Specifying models

In the configuration file, the models to be analyzed are specified using a JSON string. This string should be formatted as a dictionary where the keys describe the model or parameters the model impacts and the values specify the models. The specific choice of the model is only relevant for creating plots with gwpopulation_pipe_plot which recognizes {mass,magnitude,orientation,redshift}. The model specification can take one of the following formats:

  • A string specifying the Python import path for the model, e.g., gwpopulation.models.spin.iid_spin.

  • A path to a JSON file containing the model specification in a format that can be read using bilby.core.utils.io.decode_bilby_json.

  • One of a small number of hardcoded models. Note that this option will be removed and are only included for backwards compatibility.

For example {"spin": "gwpopulation.models.spin.iid_spin", "redshift": "redshift_model.json"}.