(ax, at_group, val, d)
440 continue
442 # Option 2a: we are drawing a single split violin
443 # -----------------------------------------------
445 if self.split:
447 grid = np.ones(self.gridsize) * i
448 if j:
449 fill_func(support,
450 grid,
451 grid + density * self.dwidth,
452 **kws)
453 else:
454 fill_func(support,
455 grid - density * self.dwidth,
456 grid,
457 **kws)
459 # Draw the interior representation of the data
460 if self.inner is None:
461 continue
463 # Get a nan-free vector of datapoints
464 hue_mask = self.plot_hues[i] == hue_level
465 violin_data = remove_na(group_data[hue_mask])
467 # Draw quartile lines
468 if self.inner.startswith("quart"):
469 self.draw_quartiles(ax, violin_data,
470 support, density, i,
471 ["left", "right"][j])
473 # Draw stick observations
474 elif self.inner.startswith("stick"):
475 self.draw_stick_lines(ax, violin_data,
476 support, density, i,
477 ["left", "right"][j])
479 if self.outer is None:
480 continue
482 else:
483 self.draw_external_range(ax, violin_data,
484 support, density, i,
485 ["left", "right"][j],
486 weights=self.weights_data[i][hue_mask])
488 if self.inj is None:
489 continue
491 else:
492 self.draw_injected_line(
493 ax, self.inj[i], violin_data, support, density, i,
494 ["left", "right"][j]
495 )
497 # The box and point interior plots are drawn for
498 # all data at the group level, so we just do that once
499 if not j:
500 continue
502 # Get the whole vector for this group level
503 violin_data = remove_na(group_data)
505 # Draw box and whisker information
506 if self.inner.startswith("box"):
507 self.draw_box_lines(ax, violin_data,
508 support, density, i)
510 # Draw point observations
511 elif self.inner.startswith("point"):
512 self.draw_points(ax, violin_data, i)
514 elif self.inner.startswith("line"):
515 self.draw_single_line(ax, violin_data, i)
517 # Option 2b: we are drawing full nested violins
518 # -----------------------------------------------
520 else:
521 grid = np.ones(self.gridsize) * (i + offsets[j])
522 fill_func(support,
523 grid - density * self.dwidth,
524 grid + density * self.dwidth,
525 **kws)
527 # Draw the interior representation
528 if self.inner is None:
529 continue
531 # Get a nan-free vector of datapoints
532 hue_mask = self.plot_hues[i] == hue_level
533 violin_data = remove_na(group_data[hue_mask])
535 # Draw box and whisker information
536 if self.inner.startswith("box"):
537 self.draw_box_lines(ax, violin_data,
538 support, density,
539 i + offsets[j])
541 # Draw quartile lines
542 elif self.inner.startswith("quart"):
543 self.draw_quartiles(ax, violin_data,
544 support, density,
545 i + offsets[j])
547 # Draw stick observations
548 elif self.inner.startswith("stick"):
549 self.draw_stick_lines(ax, violin_data,
550 support, density,
551 i + offsets[j])
553 # Draw point observations
554 elif self.inner.startswith("point"):
555 self.draw_points(ax, violin_data, i + offsets[j])
557 def fit_kde(self, x, bw, weights=None):
558 """Estimate a KDE for a vector of data with flexible bandwidth."""
559 kde = self.kde(x, bw_method=bw, weights=weights, **self.kde_kwargs)
560 # Extract the numeric bandwidth from the KDE object
561 bw_used = kde.factor
563 # At this point, bw will be a numeric scale factor.
564 # To get the actual bandwidth of the kernel, we multiple by the
565 # unbiased standard deviation of the data, which we will use
566 # elsewhere to compute the range of the support.
567 bw_used = bw_used * x.std(ddof=1)
569 return kde, bw_used
571 def annotate_axes(self, ax):
572 """Add descriptive labels to an Axes object."""
573 if self.orient == "v":
574 xlabel, ylabel = self.group_label, self.value_label
575 else:
576 xlabel, ylabel = self.value_label, self.group_label
578 if xlabel is not None:
579 ax.set_xlabel(xlabel)
580 if ylabel is not None:
581 ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)
583 if self.orient == "v":
584 ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(self.plot_data)))
585 ax.set_xticklabels(self.group_names)
586 else:
587 ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(self.plot_data)))
588 ax.set_yticklabels(self.group_names)
590 if self.orient == "v":
591 ax.xaxis.grid(False)
592 ax.set_xlim(-.5, len(self.plot_data) - .5, auto=None)
593 else:
594 ax.yaxis.grid(False)
595 ax.set_ylim(-.5, len(self.plot_data) - .5, auto=None)
597 if self.hue_names is not None:
598 if not self.multi_color:
599 leg = ax.legend(loc="best")
600 if self.hue_title is not None:
601 leg.set_title(self.hue_title)
603 # Set the title size a roundabout way to maintain
604 # compatibility with matplotlib 1.1
605 # TODO no longer needed
606 try:
607 title_size = mpl.rcParams["axes.labelsize"] * .85
608 except TypeError: # labelsize is something like "large"
609 title_size = mpl.rcParams["axes.labelsize"]
610 prop = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties(size=title_size)
611 leg._legend_title_box._text.set_font_properties(prop)
613 def draw_single_line(self, ax, data, center):
614 """Draw a single line through the middle of the violin"""
615 kws = dict(color=self.gray, edgecolor=self.gray)
616 upper = np.max(data)
617 lower = np.min(data)
619 ax.plot([center, center], [lower, upper],
620 linewidth=self.linewidth,
621 color=self.gray)
623 def _plot_single_line(self, ax, center, y, density, split=None, color=None):
624 """Plot a single line on a violin plot"""
625 width = self.dwidth * np.max(density) * 1.1
626 color = self.gray if color is None else color
628 if split == "left":
629 ax.plot([center - width, center], [y, y],
630 linewidth=self.linewidth,
631 color=color)
632 elif split == "right":
633 ax.plot([center, center + width], [y, y],
634 linewidth=self.linewidth,
635 color=color)
636 else:
637 ax.plot([center - width, center + width], [y, y],
638 linewidth=self.linewidth,
639 color=color)
641 def draw_external_range(self, ax, data, support, density,
642 center, split=None, weights=None):
643 """Draw lines extending outside of the violin showing given range"""
644 width = self.dwidth * np.max(density) * 1.1
646 if isinstance(self.outer, dict):
647 if "percentage" in list(self.outer.keys()):
648 percent = float(self.outer["percentage"])
649 if weights is None:
650 lower, upper = np.percentile(data, [100 - percent, percent])
651 else:
652 from pesummary.utils.array import Array
654 _data = Array(data, weights=weights)
655 lower, upper = _data.credible_interval(
656 [100 - percent, percent]
657 )
658 h1 = np.min(data[data >= (upper)])
659 h2 = np.max(data[data <= (lower)])
661 self._plot_single_line(ax, center, h1, density, split=split)
662 self._plot_single_line(ax, center, h2, density, split=split)
663 if any("inject" in i for i in list(self.outer.keys())):
664 key = [i for i in list(self.outer.keys()) if "inject" in i]
665 if any("injection:" in i for i in list(self.outer.keys())):
666 split = key[0].split("injection:")[1]
667 split = self._flatten_string(split)
669 injection = self.outer[key[0]]
670 if isinstance(injection, list):
671 self._plot_single_line(
672 ax, center, injection[center], density, split=split,
673 color="r"
674 )
675 else:
676 self._plot_single_line(
677 ax, center, injection, density, split=split, color="r",
678 )
679 elif isinstance(self.outer, str):
680 if "percent" in self.outer:
681 percent = self.outer.split("percent:")[1]
682 percent = float(self._flatten_string(percent))
683 percent += (100 - percent) / 2.
685 if weights is None:
686 lower, upper = np.percentile(data, [100 - percent, percent])
687 else:
688 from pesummary.utils.array import Array
690 _data = Array(data, weights=weights)
691 lower, upper = _data.credible_interval(
692 [100 - percent, percent]
693 )
694 h1 = np.min(data[data >= (upper)])
695 h2 = np.max(data[data <= (lower)])
697 self._plot_single_line(ax, center, h1, density, split=split)
698 self._plot_single_line(ax, center, h2, density, split=split)
699 if "inject" in self.outer:
700 if "injection:" in self.outer:
701 split = self.outer.split("injection:")[1]
702 split = self._flatten_string(split)
704 injection = self.outer.split("injection:")[1]
706 self._plot_single_line(
707 ax, center, injection, density, split=split, color="r"
708 )
710 def draw_injected_line(self, ax, inj, data, support, density,
711 center, split=None):
712 """Mark the injected value on the violin"""
713 width = self.dwidth * np.max(density) * 1.1
714 if math.isnan(inj):
715 return
716 self._plot_single_line(ax, center, inj, density, split=split, color='r')
718 def plot(self, ax):
719 """Make the violin plot."""
720 self.draw_violins(ax)
721 self.annotate_axes(ax)
722 if self.orient == "h":
723 ax.invert_yaxis()
726def violinplot(x=None, y=None, hue=None, data=None, order=None, hue_order=None,
727 bw="scott", cut=2, scale="area", scale_hue=True, gridsize=100,
728 width=.8, inner="box", split=False, dodge=True, orient=None,
729 linewidth=None, color=None, palette=None, saturation=.75,
730 ax=None, outer=None, inj=None, kde=gaussian_kde, kde_kwargs={},
731 weights=None, **kwargs):
733 plotter = ViolinPlotter(x, y, hue, data, order, hue_order,
734 bw, cut, scale, scale_hue, gridsize,
735 width, inner, split, dodge, orient, linewidth,
736 color, palette, saturation, outer=outer,
737 inj=inj, kde=kde, kde_kwargs=kde_kwargs, weights=weights)
739 if ax is None:
740 ax = plt.gca()
742 plotter.plot(ax)
743 return ax
746def split_dataframe(
747 left, right, labels, left_label="left", right_label="right",
748 weights_left=None, weights_right=None
750 """Generate a pandas DataFrame containing two sets of distributions -- one
751 set for the left hand side of the violins, and one set for the right hand
752 side of the violins
754 Parameters
755 ----------
756 left: np.ndarray
757 array of samples representing the left hand side of the violins
758 right: np.ndarray
759 array of samples representing the right hand side of the violins
760 labels: np.array
761 array containing the label associated with each violin
762 """
763 import pandas
765 nviolin = len(left)
766 if len(left) != len(right) != len(labels):
767 raise ValueError("Please ensure that 'left' == 'right' == 'labels'")
768 _left_label = np.array([[left_label] * len(sample) for sample in left])
769 _right_label = np.array([[right_label] * len(sample) for sample in right])
770 _labels = [
771 [label] * (len(left[num]) + len(right[num])) for num, label in
772 enumerate(labels)
773 ]
774 labels = [x for y in _labels for x in y]
775 dataframe = [
776 x for y in [[i, j] for i, j in zip(left, right)] for x in y
777 ]
778 dataframe = [x for y in dataframe for x in y]
779 sides = [
780 x for y in [[i, j] for i, j in zip(_left_label, _right_label)] for x in
781 y
782 ]
783 sides = [x for y in sides for x in y]
784 df = pandas.DataFrame(
785 data={"data": dataframe, "side": sides, "label": labels}
786 )
787 if all(kwarg is None for kwarg in [weights_left, weights_right]):
788 return df
790 left_inds = df["side"][df["side"] == left_label].index
791 right_inds = df["side"][df["side"] == right_label].index
792 if weights_left is not None and weights_right is None:
793 weights_right = [np.ones(len(right[num])) for num in range(nviolin)]
794 elif weights_left is None and weights_right is not None:
795 weights_left = [np.ones(len(left[num])) for num in range(nviolin)]
796 if any(len(kwarg) != nviolin for kwarg in [weights_left, weights_right]):
797 raise ValueError("help")
799 weights = [
800 x for y in [[i, j] for i, j in zip(weights_left, weights_right)] for x in y
801 ]
802 weights = [x for y in weights for x in y]
803 df["weights"] = weights
804 return df