
What does this task do?

This task runs Omegascans for a specified config file and uploads a link to the results in its report. We note that several standard Omegascan config files are included within the DQR source code (under ~dqr/utils/) and are automatically referenced by some derived tasks.

This task is configured to produce Matlab-based omegascans by default. However, derived ‘gwdetchar’ tasks produce omegascans with the gwdetchar-omega executable. Addtional information on the gwdetchar-omega executable, as well as how to construct a config file, can be found with the GWDetChar documentation

What are its return states?

  • human_input_needed

  • error

How was it reviewed?

This has not been reviewed!

How should results be interpreted?

You should expect to see three sets of Omegascans for each LIGO detector: standard, deep, and low latency h(t) (“llhoft”). These contain auxiliary channels and recommended Omega analysis parameters as defined in the O3 channel lists.

This task is produced as a follow-up to evaluate auxiliary channels found by one or more statistical glitch correlation tasks (i.e. iDQ) to contain glitches that are potentially correlated with h(t) near the time of the event. For all available statistical correlation tasks (iDQ, Pointy Poisson, hveto) and each auxiliary channel indicated to contain a significant glitch, evaluate the corresponding Omegascan plots for that channel. Evaluate whether noise witnessed by this channel could have contributed to excess power identified in h(t), and be sure to note any such cases in your report.

Cross-check your findings with the PEM, stationarity, and GravitySpy tasks. For any identified excess transient noise present, work with search and PE experts to evaluate the impact over the time and frequency range indicated and advise on appropriate mitigation methods (i.e. gating, linear subtraction with an auxiliary witness, glitch model subtraction, veto/retraction, etc.).

What INI options, config files are required?

  • configpath (string)

    • the path to the Omegascan config file. Several derived tasks reference standard configs and will ignore this if it is specified.

    • reference MatLab or gwdetchar Omega documentation for the config file format expected.

  • colormap (string)

    • the colorscale used within MatLab’s plotting.

  • delay (float)

    • the number of seconds to wait before querying data. This allows us to reasonably guarantee that data is discoverable through standard tools (gw_data_find).

  • ifo (string)

    • the ifo style to use for this omegascan (e.g. H1, L1, V1)

    • this option only sets the style of the html output page, and will run with a default style if not provided.

  • gwdetchar (boolean)

    • must be set to True in order to generate a gwdetchar-omega scan.

Are there any derived tasks that are based on this one?

The following reference standard Omegascan configs stored within the DQR source code and therefore will ignore configpath if it is supplied.

  • H1 llhoft omegascan

  • H1 standard omegascan

  • H1 standard longomegascan

  • H1 deep omegascan

  • L1 llhoft omegascan

  • L1 standard omegascan

  • L1 standard longomegascan

  • L1 deep omegascan

  • V1 llhoft omegascan

  • H1 llhoft gwdetchar omegascan

  • H1 standard gwdetchar omegascan

  • H1 standard gwdetchar longomegascan

  • H1 deep gwdetchar omegascan

  • L1 llhoft gwdetchar omegascan

  • L1 standard gwdetchar omegascan

  • L1 standard gwdetchar longomegascan

  • L1 deep gwdetchar omegascan

  • V1 llhoft gwdetchar omegascan

  • K1 llhoft gwdetchar omegascan

  • G1 llhoft gwdetchar omegascan